Tanjiro's Dad is WAY STRONGER than You Think! (Demon Slayer Tanjuro Kamado Fully Explained)

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Tanjiro's Dad is WAY STRONGER than You Think! (Demon Slayer Tanjuro Kamado Fully Explained)

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Yoriichi coloring by ajjk on DeviantArt

Outro Music:
Dex Arson & MDK - Resolution
"Rising Hope" by Mitchell Miller
#DemonSlayer #Tanjiro #AnimeUproar
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Thanks for watching! Quick note: I misread the viz explanation for shaku. Long story short: the bear is not a godzilla bear but around a 9 foot tall bear. Doesn't change anything as far as the video's thesis goes, but just wanted to make that clear. Sorry for the confusion!


Tanjiro's dad is basically Yoriichi reincarnated and living the life that Yoriichi always originally wanted. So it makes sense that he was reborn with the skill to use Sun breathing so masterfully. Even though Tanjiro will surpassing him since he's so young, his dad was truly a GOAT of his time if he ever picked up a Nichirin blade


He's literally like the incarnation of Yoriichi. Though he got his wishes fulfilled this time by just having a simple life, building his own family. If he became part of the demon slayer corps, he's obviously on second par with Yoriichi.


The fact that he could perform the hinokami kagura for whole nights is enough evidence that he wasn't weak..
i would've loved to learn more about him..


I love how they haven't just given tanjiro all the power in the world. Truly fascinating how many leagues yoriichi and tanjuro were above all the demon slayers and they'll stay godlike forever.


His dad passed down the Sun walking technique to beat Muzan’s Moon walking.
It is said Muzan lost badly in a dance off against Yorichi


Considering reincarnation has pretty much been confirmed in Demon Slayer, I actually think that Tanjuro is the reincarnation of Yoriichi, and since Sumiyoshi was later reborn as Tanjiro, it kinda fits the theme: Yoriichi teaches Sumiyoshi and Tanjuro teaches Tanjiro.
It would also explain why Tanjuro can be easily compared to Yoriichi.


This just gave the idea that Tanjurou would have been a very strong demon slayer. But it felt like if he were thought to be the next Yoriichi, the life he lived and led was the kind of life Yoriichi just wanted to live: to live peacefully with his loved ones. It seemed like Tanjurou lived the life that was stolen from Yoriichi, in a way.


The thing is doing the Hinokami Kagura dance was Tanjuro’s training, if he had a sword he wouldn’t need any training with it because the dance was made to specifically translate to using a sword. I also think an awesome “what if” story would be if a demon showed up instead of the bear and kills the family thus within 10 days of Tanjuro’s death would be dedicated to hunting down and successfully killing Muzan.


Tanjiro's dad was was truly overpowered, he was always in that plant like state or demon slayer's version of ultra instinct plus he had access to the see through world.. he was literally the reincarnation of yuriichi.. if he didn't die of his illness and if he joined the demon slayer corps he would be be carrying the entire demon slayer corps.


bro i'm convinced that anyone with a warm and kind smile is strong asf


I remember when I first saw Tanjuro performing the dance in the episode. It took my breath away and gave me goosebumps. Still in my top 5 animated moments of the series.


I’ve been telling people that if tanjiro’s dad became a demon slayer, he would’ve been the strongest one alive. He already had the access to the see-through world.


Well it's not surprising, sumiyoshi is Tanjiro kamado's ancestor who befriended yoriichi and was able to perform the sun breathing himself and had mastered it too unlike other demon Slayers, although he was not of yoriichi's level himself . He passed it down to his children and well tanjuro, Tanjiro kamado's father was one user of it. It was also mentioned in the manga that he once killed a bear yes a full grown rampaging blood thirsty bear with just an axe and was so fast that Tanjiro was barely able to see him perform that oh and btw he slashed open the bear head with just two slices and he also had access to the selfless state and transparent world


Tanjuro is Yoriichi got what he wanted, a simple life with a family. And Tanjiro is what Sumiyoshi could have been if he joined the demon slayer corps.


Imagine how hilarious it would be, Muzan walks up to the Kamado household and sees Tanjuro standing in the doorway, axe in hand.
Muzan sees Yorichii there and uses the joestar secret technique out of sheer fear, then sends Kokushibou to deal with it.


His Level was beyond Hashira, beyond Upper Moons... He already had the access to the see-through world, he could perform the Hinokami Kagura for nights on end, proper Breathing, Fire Breathing (Sun Walking Technique), he just didnt join the Corps becauseh e wanted to be with his family, a simple life.


In my Opinion Tanjiro and Tanjuro were nerfed by fate. Tanjuro was extremely ill but most likely could have been a God in the battlefield if he wasn’t. Someone who could dance till dawn and had the mark + see through world.

Tanjiro never got to train dusk till dawn like his father so he learned the hinokami kagura through his own means. If he learned it from child to teen he would have been much much stronger, no longer needing the less superior water breathing, able to use the full sun breathing in 13th form.

I think Muzan would struggle a lot more against this father sun duo, not to mention how much Tanjuro resembles Yoriichi. PTSD over 9000


Don’t forget yoriichi didn’t need swordsmen training he was naturally gifted because he could see the invisible world


Also Tanjiro has a lot of potential after becoming a demon slayer as whatever he is doing, he is not even eighteen while yorrichi encountered muzan at the age of 24 and tanjuro mastered the kagura in his later 20s- early 30s
