TRY this when People STARE to INTIMIDATE YOU… SIMPLE HACK Avoids Street Fights

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Eye contact is a major display of intimidation. It provokes fights and enforces dominance. This week we discuss how to defend yourself against this form of social aggression when people are looking for a fight. It's all very simple psychology. Try this simple trick it works.

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ELEVATING YOUR FIGHT IQ: Videos blending Martial Arts, Crime Science, and Psychology.

Presented by Dr Mark Phillips Criminal Psychologist, Security Consultant, Martial Arts and Defensive Skills Instructor. An expert in Organised Crime, Hostage Taking, and Offender Profiling. Martial arts experience includes Wing Chun, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Judo, Wrestling, Boxing, San Da Kickboxing, and MMA.

Weekly Self Defence and Martial Arts video releases every Wednesday. Topics Covered: Coping with Criminal Behaviour, Self Defence Techniques, Street Fighting Tips, Mindset Preparation, as well as general tips on how to defend yourself.



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I have a glass eye, if someone stares and me I take it out and polish it.


Within 90 seconds of watching this you have proven the exact point that I've been trying to make for years. Ignoring bullies/thugs can actually make it worse. For years I was told as a kid "just ignore them and they'll get bored and find someone else to intimidate". This simply is not the case. The world is a scary place and it saddens me there's no such thing as 1 on 1 anymore. You've always got gangs of people on one person. Cowards, all of them.


As a 60 year old man with a full set of whiskers who used to catch the train home from the city at night, I used to use 2 strategies - Either give them a slight nod (if I knew I would be in trouble if something started) to indicate we were equals or blink while I looked away (when I thought I had their measure) to indicate they weren't a threat to me. Both strategies worked for me. And on the rare occasion someone DID hit me with the old "what are you looking at", I'd reply "You look like one of my friend's kids, he's a tough unit too".
Never had a problem.


Great advice. To add to this, a simple, short and respectful nod goes a long way, too. If you're showing someone respect without giving them too much focus, it creates a sense of humanity and a chill, comfortable vibe. It's also almost like a subtle compliment, in that it insinuates an acknowledgment of the other person's value, while also acknowledging your own value. We do call it "the bro nod" here in the US, but I've done it to ladies as well, and had ladies do so to me at times. Definitely breaks or prevents any potential awkwardness or tension, in my experience. And it seems to work every time.


In the USA we call it the "bro nod". You're out and you see a guy looking at you when you look at him. You give a very slight nod and look away. This is a simple way of acknowledging their presence, not ignoring, not antagonizing, then go about your business. Not a big nod, just a slight dip of the chin while looking directly in their eyes then look away and move on. Has got me through many, many years of living in Detroit and Los Angeles without any problems.


3:09 "You learn to fight so you don't have to fight"... Timeless wisdom.


My go-to is the head nod with the thin lipped smile, like how you'd acknowledge someone at work. Polite, civil, calm energy without giving someone a huge reaction will throw off a lot of people and make them think "why am I messing with this person?"


I’m a woman, I realize it’s different dynamics btwn males, but I’ve experienced this situation plenty of times with hostile people I come across every so often. I also have some experience in bad neighborhoods canvassing for campaigns, volunteering, and also living downtown. I find it works best just to do a head nod with a relaxed or neutral face expression, always diffuses the situation perfectly.


"Do not stare into the eyes of your opponent: he may mesmerize you. Do not fix your gaze on his sword: he may intimidate you. Do not focus on your opponent at all: he may absorb your energy. The essence of training is to bring your opponent completely into your sphere. Then you can stand where you like." - Morihei Ueshiba


Step 1: Hold the stare 1 second to show them that you see them.
Step 2: Nod. Optionally smile.
Step 3: Look back in the direction you are headed at a leisurely pace. Don't look down, and don't look away fast.
Step 4: Keep them and anyone with them in your peripheral vision until you're out of range.

Keeps you from looking like a target while also not challenging them.


One thing I learned that they didn’t mention here. Is when it’s time to look away, DO NOT look down and away. This signals weakness, and gives the other a sense that they are better than you. Instead, keep an even level of view, and look towards another person, or anywhere that is not down.


People who stare in order to intimidate are universally despised. It's a behavior that is not tolerated. It is a lesson most people learn early in their lives, others will not understand until they end up in prison or dead.


When people stare at me, I get nervous and fart…usually that diffuses scary encounters.


Good timing. Earlier today, I got stared at by an old high school bully, let's just call her "Bernadette." I looked in her direction, then carried on about my business, meanwhile I could see out the corner of my eye Bern opening her mouth wide like she was trying to catch a fly. I laughed internally and it made my day. She inspired a character of mine; writing is cathartic and has helped me heal from the trauma having been verbally abused by her a good chunk of my life.


"Don't look away because that shows weakness .... how we deal with this is by um .... looking away". Great hack. Thanks for that.


Great video here. I’ve found a 100% rate with looking in their general direction, but never locking eyes. Also, if you’re walking down the street/down a hallway/through a room — walk with intent, like you’ve got somewhere to be. Even drunks will get thrown off, because they’re waiting for that moment of acknowledgment. Keep them in your peripherals, but never connect eyes. They’ll wait... and wait... and wait.


I accidentally locked eye contact with a guy on the street. He looked at me, I looked back, suddenly he's asking what's my problem. I just said "Sorry mate, you look like an old friend of mine" and kept on walking... It's just silly how stuff escalates because we looked the wrong way


I think it is important to acknowledge that you realize they are staring at you but you don't want to turn it into a contest. I give them a quick glance directly in the eyes without changing my expression then return my attention to whatever/whoever I was looking at before. This shows neither fear nor aggression but lets them know "I am monitoring the situation mate". Of course, some people are looking for a punch-up. I think that the brief and direct eye contact lets these people know that maybe you know how to handle yourself in a fight and you aren't an easy target.


I smile back as if it's pay day, nod and move about my day. Love wins every battle.


You guys have overcomplicated this. Simple strategy: look, acknowledge with head tilt and closed mouth smile and move on. This has worked for me 99.9% of the time even with groups wanting trouble. The only time it went further I said I had to look after my grandma and she was expecting me.
My dad taught me this. There is always the chance you catch one of the bullies alone one day (pre-cctv!).
Dad told me a story about when he was in in the forces in the late 50s and was surrounded in a bar. One of the group poured dad's drink over him and asked what he was going to do. My dad looked downbeat and said he would have to go home as he had no money left. The group ended up buying his drinks for the rest of the night!
