6 Worst Classic Spongebob Episodes

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Howdy 🙂 Been too long since we looked at some old spongebob episodes.
Written by: Josh Strider
Video Edited by:
& Josh Strider
Fact checked by: John Benson
Produced & commissioned by Josh Strider (Phantom Strider)

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It's pretty funny how the bad classic episodes are still miles ahead of the worst episodes of the later seasons.


Squeaky boots seems to be a nod to edgar allen poe's the tell-tale heart... And that's why i love the episode


"The 1st place snail racing cup presented to Squidward...TORTELLINI?!??"


I thought "The Great Snail Race" was pretty alright. It's definitely uncomfortable to watch Gary in pain, but I feel like that's the point, especially for the parents who might be listening in. Some parents push their kids way too hard just so they can brag to other parents, without stopping to think that their kids might be hurting from it. After this episode, they might reflect for a moment as to whether they themselves should check in and see how their child is actually feeling.

I do agree that it felt out of character for Spongebob to act that way, though. Maybe they could've switched Spongebob and Squidward's attitudes - where Spongebob is competing in a snail race just for fun, and Squidward enters his snail for the sole purpose of beating Spongebob. Gary trains hard but still gets plenty of rest and care from Spongebob, while Squidward pushes his snail to the point that it collapses on the track. From his defeat, Squidward is reminded that it's not fair to force yourself or someone else to work 24/7, just for the sake of having bragging rights for a little while. And Spongebob and Gary show that, even when you do work hard, your work should never take priority over your well-being.


After I read "The Tell-Tale Heart" in 9th grade, I appreciated "Squeaky Boots" even more for referencing Edgar Allen Poe in a children's cartoon


Since Squidville was paired with Grandma's Kisses, I viewed Squidward's house being destroyed as karma for bullying Spongebob.


Glad this exists. I remember another worst classic episodes list and it started with “there are no bad classic episodes”.


The climax of grandma's kisses really hits home for me, as an age regressor myself. Sometimes you just absolutely don't want to grow up and want to go back to the times where you were just a carefree child getting cookies and sleeping with teddies. I understand the rest of this episode, but SpongeBobs tantrum just absolutely hits me and is a heartbreaking scene to watch.


"I don't care about the children! I just care about the parent's money!"
Did you mean: *modern Disney?*


Fun fact: The part where Mr krabs breaks down in squeaky boots is inspired by the tell tale heart by Edgar Allen Poe.


notice how Strider calls Spongebob "Spongey" through out the whole video


My grandma practically raised me for most of my young childhood. Now im 19 and she lives across the Country. I'd kill for one of her kisses or hugs. I miss her


Everyone: spongebob acts like a child! He’s like 30! He needs to grow up!

Me: well, sea sponges live up to 2, 300 years, sooo…spongebob is still a Baby


My problem with Party Pooper Pants isn’t really SpongeBob, my problem is that he gets arrested for no reason at the end


idk why, but i just find that last line of “I’m with stupid” to be hilarious:

“Oh that’s right janet, we don’t have a son...”


Honestly, I actually really like Grandma's Kisses, because it keeps with the theme of SpongeBob being seen as too childish, but learning that as long as he's willing to take responsibility for his life and carry is own weight, there's no problem with his childlike spirit (and SpongeBob's breakdown at the end makes sense after being made fun of his lifestyle, and being lead to believe that being mature means he has to give up everything that makes him happy, including showing affection to his loving family).


To be honest, I had always liked some of these episodes like "Dumped" and "The Great Snail Race". The ladder because it gives a lesson that needs to be said today where parents and teachers are encouraged to push their kids to unrealistic limits at times (have you seen "Dance Moms"?) . But I agree with "Party Pooper Pants" (even as a kid, I thought something felt wrong). As for "I'm With Stupid", I was alright with it until MrEnter pointed out how much of a jerk Patrick was.


Grandma's Kisses always depressed me as a kid especially since my grandmother was the only grandparent I only ever got to meet and she died before I was even 2 years old


Believe it or not, “New student starfish” is actually one of my favorite spongebob episodes.


“Dumped” is the beginning of Patrick being a scumbag of a friend, and he consistently became a worse friend and person as the series continued. Change my mind.
