Push Pull Legs vs. Arnold Split for Hypertrophy: Which is Better?

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Arnold split vs. Push pull legs - which one wins? The Arnold split, used by Arnold Schwarzenegger, is set up as chest/back, shoulders/biceps/triceps, and quads/hamstrings/glutes/calves. Push pull legs (PPL) is run as chest/shoulders/triceps, back/biceps, and legs.

Both of these splits are best run for 6 days in the gym per week and are thus not beginner splits. Here I’ll discuss the pros and cons of each split, and which one I favor.


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About me: I'm a medical doctor and natural men’s physique athlete based in Vancouver, Canada. I seek to share science-based perspectives to help people lose fat and gain muscle. These will reflect the current expert consensus in the scientific bodybuilding community. I‘m lifetime drug-free and have been training since 2012.


Disclaimers: Consider seeing a physician to assess your readiness before beginning any fitness program. Information presented here is to be applied intelligently in the individual context. I do not assume liability for any loss incurred by using information in this video.


#ArnoldSplit #PushPullLegs #PPL
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I started training push pull legs 8 months ago, but as I didn't have much time because of school I had to do a lot of super sets and I didn't have enough time to rest, but since I started doing the arnold split I saw how I could do a lot of supersets between antagonist muscles without it affecting my performance. That's why I really recommend the arnold split if you do not have much time to train.


Using the Arnold split right now for 3 weeks and its been great so far!


This is the best video on YT around PPL vs The Arnold Split, very easy to understand what hes saying, and great flow, new sub.


I used to follow the Arnold split back in the 90’s with a slight tweak in that I always took a rest day after legs, so basically ran in twice over 8 days instead of the week - it worked well, for me anyway. Having seen this video I’m thinking of going back to it, but being an old git who hasn’t trained properly for a while I’m going to run each workout just once a week for the first month to get over the inevitable DOMS. Great channel by the way


Great video. I have been doing this split for a couple years and like it:
Chest & tri’s
Back and bi’s
Shoulders and arms


This week is the first week that I mixed PPL/Arnold to see if I'd like Arnold and so far I think I'll be changing it to all Arnold.
This because my back and chest have been growing consistently since I started lifting. However, my arms are really lacking despite me training them intensely after my push or pull sessions (Tris and bis).
Another thing is that when I do Push, I often have to decide wether to focus on shoulders or chest because one will always take a toll on the other, so by implementing Arnold's, I can completely target chest one day (biggest priority) and shoulders the other (taking advantage of more rest between sets).


Yesss!! Im doing ppl for a couple months now and i had this problem many times where i couldnt do any more shoulder press’s because i did DB bench press before it. So i was looking for a program to avoid this. Ive finally found it thank you much!


I would use the Arnold Split (not knowing that’s what it was called) in my 30’s. But i would tend to only get in 2 Chest/Back days and 1 Shoulders Arms days because I would party on the weekends and skip a planned workout. I still saw decent results because i felt that between the 2 Chest/Back days and 1 Shoulders/Arms day my shoulders and arms got plenty of work given you use those muscles to some degree with most Chest/Back exercises. I took years off from weightlifting. Now that I’m in my mid 40’s the I started feeling shoulder and elbow joint pain after the first month. I switched to push pull legs and coupled with better warm up exercises the pain is minimal to none.


What an awesome video, thanks Dr Swole. I’ve been tossing up options for an intermediate split and I didn’t even consider the Arnold split. And thanks heaps for the free programs, they’re really helpful for learning how to program 😊 I’m subbed but I’ll let my friends know about your channel. Cheers!


I have been using the ppl split and I have to say my pressing and pulling movements have gained alot in terms of strength but I did notice that I got very fatigued and did not have energy for my biceps and triceps. It left me exhausted by the end of the week. But I will take the Arnold split into consideration and try it out, it's interesting as my arms are a weak point.


Dude, you're the reasaon i got on the Arnold split wave, saw your video on it a year ago n havent switched routines since. You're an underrated youtuber to say the least


great comprehensive video, I tried both splits for 1 week each, the arnold split was better for me, now i have been doing it for 3 months, there are huge developments on my delts and arms . One thing though that i had to take some days off each month, because of the tension on the forearms and elbows during the supersets caused them to be fatigued and somehow swollen, and for arnold split you better have strong forearms and elbows in order that you concentrate on the exercise itself more than being distracted by the tension on your hands while holding heavy weights.
What worked for me with arnold split is : take some days off whenever you feel you are exhausted, or 9 day week where you exercise 2 days and one day off was the best option for recovery in my case. and lastly do not ignore forearms exercises


Ive ran LPP. I don't have that issue with shoulders and arms being fatigued. Usually because I have one push session geared towards more shoulder one day and chest for the next. Push session includes rear delt also. Pull day is lat focus and then upper back the next. Arms are usually fine.
All good points BTW.


Hi, right now I'm running an "Upper lower" split in which you train chest, back and arms on the upper day and legs and shoulders in your pull day. Makes your upper body workouts shorter and you can implement supersets with legs and shoulders to save times.


I did PPL before. After watching your previous video, I am doing Arnold from last week. 💪


My split:
Sunday: walking/jogging
Monday: chest + back
Tuesday: shoulders + arms
Wednesday: legs
Thursday: walking/jogging
Friday: chest + back
Saturday: shoulders + arms


i started working out a year or two ago, used both the arnold and ppl splits

the ppl is gave a more consistant and volum focused workout while the arnold split gives a more intense focused workout
in my first year to get started i used ppl and now when i a bit more experienced i would say the arnold split is the one thats better.
It is all centered around ur level, ppl for beginners and arnold for more experienced people


What’s your thoughts on mixing both over an 8 day time, Push, pull, Legs A, rest, chest back, arms shoulders, Legs B, rest?


💪Incredible video dude, thanks for sharing.


The best split is both.

Full body for an extra 7th day
