Do Lifting Belts Provide An Unfair Advantage?

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Weightlifting belts are often recommended to anyone that wants to improve their powerlifting and strength development. But some have accused users of such a tool as "CHEATERS!" But is there actually any truth to this? Are users of a weightlifting/powerlifting belt not only "cheating" in lifting more than they can, but maybe even cheating themselves from making REAL gains?
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There're three kinds of people who use lifting belts in commercial gyms:

- Those who know what they're doing.
- Skinny guys who have no idea how to use it, but it gives them a good V-taper.
- Fat middle aged guys who wear it for literally every exercise just to hold their gut in. But will nonetheless tell you it's for their back pain.


Just skip to the end where he says “It depends”. Haven’t even watched the video but that’s how they usually end lol


My friend and I always joke around and say we are putting on the plus 20 strength belt. It definitely helps😂


I only use it in the squat rack when doing curls.


Thank you for making this. I actually had know idea how to use one or how it works


The irony is i just got a new soft-belt to try-out lol


I'm not using Lifting Belt but i agree what you said about belt. I would absoultly use belt the time when i want lift more weight.


I would like to see what the actual human body in isolation is capable of, without any equipment at all. I feel like raw powerlifting is a bit of a misnomer, as it allows a belt etc., and would like to see what humans can lift in a tshirt and shorts, nothing else. And no, raw powerlifting is not cheating, nor boring. I'd just want to see the limits of the human body itself.


I'm an older guy with a bad back. Lifting belt makes all the difference in the world to me.


Could you do more ACTUAL fitness tips and health advice videos plz Picture Fit! 🙏🏾


Does this mean that what they say of "Do not use your belt for every set" is simply not correct? I mean, it makes sense if you are going to a powerlifting meeting where a belt is not allowed and you need to get used to lifting without a belt, but if the effort is the same, and the belt is just there to "coach" you into bracing correctly, you might as well just use it for every single set, since it is not going to limit your ab strength development at all.


I started lifting in my 40s. I hurt less when i use a belt


02:18🛡 Using a lifting belt is not cheating in training. This accessory does not improve performance without additional effort or compensate for poor technique.
2:27🏋‍♂ Lifting belts do not limit muscle or strength development. They enhance trunk and hip stability, leading to better activation of major muscles.
3:26📈 In summary, lifting belts are effective tools that require proper technique to maximize their benefits without compromising physical development.


It should be mentioned lifting belts do work, but they aren't required. I go long stints of time not using the belt just because I don't wanna haul it around, or just for fun to make sure my bracing is still up to par without it. Often even professional athletes will still do work without a belt as well (like powerlifters, oly lifters etc) In fact there are plenty of oly lifters who just don't use one at all and have world records since they find it gets in their way for certain lifts, but obviously they have different requirements when it comes to mobility and the likes.


I've had an operation for a hernia in the groin, can i still use a belt?, have tried and can still feel a lot of pressure on where the injury was (op was over 2 years ago)


He sounds exactly like brainiac from supergirl


Can we increase strength buy gaining less miscles rater than gaining bigger muscle but less strength


Hi! Im a 13 year old kid who does like 40 mins of weights(including rest) and about 30 mins of hard cardio around 6 days a week. Do I need to train longer?


I have become very cautious of the word “cheating” because it really gets used a lot to brand things we don’t understand clearly. But I would say that I feel like it’s a crutch. Because you get use to always having it, you can’t safely perform without it. I could be wrong. I’ve taken the stance that if I can’t lift without it, then I shouldn’t be lifting that weight. To be fair though, my goals are different.


2:17 you can keep those Questions and their answers. Fact is people are able to lift more with a belt. Or not? apart from it taking practice to make a use of the belt.
