New World: Players Are Upset about Fresh Start Transfers | Ginger Prime

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New World: Players Are Upset about Fresh Start Transfers | Ginger Prime

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I’m not at all worried nor do I care. It is what it is and nothing we can do about it. I’m just enjoying the game. I’m honestly just shooting for achievements before I hit up the sands lol. I’m just having fun. What helps is not reading other’s opinions about this game.


I'll be real, the longer they take to add in all this stuff, the more they will bleed players. Sure, players own the game, but if something better comes along, there is a good chance some players won't come back. A lot of the stuff they mentioned honestly should have been in the game since day 1 or with the release of Brimstone.

It doesn't help that the roadmap didn't outline any new weapons, any new instanced pvp or even explain anything about the world boss/upcoming raid. Waiting half a year to just find out? Its painful and I just don't see players putting up with it.


I love this game so much! But I have to say I left about 9-10 months ago because the economy was a wreck and the dups and mess was out of control. I was so excited to return for fresh start, and I've been having a blast and pouring hours into the game. With that said however, if AGS EVER merges FS into Legacy or allows players to merge from Legacy into FS with all their money and items, (many of which could very well have been unearned in the beginning), I will leave NW and never return again. They have a situation on their hands for sure now, but allowing the unfairly generated items and coin to cross pollute into the FS eco is BAD. At this point AGS just needs to introduce a new type of currency, introduce some NPCs for gradual exchange, and get rid of gold coin entirely.


I'm an IT guy... not building PCs, working with server architecture, mostly UNIX. Taking care of enterprises. So I make this comment with that experience: Amazon know what they are doing when it comes to technology. Opinions will differ on whether they can build a good MMO or not, but their expertise when it comes to building software platforms and engineering new technologies is not in question. So I believe that they will eventually engineer technology that will allow for the server situation to be ameliorated.

I feel that the mistake they made was designing the servers, expecting they would always be full. They did not know that they would have such wild swings in population. Servers get to very small populations, and then when an update comes, they have to open up more static servers to ease login queues. And then those servers eventually ebb and get much smaller again. They didn't know they had to engineer a much more fluid system, where servers were more like "channels" in ESO or Runescape... but, that's where they are. IF they are willing to redirect manpower and money to solve this situation, it will get solved.


What is needed to solve the server issue is simple :
allow every multiplayer content THAT IS NOT RELATED TO TERITORIES to be cross World (on a same Region Server) : arena, expeditions, OPR, and any other futur instanced multiplayer content.

Everything related to teritories (open world PVP, Wars) must stay in his own world only to avoid hacks.

Fresh Start servers should be merged with other fresh starts only, and become "Legacy" after, let's say, 3 months, so it can be merged again if the pop drop too low. Merges are a necessary thing to balance the server pop AND server average power


I like fresh the start better than legacy. After playing on four different servers due to merges, I’m really tired of building a community that just splits up when people transfer. You were right, this problem will not be solved until endgame can be played cross server.


My thoughts on FS Transfers are as follows. If a character is the only one on an account they may transfer from FS to Leg. There should be transfers allowed from FS to FS. Server mergers should be strictly FS into FS, and Leg into Leg. Also server mergers need to be discussed with the active players on that server. If they overall don't want to merge, then leave the server alone.


I started playing new world a few days ago, and I decided to start on a fresh start world. Just got level 32 today, and have only talked to one person this entire time. And they told me to leave because I was messing their farm up. Not a single person level 60 has replied to me at all.


People left, some servers are empty. They have provided a solution. Merge once busy servers. I cannot see why it's an issue FFS!


I'm a casual player, and jumped over with some friends just to chill and level. We've done some expeditions, but not many. I've been enjoying the whole experience thus far. I haven't done anything PVP yet, and I'm at level 46.

I also have a level 60 character on a legacy server, and I was very happy with that experience as well. Again, haven't done PVP or any "end game" content, but just another data point from a casual (48m dad, husband) player.


I quit because i couldn't get enough people to do dungeons regularly . Waiting 30+ mins everytime . Just got tired of it. I was playing on Sentinel not a dead server, mid range pop.


Biggest problem with new world is the whining. The players are the problem


i just hit 60 and havent really dove into group activities yet, been spending most of my time doing the story and working on skills haven't even given a thought to the economy difference between the server I'm on now and a legacy. What can you do though? if its bad, its just a game there are plenty of others, hopefully it will be just fine


My Legacy is doing pretty good...I also think there's space for everyone, especially those that understand what they're really competing for if they want to be region holding company there.


That they say summer 2023 for cross server play is very upsetting. They introduced instanced wars/opr/etc June 2022 and to think it take a year for them to implement the cross server is a slap in the face. Surely they designed instanced wars with the hooks to do cross server. I’ve got over 2500 hours invested in the game including over 200 hours in a fresh start character as my insurance policy legacy dies. They really screwed up with trying to move RTA to legacy. That was completely against earlier statements and made no sense. Worst case we introduce a bunch of material into the destination servers. Our characters are all janky that’s for sure. I think they need to be introducing new dungeons every quarter, remove the 25 cap on dungeons so people can play them more, and make all dungeons mutated and just rotate the afflictions. Let people play what they want to play. Then they can see if they need to focus on fixing a dungeon or not. Were literally back to the population we had before fresh start hit. I think they need to perm drop the price to 19.99 and start having buffed weekends to get people to come play. Getting hard to watch the populations sink again (No thanks to Dragonflight), but hey maybe ESO players will come over. Bethesda is set on killing it.


Whole point of me even coming back to NW, is because I had the option of dodging the whole old baggage brought by legacy, if my server gets merged into a legacy server, or transfers from legacy is the moment I stop playing. Merge with fresh until it's not possible anymore. I don't care about how well or how good are the legacy servers, I signed up for fresh I play fresh, the moment it becomes legacy, I'm out.


I'm a new player to new server. And I think this merging is better for good. Right now you can't even 3v3, OPR and even expedition because of the low population of the server.


I was in a server with 200 players when 16k active world wide. Nothing in trade post, dead server free resources no people in trading in post. Trade post will not be global ever. The reason why new servers will always merge to old servers is because the old servers are mature with the passionate players who love the game and when fresh starts mature it will be alot of unpassionate player will move on to new games or life in general and the ones who want to stay will go to legacy servers for content and be life of the game.


I don't get it.. what's happening now? is the fresh start moving to legacy?


Currently my fresh start server is in good shape and seems to be not one of those targeted with merge.

Merge would be problematic as legacy servers have those old whales who have been long time improving their gear and honing their skills. It will seem like fresh starters are like the poor pigs that were fed to become nice and bulky chriatmas ham for the legacy players christmas feast. Ofcourse some legacy people might be already bored and leaving partly for this or just for the reason they are finished with this game and go for another be it World of Warcrafts new expansion or Warhammer 40k.

Anyway, I hope my fresh start server remains. None of the companies having territories would stand no chance against the companies and players of legacy servers as the gear cap is far too much to stand against.
