Python GIS - Create a Raster (GDAL)

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Use Python to create a new raster with the GDAL module. This Python GIS tutorial will teach you how to easily make a new raster layer. First we'll cover how to make a generic raster layer, then we use information from an existing raster to give our new raster the same geotransformation, size, and projection information. Use Python GIS to automate and customize GIS workflows and tasks.

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Hi there, Thank you for the series of videos you have posted. Actually, I have got a lot of benefits of you.
however, regarding this video ( Create a Raster (GDAL)), bellow is an easier way to create a using CreateCopying() function:

import gdal
#Opening source file
fn =
ds = gdal.Open(fn)
if not ds:
print("please, the file has not been read")
print ("the file has been read successfully")
#Create Copy of Raster
driver =
des_fn =
dst_ds = driver.CreateCopy(des_fn, ds, strict=0)
dst_ds = None
ds = None
print("well done for this")


Hi. I would like to take a GeoTiif of BT file with elevation info, and mercator projection and create a pyramid of tiles also being bt files. Which way or tool do you recomend as gdal2tiles doesnt work with 32bits floats altitude values.
