I'm a 33 year old woman with no life. (my advice to young women)

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Hello Viewers! Welcome back to my channel. Today, I'm excited to open up about a topic that's been on my mind a lot lately: being 33 and feeling like I have no clear goals or aspirations. 🌟

This video is all about sharing my journey, and I hope you can relate or find some inspiration in it. Life can throw us curveballs, and it's perfectly normal not to have it all figured out at any age. So, let's chat about it, shall we?

Join me as a talk about the ups, downs, and in-betweens of this phase of life. I'll get real about the emotions, challenges, and how I'm turning this uncertainty into a journey of rediscovery and growth. 🌱

At the end of the video, I share advise on how to navigate this journey if you can relate.

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I'm 63 years old. I've scanned the comments and am saddened but not surprised to see so many young people hurting. I'm here with some words of hope and, if you can stand it, some words of advice that you are free to read or disregard.

First the hope: I want to let you know that I was unable to find a real lasting career until I was 40. You're still young. It can still happen for you.

Now the advice: Shut off the noise that might be getting in the way of understanding what you want. We are bombarded with noise and messages all day and all night long. Take technology breaks. Spend some time each day in silence. Spend some time each day outside. A long walk (without earbuds, without phone-in hand at least) can really free your mind to do some serious thinking. You are also better plugged-in to your surroundings. It's important to notice that good dog, that smiling toddler, that squirrel running up a tree. Life is taking place and you must notice and take part.

I know it's stuff you've all heard before, but I've found it helpful. Maybe you would too. Now, you can say, "Okay, Boomer, " and get on with your day.


This is vintage YouTube. People use to use YouTube to share their stories in a real way just by talking. Definitely need more of these types of videos circulating for people 30+.


Social media has a way of making you feel "left behind" or stuck, like your living a mediocre life, like everyone is living their best life, is graduating, has their dream career except you, and creating this desire to be exceptional. Leading to frustration, discontent and a dissatisfied life. I am grateful I have the low income job I have, and for the big part, I enjoy it, a place to stay, a roof over my head, food to eat, family and friends, and working towards being debt free. I am truly grateful


THIS is the kind of content we need. So many people out here making fun of women past 30 for being "too picky" and "that's why they're alone"
This girl did all the steps. College, marriage, looking for work. We need to be more compassionate and love each other.


the fact that over 1 million people have watched this video shows that this is systemic result of late stage capitalism, not a personal failure. Thank you for your vulnerable and relatable video, I am rooting for you! xo


The biggest lie our generation was told was to go to college no matter what. College does nothing but give you debt for most creative careers. Thank you for sharing! Good luck


At 34, I left my dead end low paying career and had to move back with my parents. I was single, depressed and feeling hopeless. With the little money I had, I decided to do a little solo traveling. Changed my life. After coming back, I reconnected with someone who'd I dated very briefly in my early 20's. We're now married, 2 kids, own a home. I'm 41. Never give up on the life you want. But its necessary to get out of your comfort zone. I was able to build confidence while traveling, lost a bit of weight and started feeling hopeful again. The universe started to reward me with the energy I was putting out there. Put out into the universe what you want out of life!


“My life has been so up and down, that I no longer know what I want….” That hit it on the nail for me.


Will be turning 35 in a few months. I've had so many dead end low paid jobs in the last 10yrs. Completely unaware of the direction in life I was going. Ended 2 close friendships so literally had nobody. Never travelled anywhere. Depression & isolation was killing me. In the last 2yrs I improved my diet, started walking more, went back to school doing evening classes, found a job I enjoy with opportunities to grow, travelled to 2 countries in Europe, improved my credit score, used Bumble BFF and amazingly made 3 close friendships where I go out for meals & events. Looking back the transformation is incredible. I feel so much better. My tip is to be patient as small incremental progress compound over time. Your journey is unique and record your achievements. There will be days where you might doubt yourself, so its important to recall actual concrete evidence of progress. I'm actually looking forward to my 40s : )


Girl you are telling me my life with your words.

