What To Plant In Your Florida Vegetable Garden In August

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August is time for many Florida gardeners to start planting seeds for the fall garden. This video lists what each region of Florida can plant in August. Generally, North Florida is considered the region north of State Rd. 40, South Florida is south of State Rd. 70, and Central Florida is the region in between.

For major pest infestations the following can be used:
Organic Pest Control Methods:
1) Spray Insecticidal Soap directly on the the bugs (I do this late in the day and rinse off the next morning so the sun doesn't burn the plants). Do repeated treatments every few weeks until they are gone. For a homemade soapy water spray, I mix up some castile soap with water and neem oil (I do 1 tsp of Dr. Bronner Soap + 1 tsp Neem Oil to a quart of water in a spray bottle, per the instructions on the neem oil bottle, but there are many recipes online for homemade insecticidal soap that would probably work just as well).
Alternately, you could buy a pre-mixed Insecticidal Soap.
These are the brands I have used, but I'm sure there are plenty of other good ones:

Here are links for many of the products I use in my vegetable garden. Note that a lot of these items, like the fertilizers and the trays/saucers, have gotten much more expensive lately (like everything else). I shop around to find the best prices on the items and if I can't find something at a reasonable price then I will just do without or find a substitute):


In addition to the above fertilizers I occasionally use these seaweed and fish fertilizers to give my plants a boost of nutrients. I also use some of the seaweed fertilizer (half-strength) on my seedlings right after I transplant them (Note: I don’t use fertilizers with fish in them for seedlings):

The Following Organic Soil Amendments Add Trace Minerals To The Soil.

Self-Watering Grow Boxes:
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The difference between 65% and 85% humidity at 85 degrees F is ridiculous, both in my ability to work and in the ability of fungus to take over an entire squash plant in one day. It's hard to garden in Florida this time of the year.


You helped save my garden this year. Last year was a huge fail with nothing to show but a broke gardener😂 I have pumpkins now, corn growing, my spring tomatoes drove me nuts but I finally got it..BT is now my best friend 😂 nasty little catipillars


You really know your stuff and you're my go-to for what to plant when. So little video info on Youtube about Florida gardening. I hope to get info on fall perennial flowers. So appreciative for your advice.


Finally a little insight from a Florida gardener such as myself..lol..great video and I am trying something a little new I am gonna plant some of my heirloom tomatoes just to see what happens. SW Florida is my location btw.


Such a fantastic video! I spent the weekend preparing pots and beds. I covered them with cardboard to protect from weeds and the coming hard rains. I did it just a bit at a time, with cool off breaks. I added more cowpeas to any bare spaces in my existing beds. My zucchini's are still alive and I have only harvested one zucchini. today I tried hand pollinating and added more fertilizer I I have one small green zucchini growing and other buds, I'm going to try the pest control mentioned. I see a lot of chewing on the leaves, and last time, my only zucchini had a pickle worm. (just one that I picked off)


Perfect! Thank you! Time to prep up my seed trays.


I definitely recommend Seminole pumpkins for this time too.


]Awesome, beautiful video. Subscriber from NW FL Thanks so much for sharing your wisdom.


love and appreciate this video, excellently assembled, thank you


Your channel have been a huge asset to my backyard garden in west Orange County. I'm really intrigued by this idea of cucumbers in 5 gallon buckets -- what variety? are they trellised? Any chance you are planning to (or could be persuaded to) make video on this similar to your tomatoes in grow bags video? Thanks!


Hi Elizabeth,
My grow bag vegetable garden has an infestation of mealy bugs? How do you treat them❓


Im in central by cocoa. I have my watermelon patch in full force right now. Thinking of starting the tomatoes now too. Wasn't going to start cold veggies till end of September. The greenhouse is still to hot to use. Banana tree just started a pod so I think we will be warmer longer. The northern birds aren't here yet so another reason I think we're going to be hotter longer.


Thanks for this video I sure appreciate it and all the good information. 👍


Thank you for your excellent advice!

Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) Genus CAPITAL...species lower case...fyi


Good morning, and happy gardening! I’ve run into a new pest and they are the brown bean pod sucking bugs. The only thing that I could find on the Internet for beating them is hand squishing them in the morning before they can fly away or spraying with a chili garlic soap mixture and I have found many recipes I think that’s what you’re referencing with the hot pepper idea. I’m wondering if you have seen these bugs and if so what you have done to successfully get rid of them because they are just annihilating my Puerto Rican black beans 🫘❤️☺️ I was wondering if you could confirm that the chili powder garlic spray works or if I should do neem oil instead. I really just wanna hear from somebody who’s actually dealt with these nasty little fellas! Thx so much for any help anyone can offer! ☺️❤️☺️


I live in Lakeland and wanted to try a few veggies this year. I'm from Michigan where i had a huge garden every year...but, the heat, bugs and frequent hard rains in the summer have kept me from trying 😣
I Wanted to ask you if you have ever grown jalapenos in the fall and are they fairly bug resistant?


I’m central Florida also, over in Homosassa. You didn’t mention sweet potato slips. Can we plant these at this time?


I’m in north Citrus County and I always have a hard time figuring out if I should follow the North or Central advice . I’m officially zone 9a. What do
you think ? TIA


I'm in Bradenton fl.Do I follow central fl, planting or South fl, planting, for Month of August.Thanks


Wondering I live on the north side of SR 40, about 5 miles west of 95. Confused now, am I North Florida or Central Florida?
I also direct sow everything in planters outside, is this wrong?
