Upskill Series | Workshop 05 | Competencies for 21st Century

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Upskill Series | Workshop 05 | Competencies for 21st Century - why is it important to know your competencies to be future ready?

In this ever changing global world it would be profoundly beneficial to know what are competencies and how are they different from skills? This session will focus on understanding 64 competencies that help in understanding your personality, in knowing your strengths and your potentials. The session will also include which competencies will make you future ready. The session will also help you align your competencies with your career goals.

Prof. Shalaka Shah
Assistant Professor - Psychology, FLAME University
Ph.D. - Pedagogy & Psychology | Ludwig Maximilians University - Germany

Prof. Shalaka Shah is an Asst. Prof. of Psychology at the Department of Social Scienes, School of Liberal Education. She is a passionate Psychologist and a licensed Competency Development Coach. Prof. Shah has been a business excellence researcher through her work as a Postdoctoral Fellow in Business Leadership Education and Competency Development at the Steinbeis School of International Business & Entrepreneurship (SIBE), Germany. She has earned a doctorate in work-life balance and career success from Ludwig Maximilians University (LMU), Munich Germany. Her PhD focused on the positive aspects of work-life interface theoretically known as work-family enrichment. Prof. Shah endeavors to co-operate with international universities and/or companies for conducting cross-cultural research on work-life balance, competency development and business leadership education.

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