The Holy Mass, Explained by the Catechism

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In the Mass, Heaven and earth, all the angels and saints, come together in communion with Jesus Christ to participate in the worship of God. Participation in the Mass unites us to Jesus, strengthens us for the pilgrimage of this life, makes us long for eternal life, and connects us to the Church in heaven

Learn more about Holy Mass with these videos from Real+True:



We believe the Catechism is not a textbook, a collection of ideas, or a set of rules. We believe it is the faithful echo of a God who desires to reveal himself to us. The mission of Real+True is to retransform the catechism into a living voice for the modern world. We’re creating videos, stories, animations, podcasts, to unpack and unlock the catechism of the catholic church for the modern world. All these videos are free, and translated into multiple languages for the world.

Real+True is a project of OSV under the patronage of the Holy See and supported by people who join our mission.
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quote---In the Mass, Heaven and earth, all the angels and saints, come together in communion with Jesus Christ to participate in the worship of God...unquote
And NOT ONE quote from the Bible! Thus all that is a huge worthless opinion!!!
Let's compare the Catholics teaching of what a saint is, to what the HOLY BIBLE says!!!!
The word “saint” comes from the Greek word hagios, which means “consecrated to God, holy, sacred, pious." It is almost always used in the plural, “saints.” "…Lord, I have heard from many about this man, how much harm he did to Your saints at Jerusalem" (Acts 9:13). "Now as Peter was traveling through all those regions, he came down also to the saints who lived at Lydda" (Acts 9:32). "And this is just what I did in Jerusalem; not only did I lock up many of the saints in prisons …“ (Acts 26:10). There is only one instance of the singular use, and that is "Greet every saint in Christ Jesus…" (Philippians 4:21). In Scripture there are 67 uses of the plural “saints” compared to only one use of the singular word “saint.” Even in that one instance, a plurality of saints is in view: “…every saint…” (Philippians 4:21).
The idea of the word “saints” is a group of people set apart for the Lord and His kingdom. There are three references referring to godly character of saints: "that you receive her in the Lord in a manner worthy of the saints …" (Romans 16:2). "For the equipping of the saints for the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ" (Ephesians 4:12). "But immorality or any impurity or greed must not even be named among you, as is proper among saints" (Ephesians 5:3).

Therefore, scripturally speaking, the “saints” are the body of Christ, Christians, the church. All Christians are considered saints. All Christians are saints—and at the same time are called to be saints. First Corinthians 1:2 states it clearly: “To the church of God in Corinth, to those sanctified in Christ Jesus and called to be holy…” The words “sanctified” and “holy” come from the same Greek root as the word that is commonly translated “saints.” Christians are saints by virtue of their connection with Jesus Christ. Christians are called to be saints, to increasingly allow their daily life to more closely match their position in Christ. This is the biblical description and calling of the saints.
How does the Roman Catholic understanding of “saints” compare with the biblical teaching? Not very well. In Roman Catholic theology, the saints are in heaven. In the Bible, the saints are on earth. In Roman Catholic teaching, a person does not become a saint unless he/she is “beatified” or “canonized” by the Pope or prominent bishop. In the Bible, everyone who has received Jesus Christ by faith is a saint. In Roman Catholic practice, the saints are revered, prayed to, and in some instances, worshiped. In the Bible, saints are called to revere, worship, and pray to God alone.The doctrine of Transubstantiation teaches idolatrous behavior. The Roman Catholic Church (RCC) teaches that the substances of bread and wine cease to exist and only the 'accidents' remain. Those 'accidents' are what can be detected via the 5 senses: the taste, the smell, the visible appearance (optical image), the texture, the alcoholic effect, the gluten effect on gluten-intolerant, the chemical properties, the molecular structure... all of these are 'accidents' and do not speak to the substance, which is now the whole Christ including His physical flesh, His physical blood, His soul, and His divinity.

Remember what Jesus said.

John 14:6
Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. ... No one comes to the Father except through me.
Since JESUS is THE TRUTH, and what the Catholoic church teaches contradicts it, which one is the truth???
Jesus, or man???:
And If Jesus lied, that makes ALL the 4 gospels lies..THROW IT OUT!!! And since you all insist Jesus is God, that now means you MUST THROW OUT all the bible, because The Bible was INSPIRED by GOD!!!!

>>>Quote--We believe the Catechism is not a textbook, a collection of ideas, or a set of rules. We believe it is the faithful echo of a God who desires to reveal himself to us. The mission of Real+True is to retransform the catechism into a living voice for the modern world. We’re creating videos, stories, animations, podcasts, to unpack and unlock the catechism of the catholic church for the modern world.. unquoet
IT IS OBVIOUS NOT ONE catechism is Biblical!!! NOT ONE has even ONE bible quote (book, chapter and verse) to prove it!!!
Mary's title of mediatrix arises from her cooperation in the Incarnation and in the Redemption of mankind. Through her “yes” (Lk 1:38), she became the Theotokos (God-bearer), and, as the “New Eve, ” she is “the Mother of all living.”
Do Catholics believe Mary is a Mediatrix?
The whole Church honors Mary as a pre-eminent and wholly unique member of the Church, and as a model in faith, hope and charity. Given this basis, Vatican II here again repeated the titles of Mary as Advocate, Helper, Benefactress and Mediatrix" (No. 62).

Who is, per the bible, our Advocate, helper, and mediator?
When John calls Jesus “our Advocate, ” he means that our Savior stands before the Father to plead our case. Yet Jesus' work as our Advocate goes far above and beyond the work of an earthly defense attorney, for His case for us is grounded in the work He has done to secure God's favorable verdict (Rom. 8:1–4).
Who is our helper according to the Bible?
The Lord Is Our Helper. I will life up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth. The word for help in Hebrew is found in Genesis 2:18 and 20 as a description for the first woman, who was created to be the helper of the first man.

