DON’T MOVE TO COLORADO: 12 Reasons You Might Regret Living in CO | Why Everyone is Leaving the State

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It’s no secret that Colorado is a popular state for transplants. So why are so many people leaving Colorado? Whether you’re moving from the next state over or across the country, the Centennial state gets a lot of hype for beautiful scenery, outdoor recreation opportunities, and quality of living.

And it’s true, Colorado is an amazing place to live with some of the most beautiful towns in all of North America. However, there are a few aspects about the state that aren’t as nice as you might hope. And they could become reasons why you may regret moving to Colorado in the long-term. These may not necessarily be negative things about the state, but they are things you should be aware of before living here.

Here are the top facts you need to know so you don’t regret moving to Colorado this year. Some of these things you might hate, or you might love depending on your preferences. You can determine for yourself if the points listed are pros or cons of living in Colorado.

Contents of this Video:
0:00 Intro
1:00 Tourism
2:18 Crowded Trails
3:06 Politics
4:04 Local Haters
5:04 Lack of Rain
6:21 Limited Gardening
7:35 Drivers & Traffic
8:54 Homelessness
10:04 Marijuana Culture
11:36 Crime Rate
13:04 High Elevation
14:39 Cost of Living
15:55 Outro & Subscribe

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Don't move here. It sucks! As we say you're from CA....go home and take 20 Texans with you!"


Moved from Golden to Houston area over 2 years ago, moving back to Colorado soon, no city is perfect but TX wasn't for me, traffic, property taxes, weather, crime, no scenery, etc. I definitely appreciate CO more now.


This is a well balanced commentary. Moving here from Texas a decade ago with my wife who is a former Colorado resident, has been a wonderful thing though. It has to do with planning (we live on a river and irrigate from it) as well as karma and knowledge. It doesn't hurt that I am a performing musician and play locally for next to nothing or nothing due to my love of music and making people smile. Knowledge of the area keeps us from seeing multitudes of tourists, and we know when to be where. But it comes down to planning, karma, and knowledge.

It helps that we are retired educators and truly don't have to be anywhere ever. I can see snow travel as being an issue for those trying to hold down jobs, but we have no concerns that way. Living out in the Rockies, having a great well and raising hay and boarding horses as we do is not a cinch. Things come up all the time like weather, fires, and other natural elements that put us to task, but we both love challenges.

I had never cut post oaks and made a latilla fence, worked at safely escorting elk out of a fenced pasture, dodged a mountain lion napping beside the river, or had to coax a black bear out of a chicken coop, or rebuilt and resurfaced a road until we moved here. I'd never even been on a tractor before. The things I've learned.

I feel like life here has been Paradise, but again it's not for everyone, and it does require planning, karma, and knowledge of the area.

Good work on your video! Thank you kindly!


When I was 20 in 1970 after returning from Viet Nam with no prospects I hitch hiked out to CO, I was in a rest room in a bar and I read something on the wall that sticks with me to this day at the age of 74
"wherever you go there you are" I'm still here, Yup so true!


I am a Colorado native who had to move due to the cost of living and housing prices! I am retired and happy to be in Oklahoma- I still love Colorado but it has changed so much- not for the best either-


I left Colorado for the same reasons l left the Northeast and came to Colorado:
Too many people
Too much traffic/congestion
Too expensive

It saddened me because l thought Colorado was beautiful and enjoyed so much about it but it’s insane now. I moved to a rural community in southern Utah where the nearest real grocery store is 3 hours away but l there’s no traffic, very few people and it’s beautiful. I can drive half a mile into the desert and camp and see no one.


I absolutely hate this gatekeeping crap where people say people from California shouldn't move here. People from Texas shouldn't move here or whatever it is. Yeah, way to be the United States where we're all supposed to be one group of people right until someone wants to move there from somewhere else and you get all tribalistic and act like people don't have a right to move around the country. They are a part of get off it

California, I was born and raised here and guess what? I watched all of you flood into my state over the last 40 years and turn my state into something that never was and drive the cost of living through the roof here

Now we're coming to your states to return the favor. Get used to it


I've been here 40+ yrs. Definitely seen a lot of change across the last 15yrs.


I have been visiting family in CO for 30 years.I find it interesting that you blame the bad driving on the influx of people moving there from other places. 30 years ago I was amazed at how badly and even angrily Coloradans drive. Red lights appear to be just a suggestion for folks with CO tags, and as I said its been that way for my 30 years of visiting and I hear the same thing from relatives who were born and raised there.


Left Colorado for a work contract in Belgium. I live literally like a king here for as much as I was getting paid back home. I was barely able to afford a rental in a decent area of the Springs.

Puts how expensive it is back home into perspective. I almost don't want to go back but I'm determined to die of old age in back in Paonia.


Good video. Native of 36yrs here: I'm not bothered by the increasing population. It simply means we have things that are attractive to other people and I'm lucky to have been born here. If I ever leave, it'll be to nomad abroad, not because of anything specific to Colorado.


The Native Americans should have told the transplants to go back home.


I know how Colorado feels we have thousands come to Florida the snow birds and also recently have a lot of people moving here from the north


I am a CO native who was itching to see other parts of the country as a 22 year old. I landed it Texas, but appreciate CO so much more now that I am back. My partner also left CO for Louisiana to see a different place and moved back. The grass appears greener on the other side, but I have never seen the poverty level we saw in TX or LA here. One can also never go outside due to the hostile environment: humid heat, fire ants, chiggers, other insects. A black man was also drug to death behind a pickup truck near where I moved in TX. Racism and intolerance of anything but WASP ideals are also much greater. Sometimes it’s not just considerations of the pocketbook. One could buy a cheap house in Niagara Falls, NY for $7000…..there’s a reason it’s cheap (namely it’s located on the old Love Canal superfund site).


Really great video showing both sides. Love the honest talk!


Colorado is one of the greatest states. That causes people to move to Colorado which resulted in the increased cost of living and congestion. The positive side is Colorado has lots of room and money and can manage it.


Well done. I live in the Springs and it's hard ..gas rent food. High.


So glad we were able to see and go where we wanted before the invasion and reservations. The road to pikes peaks used to be a dirt road. Differently wanted a granny gear going back down back then. Fun times.


First and foremost, spectacular video! Well-balanced and transparent. That's all we can ask for.

Anyway, my wife and I LOVE Colorado! It's one of our go-to vacation spots with it only being a 5 or so hour drive. We live in the Black Hills of South Dakota, so the climate, erratic weather, and elevation are very similar. We also fully understand the blessing and the curse that is tourism. We've decided that if we were to ever leave the Black Hills, our only destination option would be Colorado (if we can afford to do so). We know there would be pros and cons to living in Colorado, but we've absolutely fallen in love with the perfectly imperfect place that is your state. Once again, well done!


I left Aurora 16 years ago and don't miss it one bit. I love the Southland!
