shrooms simulation(mega dose)

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check out my dmt simulation. The one In the woods and wear headphones and listen to the audio details and look at the visual details. It’s my best one and it’s not getting as much attention as I think it deserves.


Psychedelics are just an exceptional mental health breakthrough. It's quite fascinating how effective they are against depression and anxiety. Saved my life.


I have a friend who did 8g of shrooms. He literally became feral, attacking everything he saw and screaming at the top of his lungs. He's fine now but don't take that much, even if you are experienced.
Edit: Ik that some people can do 10gs and more but these are people who have done it a lot of times and are more than just experienced.


Seems like it would be a bad idea to take a mega dose outdoors.


Depression haunted my life from a very young age, and I was put on a bunch of SSRIs as a child in attempt to deal with it. None worked.Psychedelic mushrooms was brought to my attention. It was the first thing that actually had real effects. They should only be used with great care and respect.


Psychedelics are just an amazing discovery. It's quite fascinating how effective they are for depression and stress..saved my life.


Being a hippie from the 60s, I experimented with all psychedelics, from purple haze, orange sunshine, windowpane, peyote, shrooms, mescaline, etc. Did them all, didn't care for the feeling of being out of control. If the walls aren't melting, you ain't high. To each his own. One more thing, back then we ate the WHOLE shroom, not some "dehydrated" twig that had lost 90% of its potency. Grow a pair and take a REAL TRIP. Peace, Bro


Yup pretty close, though I'd say the tunnel feeling isn't there. I remember taking a huge dose and my fov was 360° so all hallways and stuff were really long


Idk how you got the audible distortions so accurate. AMAZING


Ive taken insane amounts of shrooms, you NEVER break through into another realm the way you do with DMT so this is semi misleading, but very cool and gives a semi accurate view of the visuals you can expect. But the lessons you're meant to learn arent in the visuals but rather your feelings, or lack there of. The visuals are just part of the journey but they arent the destination. Enjoy your trips my friends <3


This is me when I get up from my bed a little bit too quickly


once had a little more than a quarter ounce of shrooms, gotta say it definitely made a good story time lmfao


I suffered the borderline disorder for over 23 years. With so much anxietyNot until I came across psilocybin mushrooms treatmentPsilocybin treatment actually saved my life honestly. 6 years totally clean. Never thought I would be saying this about mushrooms


yes! just did it and it had a lot of flowing and melting and breathing and seeing things that kinda look like toads and noses and stuff. I also saw a lot of letters in my hand when I moved my fingers in my face. my air conditioner seemed to be a tribal mask that was saying poetry while melting but then going back up like water. I think at one point geometric patterns appeared to attach themselves to my hand and move with it everywhere it went. There was also a lot of silliness like me just saying because it seemed right. I also remember staring into my girlfriends eyes and being like I would do ANYTHING for you you beautiful human. she just glowed like she was the ideal of human perfection and beauty. like some kinda nature elven goddess. I came up with a lot of weird names for things I saw like meezgoblin and Snivelbivel. The air kinda felt like I was swimming in something that was also in my brain (idk how else to describe that) looking in the mirror i kept switching from being really beautiful and strong looking to really ratty with stringy hair and wrinkles and blemishes all over. (perhaps how I view aging and my will to stay young) Also felt like all the things I hate in the world were so miniscule and powerless. I really didn't expect all this since my previous trip was more low dose just wavey and goofy but this was something else. Its amazing how different this is from DXM and Salvia


This doesn’t replicate the feeling of you becoming aware you’re the only thing that exists….


I have been mostly sad but after taking shrooms few months ago, l feel much happier and highly motivated and my ADHD gone, lost a ton of anxiousness and had a few epiphanies about how I should live my life. I decided to buy an ounce for backup, but haven’t yet felt the need to take any more since then.


mushrooms are scary sometimes. They are the only psychedelic with no roof. The more you take the higher you get. There's a point where the hallucinations change drastically and you become aethereal then you can speak with the dead and be one with all life. The freaky thing the first time I saw the other realm was that you're still totally coherent and can see physical reality right underneath the spirit world and its disorenting. You may think you're speaking to your deceased family member but are actually freaking out your bestie. Psychedelics are such a personal experience, once youve tripped with someone and have felt the effects, do it by yourself next time. Self introspection is hella intense on mushrooms.


I love psychadelics especially acid since it shows me another state of being sober, I learn so much each time. And as a computer science student I see so many connections between the acid state and a early AI model. It really broke my reality and basically confirmed my theory for living in a matrix. But now that I am certain I don't know what is left to do. What is my purpose.


What happens if you do 16? My friend did that and went insane I legit scared for him


Mine gets same.i lose my vission.fractals every were. Every thing was lights and colors, swirls, it was so beautiful!same as this.
