Russia's demographic crisis

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Russia is dealing with a major demographic crisis. Low birth rates, high death rates and an increase of mortality rate is taking its toll on the Russian population. Not to mention the increase of divorces, abortions, alcoholism, narcotics and communicable diseases. Forecasts predicted that the Russian population will decrease to around 125 million by 2025. And possibly even going below 100 million by 2050. By 2020 Russia will lose 30% of its population, this could become a turningpoint in Russian history.
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A lot of people cannot see a good future for their children anymore..I look at a child these days and I am scared for them


This might be the reason why Russia wants the Crimea with its ethnic russian population living there.


I gave birth to 3 children and work... I'm such a useful woman 😂😂😂


excellent presentation. you missed Russian emigration... huge problem too.


About the population. It is largely unchanged. In 2020, it is still about 145 million in Russia.


From what I know about everyday life in Russia, there is always a shortage of housing. People in Russia have about as much room as inhabitants of Manhattan and their reproduction rate is about as low as that of people in Manhattan.

It seems to me that the easiest and quickest way to encourage more births would be to make it a lot more possible for the children who are born to have their own rooms. Having more living space might also cut down somewhat on the number of divorces since the ability to go to another room to get away from somebody who is irritating you can prevent minor issues from escalating into major issues.

In any event, the fastest and cheapest and most flexible housing to build would be mobile homes which can be made in factories all over the country and transported to wherever there might be a demand for them. Governments have a lot of tools that can encourage production and installation of mobile homes. The government can lower or eliminate taxes on them and set up loans that enable people to buy them at low or no interest. The government could even sponsor a program where someone who had served a military enlistment would be entitled to something like a half acre of land and a mobile home, although the government might only offer this benefit in towns east of the Urals.


Russia: I need to solve demographic crisis
Putin: Let's start a war


Here in 2020 their population is still above 140M (they got a boost from conquering Crimea though.)


looks like they bounced back
145, 934, 462 people in 2020


so, 5 years after this video was posted, Russia popu
ation stands at roughly 144 million. I can't see this expected drop down to about 100m by 2020...


Looks like America wont have to compete with Russia. Russia is doing the job by itself lol.


your reports are the most factual, stats driven & comprehensive one .thanks for sharing knowledge & balanced perspectives


This video aged well. No really, it aged well.


Russian population is 143 million.But now over 1 million refuges came to Russia from Ukraine.Then Russia annexed Crimea.Crimean population is 3 million.Then Russia will annex Eastern Ukraine and get another 15 million which means russian population rose this year by 19 million, which makes Russia population 162 million.


@lebboy1122 A good point, it has to do something with the fact that there is more succes in interracial/interethnic marriages then just Russian monoethnic marriages. Interracial or interethnic marriages lost much longer.


Russia have so many threats to their survival as a state (militaristic, economics, demographics...)
Could be the demographic issue a reason to promote the re-birth of orthodox religion?. You know, the more religious the people are, the more conservative about marriage, divorce, abortion... with maybe a net result in more child bearing?


This video hasn't aged well.
Russian population 2009: 142.8 million
Russian population 2020: 144.4 million


@Reido2828 A good question but Putin can do little yo reverse alcoholism in Russia. All he can do is increase the prices of alcohol-related products and there is a limit to how can be increased. Even during the Soviet era this was a very sensitive issue. In short it is unlikely that any Russian leader can solve the alcoholism problem in Russia.


This is a good analysis of what happened in the 1990s but it misses one point. Every 25 years, Russia’s birthrates plummet ever since World War II when they lost 25 million young people. 25 years after that in the late 60s, The children of that lost generation would’ve been having the grandchildren and there is a dip in their demographics at that time. 25 years after that in the early 90s would have been the great grandchildren. And there is a dip again right around 2020. This pattern will likely continue to be noticeable in Russian demographics for another century.


The US has compensated for the decline in the white birth rate by almost unlimited immigration (mostly illegal). The government has turned a blind eye to the millions coming over the southern border. Now Obama is importing tens of thousands of Syrian muslims into the country. By 2050 the white people in the US will be only a plurality of the total population and will be outnumbered by non whites. Russia has decided that it is better to have a smaller population than to lose its identity and heritage by allowing non ethnic Russians to outnumber them. The US will sadly regret its current immigration policies when it has become a Balkanized nation full of racial strife and poverty. It is one thing to applaud racial diversity but when that causes a nation to lose its character and heritage and become a third world country full of warring factions the end is near. I applaud Russia for trying to preserve its Russian population and remain true to its history.
