ARTIFACTS: What to KEEP vs What to SELL (Best Stat Combos)

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RAID Shadow Legends | Guide for Artifacts and Forge Cleanse

Today in RAID we'll spend a little time in the forge and discuss stats that we look out for and how to know what to keep vs sell. Enjoy!

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A video showcasing which areas the various sets are ideal for would be amazing


Hey, 3 year old veteran here😂 man I have quite a decent grasp on artifacts and their sub-stats, but since I hit end game I found it really difficult to know what is good and not. Literally today I was searching around for artifact videos etc to find you brought out one just now. Thanks for this I found it truly useful and hope you do some more artifact videos from time to time!


I think these kinds of videos are great every now and then and you're doing great explaining what's good for you and for progression.

And I was one of those guys you were talking about. After the last inventory overflow I took some time and sold over half my inventory. Now I'm much more strict and the more you sort out, the better grasp you get over what's good or not. And these vids help.


Love the video. You made another video previously about inventory storage management and recognizing what stats work well together and when to roll to lvl4/8/12. That video REALLY helped me clean house mid game. I'm now much farther in my account and hitting that point of running out of room again, so this is a huge help and a reminder of what stats to focus on.


Thank you for doing this! I hope you'll keep doing more of these in the future. I just started a little over a month ago and i'm still trying to piece together all the different aspects, so this was super helpful


This was VERY helpful. I have been playing for about a year and a half and have a basic set of criteria I have been using to try to keep my gear under control. Your video took my criteria to the next level. I really appreciate you sharing your thoughts about how 5* and 6* pieces differ and how players at different stages might view the stats differently. Thanks for another excellent video!


This is a GREAT video. It is always good to remind older players and newer ones how to '"read" the artifacts. I have fallen into the 6* legendary is best trap and after watching this I plan to take the time to go through every artifact I have. Not only will I cull out the dross, I'll make a bunch of silver too! Thank you Ash, I for one really needed this reminder.


Really like the vid. I was already pretty much in the know with most of it, but trying to morph into a more endgame account there were definitely some tips that help me out. I wish I had seen a video like this 3 years ago when I was first starting out. Took a long time to get a handle on good/bad artifacts. Love the channel bud. Keep up the great work


Ash, big time fan, long view first time commenting should say it all. I've been playing for 2 years and entering the end game realm and it's easy to become a hoarder, but it's nice to see the insightful mind of an end game player talk about gear selection in detail. Hears and Idea that I think people like myself would find crucial, entertaining, and grateful, how about doing exactly what you did today for all the sets, picking one or two sets and talking about who they would work for best and which sub stats is highly recommended for mid-end game players.


Thank you so much for this, I just got lucky after buying into plariums progressive chance event and got Foli and Coldheart and even after watching guides they still weren’t that productive. As a very mid game player this helped A TON.


I do struggle with gear overall so this is helpful thanks bucko especially your take on the recasting gloves, chest, boots very good advice!


This video is AWESOME!!! I've been playing 3 weeks, and understanding the artifact business is the most challenging for me up to this point. Thank you so much for making this video!


thx for the help started watching by your content when I got the game and the community content creators are genuinely the most helpful i’ve seen in a while


Hey Ash, new account new subscribe­. i think you're the real GOAT on RAID, you go so deep in detail that alot of content creator don't do and secondly, you explain so well i was so lost 1-2 years a go about that because the game don't provide a guide for this and you do it perfectly i was wishing that ashwalker will be at least EPIC for all the job you do on RAID. Keep it up men you doing a fantastic job . :D


ASH really has our back *smiles*. I think you did a great job and while asking specifically for feedback on your triple roll philosophy at 38:00 : I absolutely agree. Since fitting gear is the real challenge in this game, after one year into the game I'm not missing out on champs, more on great equipment, the best solution to install fitting sets is probably massive rolls on the respective piece. It makes putting them together easier on a little bit more independent form the rest of the equipment you're using. Even though we have the Optimzer from HH at hand.


I love that you took the time to explain it. I've been playing for 18 months and nearing Mithralla and Arbiter finally. Some might think I'd be further along for a midgamish account. One of my biggest headaches is gear and sorting through and prioritizing it. I haven't seen another person explain it for a moron like me 😂. Appreciate you bro!


I usually auto skip gear vids but I'm glad I sat through this one. It makes me happy you spoke to to progression players as well. Most cc's are end game and beginning to mid game players are watching and end up selling good gear for their accounts.


I really appreciate this vid. Just started a few months ago. And alot of the artifacts sets and sub stats are very nuanced for this game. I come from swgoh so I'm used to looking for different things. This was very helpful. Thank you


really great video Ash. I've been playing for over 4 years and still find it useful to hear how good layers think about sorting and leveling their gear. Thanks!


Great video, we definitely need more for other sets. I also wonder if you do takeovers? I really enjoy takeover videos. loads of tips and tricks for newer players as you point people in the right direction. Keep up the great work, we appreciate you! <3
