The Real Reason Picard Saved Hugh

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Music: Wholesome by Kevin MacLeod
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This was actually a 4D chess move by Crusher.

She knows if she points to a humanitarian cause, that Worf will object for some security reason AND that Picard will just ignore Worf, because you gotta ignore Worf, thus getting what she wants.


I was like "ahahaha, nice joke"

And then I the Episode 11001001, Picard set the auto-destruct sequence. Yet, in First Contact, when Worf suggests it because the ship is completely F-ked, suddenly Picard is furious at him and refuses.

It's of course a huge character moment for Picard that he eventually changes his mind, in spite of the fact that it's what Worf suggested.


I went to school with "Hugh". Jonathan (real first name is Fernando) Del Arco came to Port Chester, NY. from the Ukraine. We were in grade school together and for a Christmas presentation, our music teacher wanted me to sing "Chestnuts roasting on an open fire" by myself. Everyone else was paired with someone. I didn't want to be the solo so she chose Fernando. He did it and got a huge ovation. I think that's what got him hooked on performing. Our high school classmates also consisted of Sandy Korn (now Sandra Taylor), a model and actress. Joe Langworth, a Broadway actor/singer/dancer/director/choreographer, and David Tutera, who has hosted a few cable shows mainly centered around party organizing. And another Star Trek person from Port Chester, NY. is Michael Piller.


Worf: Captain, I suggest we engage in diplomatic talks with the enemy.

Picard:...Fire photon torpedos, Mr. Worf.


They always said no to Tasha Yar as well. Except for the time she said “I’m gonna walk over here by this black Goo. “


Too bad we never got to see the episode where Worf finds out that HR is actually there to protect the higher-ups and tells him he should just “keep his head down” and “be a good team player”.


Worf: I think we shouldn't blow up the Enterprise
Picard: NO! Worf, what have you done???


I really feel bad for Worf sometimes. He’s just trying to do his job but Picard always ignores his suggestions and makes every situation ten times more complicated than it needs to be.


Worf's role in TNG was to offer simple solutions from a security or military standpoint, Picard was there to show that the Federation was "beyond that". And I think that's good writing, because in that shown incident there weren't any easy or simple solutions.


I just rewatched that scene to confirm, and yeah, this is laughably accurate. As soon as Picard hears that Borg are present, he immediately looks alarmed, and then...

Picard: Away team, prepare to return to the ship!
Crusher: Captain, we can't leave him here. He won't survive.
Riker: I think the captain understands that.
Crusher: I don't.
Riker: The Borg usually collect their dead.
Crusher. He's not dead! (At least not yet)
Riker: The transmission that we intercepted was probably a homing signal. We have to assume they're on their way.
Crusher: Let me at least stabilize his condition... give him a chance of surviving until they get here.
Picard: Your concern is noted, Doctor, but any intervention on our part would alert the Borg to our having been there.
Crusher: I'm afraid we've turned that corner already.
Worf: Kill it now. Make it appear that it died in the crash. Leave no evidence that we were ever here.
Picard: *...Long beleaguered sigh...* Security measures must be taken before we beam it on board.


I remember noticing this years ago when I first saw that episode. It’s like after Worf says something, Picard gets this look like “Well now I kind of feel like an asshole because Worf thinks it’s a good idea. Maybe I should rethink this.”


Sisko gives Worf carte blanc simply to piss off Picard, who Sisko is still pissed at for that little Wolf 359 thing.


Worf: Captain, I suggest you go read some Shakespeare and drink Earl Grey tea.
Picard: ARGH! *Head implodes*


This actually fits perfectly with my theory of social credit and "prestige" in star trek being the currency. Picard does what he wants, defying admirals etc because of the prestige of his family name coupled with his own personal exploits. Think a heroic knight from an ancient noble family, even the king (if they had those) would carefully weigh Picard's opinions. But Worf has used all his social credit just existing as a klingon out of water. Agreeing with Worf lowers your standing somewhat. Picard VERY carefully curates his words throughout the series to keep his position as one of the foremost citizens of the federation intact. This is how I've spent my last watchthrough, considering this concept. Times when picard's whim is thwarted by another's willpower and it is allowed to stand (without him getting on board) are few and far between and only seem to happen via legendary individuals like Dr Suung


This is may be the best thing I have ever heard.


Lol, this is spot on. I've been rewatching TNG lately, and it's incredible how much they jobbed Worf. His solutions in many episodes would have saved them, and yet he was ignored time, and time again. Not to mention, he was the strongest dude on the ship, and kept getting his ass beat. He gets whooped so many times early on. It's a joke what they did to his character. He should have been much higher in regard.


This is why Worf is so scared of The Sisko. The Sisko does everything Worf loves to do. Meet Q? Punch him in the face. Terrorists on some colony? Nuke it. Meet a new alien race? Go to war, killing millions. Worf probably sings songs and writes poetry about his time on DS9.


Trolley paradox. Hugh dying is the result of not turning switching the track (passively letting him die), removing Hugh flips the track (active participation). Worf suggests pushing someone onto the track to stop the trolley, killing Hugh and covering it up, 1 person will die, but the active killing changes perspective instead of just "nature taking it's course." Picard is against active killing if at all possible, but has realized the end results are the same if he also didn't help Hugh, and it's this that overrides Worf's suggestion.


"Picard's need to *deny* Worf ta..." - I actually went with a raspy tone. Well done.


I will add that I think this is something that a lot of people do, and I'm not talking about disagreeing with a specific person just for the sake of doing it their own way. But It's hard for us to see our own bad ideas, but if we hear someone else mirror them back to us, we are able to look at the idea objectively and not personalize it. Now you could add in that as a Klingon, , maybe Picard still holds some of the old prejudices against the klingons such that hearing his idea coming out of a klingon's mouth makes it a little worse sounding.
