Pro Boxer vs Taekwondo

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MMA Boxing
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jesus kyle, why did they let you do that to him? it's like watching a squirrel fight a doberman.


It's truly sad what has been done to TKD. It used to be a combat martial art but now it has been turned into a sport.


Reality is tkd has been even more nullified with modern rules such as seen in the olympics. Boxer can still take the hits and keep moving, once they break the distance its pretty much over for the tkd guy


I feel sad for the TKD guy, He was probably raised in a "Point fighting" System..


As a Judo player for over 50 years, I have always believed that a boxer would on average come out on top in a contest of the fighting arts. Generally they train to roll/take punches, they have a very focused target (the head) generally they are on balance when they strike. As a Judo player I focus on the whole body, legs, arms, trunk. I am off balance when I actually throw someone in contest. But if the boxer misses his first strike, and steps in I have a chance, if it goes to ground my chances go up drastically. Ironically this video has created far more conversation than it deserves. It was a mismatch. Stay safe and enjoy whatever keeps you happy.


My advice to anyone that wants to start fighting is start with boxing first, then the world is yours from there. I started with boxing and then started ju jitsu. I was lucky to have great wrestling technique already, otherwise I would have done wrestling after boxing and then ju jitsu and that is an very rounded style to have. You won't always be able to throw a kick or take someone down to submit them so you better have good hands or you'll end up like this guy. Most fighting styles, other than boxing, teach you more offense than anything but you have to learn how not to get hit in the face (head movement), which is why boxing is so important.


i started with taekwondo then moved on to bjj, muay thai and boxing. Tkd always gave me an edge over anyone who tried to square up. This particular dude was doodoo and probably never fought before.


Saw that coming a mile away. Did TKD in the 90s at a school run by a 9th dan Grand master and learned later that my school was exceptionally good on an international level, had the Hodori team visit yearly. Anyways I went on to do other arts and once I tried MMA and Boxing I learned super quick that while TKD is an outstanding "Sport" with great athletic qualities it has been watered down to the point of being best for mostly just that and off a points system with no face shots and minimal handwork focus so you rely on your feet to avoid head shots is a REALLY bad habit.. as you can see from this video, thing is TKD kicks can only come at you so rapidly even by the very best(hands will always be faster than feet), allowing breathing room between strikes to break off and reengage or reset but in a school that taught a more MMA applicable style I got hit in the face so many times because TKD tends to train that very low almost nonexistent guard and leaves you open to follow ups and hand combos. Also relying solely on your feet no matter how fast you are is not a great approach to a real fight as getting a kick caught or simply overcommitting sends your entire specialty out the window against someone who is good at counter striking especially if you arent really trained in grappling or hand work. Its why in MMA fighters dont use high kicks all the time, its a gamble and if caught you are in the worst possible situation for a tkd fighter. No the switch kick in the movies and on TV is not a reliable solution, I tried multiple times and I was one of those guys who could pull off a flying triple front kick which is not easy, in other words I was fairly flexible and very fast, they either just raised my caught leg which landed me humiliatingly on the floor or they simply kept me hopping by pulling me along forcing me to readjust my one supporting foot under me preventing me from getting a moment to throw my switch kick.
Boxing has more of its ruthless efficiency, technical analysis and brutality still intact, at least at a professional level(not so much Olympic, different environment and focus). Pitting a pro boxer against a sport art like TKD is like pitting modern fencing against HEMA in a real swordfight, one is a sport built around scoring points and the other is literally designed to end your opponent brutally.

I just imagine an elite TKD fighter against Mike Tyson and it would just look like that "heres johnny" scene in the shining.


I still believe that it's the skillfulness of a fighter rather than the fighting style.

(Keeping other variables like height weight etc in check ofcourse)


This is more a mismatch of skill and experience than the two arts. That’s a fact. Look at the boxer…bouncing and ready to go. Look at the TKD guy, flat footed and throws a slow ass kick. Not going to end well.


Well... that taekwondo guy looked like he never received a punch, maybe he is just the product of a Mac dojo. I say this because I think the style could have kept the boxing guy at bay with good kicks 🤔🤔


taekwondo guy looks incredibly unprepared, so many ways he can counter the attacks i guess he didn't even try it .


As a taekwondoin, i can see from his stance that he's a newbie, his kick is slow, and his arm position is wrong. I didnt meant to say that he's bad, it just not fair because you can see that the boxer is experienced.

Edit: just try to make a match between a newbie boxer and a experienced taekwondoin. Gonna have the same result.


I've learned it doesn't exactly matter what style you have but more on how learned you are at that craft and how much of a beast you are.


Now really, the taekwondo guy should have been expecting that and prepared accordingly..doesn´t look like he did, hahaha


Boxing/Muay Thai and BJJ/Wrestling is all you need


The problem with taekwondo is the sport, the martial art is so full with amazing skills, but taekwondo players just wanna black belt and gold in olympics


i trained my self in taekwondo when i was 15 just because they have the coolest flashiest kicks!


One guy trains to play tag and the other trains to go to war. No one should be surprised...


"Kung Fu is the Most Ancient Martial Art in the world!"
Boxing - Hold my Knockout.
