12 Reasons I Moved to the Country, My Country Living Experience

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There were several reasons I moved to the country, freedom, growing food and many more. It has been a life changing experience. Do you have reasons you have moved to the country or reasons you are looking to move to the country?

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The first reason to move is that you can wear plaid wood cutter thermal jackets and not be thought of as different. Secondly it doesn't matter what kind of shoes you wear as long as they are boots. Third you can drive anything and no one cares. And fourth, you can howl at the moon and be in good company.


I love living in the country! No traffic sounds, no loud thumping stereos, maybe a dog barking or a cow mooing, birds singing. I like to play the piano and the birds come to the trees next to my piano and sing while I’m playing the piano. It’s so beautiful 😍


I live on 15 acres in Sw Washington state. What I love about the country is for character development and to raise my kids away from the wicked cities.


I live on the other side of the world in Bulgaria, but we face the exact same problems with city living. I bought an abandoned school building with half an acre land in a small mountainious village with 100 population. I am fixing it bit by bit and these videos really keep me inspired. Im subscribing to your channel :)


My husband and I moved from a huge city to a very small town in the country. We love being surrounded by nature, the fresh air, animals, and freedom to move and think in peace. We moved or all of the reasons you mentioned. Our relationship w/ the Lord has strengthened and grown exponentially here, surrounded by His creation. If anyone feels the least bit called to move to the country, do all you can to get there. It is life changing for the better in every way. We love your channel!


more reasons:
— space to do projects. Space for a workshop, space outside in your yard and outbuildings for big projects
— less air pollution
— shorter drives to restaurants or stores. I remember it being normal to drive an hour one way to go out to eat in the San Francisco area.
— easy parking everywhere
— it makes you learn interesting new skills, like operating a chainsaw, a tractor or a welder


The best thing my parents did while growing up was to move us to the country. It was the most beneficial and impactful aspect of my life and it changed me forever. Some advice to those moving to the countryside. Please be open minded and willing to learn new and different things. Do your best to blend in, don't be an outcast. Be NICE to people and lend a helping hand to others. Don't be afraid to ask questions. Most all, never forget why you left the city.


We made the move in 2020. Love, love, love it! Homesteading is a lot of very rewarding work. The very best kind. 😊


You are correct on many of these issues I bought a rural property and Ive never been happier.


Father of the universe please allow our family to move to the country for all the right reasons with no regrets safely.


I currently live in the city. What I miss about the county is the darkness. With the city lights I can't watch the night sky (stars, shooting stars, UFOs, ect). Sitting out at a camp fire on a dark night telling scary stories.


We don't have property yet...currently full-time RVing and looking for the best place for the best price. But I KNEW we were destined for country living when I realized that Tractor Supply was my personal happiest place on earth!


I dont think I'll ever get over the awe.


I like your list. For us living in the country, I love the peace from the noise. No neighbors letting their kids jump on the trampoline and scream at 11pm at night. Yes, it happened to us often. Just the total elimination of noise is amazing, listening to the creek behind our house and the crickets and birds. I do love the feeling of freedom and the awe factor, seeing the sunrise and sunsets behind the mountains. I enjoy hunting wild edibles, kayaking on the near by lake, hiking within twenty minutes. One huge benefit is having shopping and stores a half hour away. We spend much less money because there is no "I'll just run to the store" and then end up with a cart of stuff. It also has helped us prep more, we keep much more on hand so we don't run out, which has helped when the shelves went almost empty during the plandemic. I love the amazing stars, chilly summer nights, bonfires, not having to worry about the neighbors watching you all the time. Letting my son totally free range, lol, we've lived rurally for nine years and it has been wonderful. I would love to move to a warmer climate though or maybe just fall in love with winter.


Creates self reliance, which boost self respect.Promotes creative thinking on solving problems which enables critical thinking skills to think freely on your own.Introduces the lack of actual need of all excessive nonsense items like tv, computers, and video games.Enables you to challenge yourself on a variety of trades and skills to make you more independent.


Nice points :) one of my points to try and move out is from the Book of Revelation where it says that soon we won't be able to buy or sell if we keep love Jesus and keep His Sabbath of the Ten Commandments which is Saturday according to the Bible and governments will not allow God's people the freedom to buy and sell, unless they "comply" with the false first day of the week Antichrist's sabbath of the Catholic Church who tried to change God's Law from Sabbath Saturday to Sunday and to give up loving Jesus (because Jesus said: "If you love Me, keep My Commandments" - John 14:15 and the Sabbath, which is Saturday, is one of His commandments) and so we need to be able to provide our own food and water from the land in the country in order to not be crushed by the government and for lack of food and ability to buy food for our families give up faithfulness to Jesus and thus lose everything that really matters. So, where ever Jesus opens the way to get out, we must get out not looking back like Lot's wife. And whet ever happens, death is preferable than letting go of faithfulness to Jesus.


Hey guy. I moved to the country for a lot of the same reasons. II found your channel recently and love it. I figured out in 2007 I would never be able to retire early living in a city even with my house paid off. Living in the country is cheaper


Love the country ..can't get bored ..that's for sure..and the air and sky at night ..


You dont have a single bad video. well done, thanks for the info


Late comment:
I was immersed in the alpine for many years... As a Canadian, on the west coast. My skill and ability has been forgotten. May you revive the thought process and encourage others. The benefits are life changing. Kudos!!!