I wanted to get married at 25 and kids by 27, own a house with an good paying job. That was me picking an easy life at 20, thinking I didn't want to be ambitious, I didn't want millions of dollars. I just wanted a simple easy life and do my hobbies.

What really happened to me, never married, lots of heart breaks, tons of debt from school/consumer debt, living in apt with room mates and working in retail. No kids or husband. I am 35.

At 30 I realized the goals I put on myself would never happen. I accepted it. I understand many of us are in the same boat. Its not my fault.

Currently I am more ambitious then I have ever been in my entire life. I am going to manifest greatness. Back in school, my debt is lowest it has been in ten years, dating a wonderful person, own a cat and I take pride in me. I even survived cancer.

Girls we got this!!! We will overcome and be success. Best on your journey xoxo Akouto


I'm a 17-year-old girl about to graduate from high school with a low GPA and absolutely no direction for the future. Honestly this comment section is really comforting. It's reassuring to know that you don't have to have your entire life figured out by 18, 20, 25, or even later to be successful. Many people have been in the same, or even worse, situations than mine and have still found peace. Thank you for making this video and being so open with the public.


i started my life over at 52. couldn't be happier. doing what i love. age is only a number. i never think about my age. i feel 18. always have. my body feels the same. my spirit feels the same. instead of dwelling on age and where you 'should' be, just ask yourself what you WANT to be doing, and do it. age is not even part of the equation.


It's nice to see a non-Instagram person showing how rough life can be even when you put a lot of effort into it. Most people just post their success stories and go on how "if you're not succeeding, it's your own fault, you're not working hard enough".


My mother was kicked out of her PhD program, then got married at the age of 40 and gave birth to me at the age of 45, two months away from 46! Her wisdom helped me greatly! There's plenty of time for things.


and 2.3 million views later. just because you decided to face your fear. you're an inspiration 💜


Here some words of hope...I started the career I wanted at 35 (after years of consistent failures, pain and misery), got married at 40 (to an amazing man after years of heartbreaks and betrayals and rejections) and have my daughter at 42 (after a miscarriage). I decided to stay home until my daughter turns 5 years...that is going to be in June this year... Am currently looking for a job....I have gotten a lot of rejections (no experience, big gap, etc), but I'm still full of hope and enthusiasm. I will get a very good job (or business) at the right time, the one that is belong to me by divine right, and the one that is going to allow me to fulfill my divine expression in this world. In summary, there is HOPE....every person's journey is different in intensity, timing, and experiences. No worries and "look with wonder at that which is before you" :)


you don't have to do anything or prove yourself to anyone.... "I'm a 33 year old woman with no life." No. you're a 33 year old woman just doing what you were meant to do, living.


I'm 34, single, no job with a huge gap on my CV, living with my family, surviving with my bare minimum because I don't wanna be a burden. That's my life.


I'm 46 y/o man in the same boat. I hit massive depression 10 years ago and have been trying not to un-alive myself ever sense.


This video was very much needed. The comment section is very inspiring, too. Even though I'm only 23, I already feel like a failure because I've never been in a relationship, my longest job was 1 month in a fast food restaurant (that I had to quit due to anxiety) I graduated last year and I've applied to HUNDREDS of field-related jobs with literally NO RESPONSE for 99% of them (and the ones that answered me, were a no) making me even question why did I chose that career and if I really wanted to study it to begin with. While all my friends found jobs and other ways to make money even years before graduating, some bought cars, others went to live alone or entered in long term relationships, while I stayed in the same place I've been since I was a teenager, broke, depending on (and living with) my parents, with a lot of mental illnesses and absolutely zero friends nor hobbies, I barely leave home and I just don't see joy in anything.
I'm happy to see I'm not alone and that other people my age have been here too, I'm kinda hopeful thinking that if I keep working for my dreams, sooner or later they'll become true, and what's most important, my life is not over because things didn't get as I planned right away and I still have a looong life to figure things out.
The Internet has made us believe that if you're not married, with a stable job and basically living your dream life before 25, you're a failure or already late in life, I'm happy to see people calling out this bs
