Where to get patent rights? What countries does a US patent protect you? | Rich Goldstein

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Patents are territorial - you need a patent in any country you want protection.

Your US Patent application will give you priority in every major country, as long as you take additional steps within the next year.

Are you a business minded entrepreneur? Would you like to build a patent portfolio to increase your valuation?


Goldstein Patent Law is a New York and New Jersey-based Law firm specializing in patents and trademarks for nearly 30 years.

With over 2,000 registered patents, Goldstein Patent Law continuously helps protect ideas and educate business owners about Intellectual Property through custom legal strategies.

IP protection gives you the right to fight copycats and thieves. It turns ideas into profit-making assets and increases the market value of a business.

Our personalized services include:

Don't risk losing the rights to your ideas.

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If you want to make money with, profit from, and recoup your patent investment even faster, then download Profit From Your Patent >>

This no cost, no obligation downloadable pdf booklet takes 20-minutes to read… what you learn could be worth millions.


Because securing a patent is NOT the biggest issue inventors face... It’s finding a way to monetize the patent.

The fact is…

No one will beat a path to your door and pay you for your patent. If you want to make money with your patent, there are a few things you can do to increase your likelihood to profit.

That’s why I created Profit From Your Patent >>

Download it now while it’s fresh on your mind


Are you a business minded entrepreneur? Would you like to build a patent portfolio to increase your valuation?