Only Jesus and the Holy Spirit are qualified to be our intercessors. (Romans 8:26, 34). There is only one priest among men who can can go to God in his own right and intercede for us, who himself does not need an intercessor.
Who is the father of Mariology?
Jesuit Francisco Suárez
The Jesuit Francisco Suárez (1548-1617) was the first theologian who used the Thomist method on Mariology and is considered the father of systematic Mariology.
-Invented LONG after Mary!!!!
When did Holy Rosary start?
Rosary - Wikipedia
According to pious tradition, the concept of the Rosary was given to Dominic of Osma in an apparition of the Blessed Virgin Mary during the year 1214 in the church of Prouille, though in fact it was known from the ninth century in various forms.
LONG AFTER Mary NEVER used beads to pray. Jesus NEVER taught anyone to use beads!!!!

What is Mariology?
Jun 26, 2024 — It was not until 1950 that Pope Pius XII defined the doctrine of “Mary's bodily assumption into heaven.”
When was the Theotokos created?
Theotokos - Wikipedia
The use of Theotokos was formally affirmed at the Third Ecumenical Council held at Ephesus in 431.
was the Assumption of Mary invented?
Assumption of Mary - Wikipedia
Teaching of the Assumption of Mary became widespread across the Christian world, having been celebrated as early as the 5th century and having been established in the East by Emperor Maurice around AD 600.
>>>>Is the Assumption of Mary biblical?
A: Like the dogma of Mary's Immaculate Conception, the dogma of the Assumption is not explicitly stated in the Bible. The teaching that 'at the end of her earthly course, Mary was assumed into heavenly glory, body and soul' was dogmatically defined by Pius XII in 1950 in Munificentissimus Deus.

Where was Mary buried?
CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Tomb of the Blessed Virgin Mary
The tomb of the Blessed Virgin is venerated in the Valley of Cedron, near Jerusalem. Modern writers hold, however, that Mary died and was buried at Ephesus. BURIED!!!!
(Since she is BURIED, how could she have been "assummed into heaven, body and soul"???
catechism #974 The Most Blessed Virgin Mary, when the course of her earthly life was completed, was taken up body and soul into the glory of heaven, where she already shares in the glory of her Son's Resurrection, anticipating the resurrection of all members of his Body.

How old was the Theotokos?
sixty years of age
It is not exactly known how old the Theotokos was at the time of her Falling Asleep (DEATH) but the overwhelming opinion is that she was over sixty years of age.
>>>Who witnessed the Assumption of Mary?
The Mystics and Mary's Assumption and Coronation
Meanwhile, on the morning of Mary's Assumption into Heaven, St. Peter and St. John had been watching and praying at her tomb with some of the faithful.
FACT: NOT ONE mention of that ever in the Bible!!!
(Peter: Born c. AD 1 Bethsaida, Gaulanitis, Syria, Roman Empire
Died between AD 64 and 68 (aged 62–67) Rome, Roman Empire)
Which then means Mary died BEFORE 68AD!! ????
FACT: King Herod died 4 BC!!! Jesus was born before then!! Since Mary was at least age 14. That places her birth about 20BC!!! If John and Peter witnessed her Assumption into heaven, that would place Mary's age about age 88.
(According to ancient Jewish custom, Mary technically could have been betrothed at about 12, but some scholars hold the view that in Judea it typically happened later. Hyppolitus of Thebes says that Mary lived for 11 years after the death of her son Jesus, dying in 41 AD.)---That place Jesus death at 30AD!! NOT 33AD!!!
Either the Catholic church is wrong, or Hyppolitus of Thebes is!!!


I am thinking of becoming Catholic; and this has been a lifelong journey because I was raised in the evangelical church. I just want to say that with all the reading I've been doing, including Catholicism for Dummies, this is the simplest, most beauiful explanation of what the Eucharist means to me. In later years I was confirmed Anglican, but even that didn't seem complete to me. This is just an absolutely wonderful video - and i will now always see those wonderful angels and all the saints, including my own dear mother and father, behind the alter with Jesus! 1:53 Pls. pray that God will guide me in my journey.


This format reminds me of BibleProject. Really cool.


What does "Mass" Mean?
The term "Mass" is derived from the concluding words of the Roman Rite Mass in Latin: Ite, missa est ('Go, it is the dismissal', officially translated as 'Go forth, the Mass is ended'). The Late Latin word missa substantively corresponds to the classical Latin word missio. In antiquity, missa simply meant "dismissal".
Yet catholics stand around lisitening to whomever. definitely NOT going anywhere!!!
So, when you go to "Mass" are you going, or being dismissed???


❤epic!! I totally love ALL your videos!!!


Just a couple of quick questions in order to better understand for myself. First question: Video time 1:39 - The question that is asked of the church "that our sacrifice may be acceptable" is confusing to me because as I understand it only the sacrifice of Jesus dying on the cross is the only acceptable sacrifice that God the Father would accept. And the second question would be with the transubstantiation during Eucharist...if Christ commands us to take BOTH the body and blood during the Eucharist why is it that churches no longer give the laity the wine/juice (blood) of Christ but only the body? Wouldn't this be a violation of what Christ has commanded? Thank you and God bless.


Excuse a God? God is not a God but he is the ONLY God YAHWEH.


Very Important video. Thank you
Bro i also want to know the meaning of all PRAYERS which are said in HOLY MASS and from where they are taken.


I thought John the apostle was not the same person who wrote revelations? Isn’t that mostly agreed upon? It was John of Patmos who was not the same


When you say the priest stands in place of Jesus you are speaking heresy.