Ex Satanist EXPOSES The SHOCKING Truth About CERN's Demonic Portals!

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The Amazing Testimony of Former Witch Erica Mukisa Part 7

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What is CERN?

CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, is a world-renowned scientific institution located near Geneva, Switzerland. Founded in 1954, CERN is home to the world's largest particle physics laboratory, where scientists from around the globe collaborate to push the boundaries of our understanding of the universe. CERN's most famous achievement is the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), a 27-kilometer-long circular tunnel that accelerates protons to nearly the speed of light, smashing them together to create conditions similar to those that existed just after the Big Bang. Through these collisions, scientists hope to unravel the mysteries of fundamental particles, forces, and the origins of the universe.

Beyond its groundbreaking research, CERN plays a vital role in fostering international collaboration and technological innovation. Scientists from over 100 countries work together at CERN, sharing knowledge and resources to advance our understanding of the universe. CERN's research has also led to the development of numerous technologies that have benefited society, including the World Wide Web, medical imaging techniques, and advanced computing systems. CERN's commitment to open access and collaboration has made it a beacon of scientific progress and a testament to the power of human ingenuity.

However, CERN has also been the subject of controversy and speculation. Some believe that the LHC could create black holes or other dangerous phenomena, while others fear that the research conducted at CERN could have unintended consequences for humanity. Despite these concerns, CERN remains committed to its mission of scientific discovery and continues to push the boundaries of human knowledge. While the potential risks associated with its research are real, the potential benefits of unlocking the secrets of the universe are equally profound.

Disclaimer: The testimonies shared on my channel are presented as they were received, and they reflect the personal experiences and perspectives of the individuals who have kindly shared their stories. I do not claim to verify or authenticate the events recounted in these testimonies. The content is intended to promote open dialogue and understanding, and I encourage viewers to approach these stories with an open mind. Thank you so much!

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Music: Dreaming in 432Hz by Unicorn Heads

Music: Iron Cthulhu Apocalypse

#satanist #witchcraft #ericamukisa #cern
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Isaiah 14:13-15 states,
"For you have said in your heart:
'I will ascend into heaven,
I will exalt my throne above the stars of God;
I will also sit on the mount of the congregation
On the farthest sides of the north;
I will ascend above the heights of the clouds,
I will be like the Most High.'
Yet you shall be brought down to Sheol,
To the lowest depths of the Pit."

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As a former satanist and chosen one, I can verify that what she says is true. I am glad that she is sharing her testimony. The church desperately needs to learn these things. That is why I teach and give my testimony as well.


No amount of wealth is worth your soul in hell. Don't envy the wicked.


The more I learn of the dark, the more I’m brought to the light. 🙏🏽 I just wanna know truth.


CERN knows no boundaries in bringing in these fallen angels into our dimension. It is only thru the power of the Holy Spirit that these fallen angels are still restrained in hell. 😢


I have never been involved in witchcraft and these testimonies have helped me tremendously understand the kingdom of darkness


So sad that people would sell their precious souls for riches and fame and in the process destroying millions of innocent lives too.🥺 God in Heaven please protect all your children on the earth full of calamity 🙏 we need You please. Thank you for saving this sisters life 🙏😇🩷


Everyone should be taught these lessons from a women whose been there. I pray her testimony reaches millions around the world. Amen.


The fact that this is coming out everywhere shows me the end is near.


I've been waiting on this chapter! More Christians need to hear this and understand the ways of the adversary so that we can battle against him and his demonic Kingdom in the name of Jesus Christ of nazareth!


WOW! I'm speechless.. Lord Jesus please help us all.🙏


I can't understand why anyone would be a Satanist. Satan is on the losing side. All you're doing in condemning yourself to eternity in hell. I wouldn't do it for all the money, gold, diamonds and riches in the entire world. "Where is the profit for a man to gain the world yet lose his eternal soul?" You're trading this short life on earth for eternity in hell.


I, had a "vision about the Anti-Christ just a few days ago? Scary to say the least! I will not comply, let alone obey the"Anti-Christ! Bring it all on, I am soooo ready!


The truth of what’s happening in world is very disturbing.


The truth shall set us free. Thank you Jesus


Stephen Hawkins a atheist warned them not to do that, "You'll open up the gates of hell"! A few years ago I was leaving Asia, the pilot said, " We are now flying over the Aleutian Islands. IT WAS A PORTAL! It LOOKED like the BEGINNING of CREATION! I was looking at the other passengers to see if they saw what I was looking at! They didn't react like I did! The SKY had SPLIT OPEN!


There was a time when you would get killed for posting the info on this video.

Now I get the feeling they don't care who knows anymore.

That's how close we are to the written time.

Brothers and sisters make sure you are right with God, Jesus, and the holy spirit.

Jesus is the door to true life. By his blood our sins are washed away.

Be ready and be the prepared Virgin with extra oil for your lamp.


It's crazy that CERN is a portal to hell. I always thought growing up that CERN will help us immensely but now finding out that it's to open a portal from hell.


These are good Nathan, keep them coming, we love to hear and learn about the way the devil trains his followers. And if we meet one we can know how to deliver them from darkness into the light and forgiveness of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior 🙌🙌 🙌 Jesus for saving this lady. God help her to win souls for Christ. 😊


I swear I saw other channels taking your transcript and using them on their own channels. Lol

I always learn something new from your videos. I like this format better because it's straightforward, no distracting back and forth conversation, etc. Thanks, Nathan!
