Balls You Can PLAY With! Monkey's Fist Begleri DEFINITIVE EDITION

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Correction Note: 0.5" ball bearing is 1.27 cm


As a testicular cancer survivor - PLAY with your balls, gentlemen! Check your boys! If you see anything out of the ordinary, any changes, go to the doctor right away! Early detection saves lives! Thank you for reading this.


saw this video today. never seen a begleri before. I went to my electronics lab, took 2 cube heat-sinks(bit bigger than the small balls) got home, had an extra pair of shoe lazes and i made my self a begleri.. i am really amazed how good it feels... thanks for the video.. much appreciated


Nicely done. The "ball" humor adds a little spice to the soup. Bravo.


You're so good at handling balls. You're better than my sister.


I make these with a longer cord between them for curtain tie-backs. Once you twist them together and they are resting on the curtain, they'll stay put until you untwist then. If you leave the ends out, you can even make tassels and attach them to the cord.


Dude I’ve been watching this channel for years! This guy is my go to for any and all my paracord projects


Your older video got me into begleri, still got the first one i made from your video. You've gotten alot better at slinging since then. Thanks for the great content!


"he's playing with his balls again 😫"


That’s so cool! I want to make a set of these. Great content as always, much love from Texas!


Omg!! I bet those balls are good for stress relief!!.I need to make these!


I took the idea of the begleri and made my own version.
I took two Nite Ize s-Biners, tied them together and spin them around my fingers. 👍🤠


Something I started doing with my hex/hardware begleri is to tie a ranger bead with 225 cord on each side to hold the nuts down. It holds them surprisingly well,


I'm happy to say I came up with this idea and made it a while before this video came out. Not saying I'm better or anything it's just nice when you come up with something unique and then someone else comes up with it and thinks it's cool.


I made a set for my neurosurgeon… he plays with them all of the time… I got tickled one day when I went In For my check up and when I asked Andrew (the PA) where doc was, he said "he's still playing with your balls while on a call." Needless to say I nearly choked… lol… one, I don’t have balls and 2. Even if I did, my doc sure as heck wouldn’t be playing with them… 🤣🤣🤣

I made a pair for myself with the left over blue 550 cord… the "blue balls" jokes ensued… lol


Excellent. When my friends call to ask what I’m doing I can say “playing with my balls” 👍🏻


I have only ever tied the monkey fist without filling the center but I find when transitioning from wrapping along one axis to the next (you called it something like 90 degree turn) I make a diagonal across on the first quarter of the first wrap. the subsequent wraps in the same direction hide the crossing section and the wrapping order is reversed (i.e. from pointer finger to middle finger the first time, if starting as you did). This version changes 2 things: the axis-change is closer to invisible on the final monkey fist and the ends exit the fist at the same "corner of the cube", which for other applications could be more in line with personal preferences.
I guess I will have to try it to see if the ball bearing will make the hidden crossing section of cord show as a bump on the three wraps above it or not.


I do this with the ones I was already born with. It takes some practice. Better if you start at an early age. I hope it becomes an Olympic sport someday.


damn, i NEED to craft this.
i recently found out that i have adhd and when i‘m doing something not physically active i start to bite my nails out of boredom. it started when i was eleven years old and as a 32 year old adult it just doesn‘t look good and on top women really don‘t dig it.

i was always looking for a fidget toy that has a high skill ceiling but which i don‘t have to pay too much visual attention to. i imagine that just by feeling how this moves you can get better at doing certain tricks.
i always thought about starting to play guitar on the side but to start out on that i have to look up and memorize the chords first to blindly practice them. so having to do the research always kept me from starting with it.

so i hope crafting this is going to be engaging enough for me. having a toy like that and learning to build a monkey fist on the side would be very helpful for me.

so, thank you for the tutorial! i‘ll definitly try to build one <3


I have 4 pairs, 1 with ball bearings and a longer string length. Then I have 2 pairs that have 9mm bullets as the cores. 1 longer length, 1 shorter length. And the 4th pair have .45 call bullets as the cores, at a medium length. P.S.- It's just the projectile (bullet). Not the whole round, there is no casing(brass). They were rounds I fired off and retrieved them afterwards. Weighed them, and they still weighed the same. 124 grain for the 9mm, and 230 grain for the .45 ACP. Lol both FMJ RN. Next time gonna use unfired JHP. Lol
