Overwatch - Top 5 Tips to Improve Accuracy [PC]

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Everything you need to know to starting putting that cursor in the right place and getting those headshots!

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I am a Mercy Main. I am so happy i don't have to aim


Great tips dude. The most important one you've highlighted is to relax - often, the harder you try, the worse you will do. This is related to how your brain processes complicated information - your subconscious is excellent at processing complicated parallel tasks. When you consciously try to take over, by 'trying too hard', you struggle to process all the information in the conscious part of your brain and at its worst, this can develop into the sporting concept known as 'choking'. For a more in-depth view on this, have a read of a book called 'Bounce' by Matthew Syed, an ex-Olympian.

From my Battlefield days, focusing on the objective and looking to help/assist my teammates often resulted in me playing much better and going on amazing killstreaks, as opposed to when I'd run in deliberately trying to be a death machine, which would often get me easily killed.


Dude, I'm such a fanboy of this channel. I've seen dozens of videos on accuracy improvement, but this one's tips really helped me.


Good tips. My biggest tip to people would be to work on tracking for automatic weapons and avoid tracking with sniper rifles, rocket launcher, etc. The problem with tracking with a sniper rifle is that you're following their movement, but every time that movement changes you need to correct. You're better off making instantaneous shots than following a path or pattern. Along those lines, if the view model is annoying, simply move your cursor down from the target after your shot, then when you want to take your next shot, snap your cursor to them again. This is more general for FPS than specific to Overwatch, since Widowmaker will often want to follow up a fully charged hit with partially charged shots. In that case, there's not a lot of time between shots, but I'd still say not to track.


Really nice tips. Spent less than an hour practicing and I could already see a big change.
I find the skirmish head shot only helped a lot.
Thanks again !


You didn't mention it in the video but you have done it; changing your cross-hairs to the dot can help, since many heros have different crosshairs it can be harder/deceiving for new players to the genre dealing with wide cross-hairs and bloom. The dot lets you know if you are exactly on point no matter if your weapon spreads or not, and helps you improve.


Holy shit. I had never, EVER found something before this advising me to pivot from the elbow and it works SO MUCH FRIGGIN BETTER.


Heres a tip, if you suck at aiming funnel enemies. Let them come to you, retreat and reposition yourself in an area with a choke point where you can control where the enemy is attacking you from. There are a lot of heroes in this game that are nearly impossible to hit and heroes that are nearly impossible to snap shot hit with. If you funnel your enemies you will greatly improve your odds of winning the fight.

This is extremely useful on heroes that have projectiles that require lead and predictable movement.
Speaking of predictable movement, one of the best ways to get a good shot is to hit the guy from the side. Players rarely strafe back and forth and you can almost always tell where a player is going *the direction they are looking*. Use this to your advantage.

And finally. If a hero is low hp there first instinct is to run to a nearby health kit.
Line your shot up with the health kit aim for the head height of the hero and fire.


For Console Players. I've found that somewhere on a scale of 10 that between 7 and 10 on the sensitivity scale should be where you adjust your aim to. I've played competitively in the Halo 2 scene on Xbox a long time ago and this was where the pros sat their sensitivity.

For CoD players they've set theirs uppers of 9 or 10, but you can find your Zen at 7 or 8 if you need to!

(If the % doesn't translate well to Overwatch on Consoles, I'll talk with some of my console buddies and mention it on my podcast, but Max is by far the expert here. If you're on console the best is just tweak the sensitivity so you can 360 efficiently, do flick shots without your aim-assist launching your cross hairs too badly. And still hit the practice course for tweaking.


Congratulations on becoming an uncle! I didn't even know I needed this video until I watched it, thanks.


thanks this was the first useful vídeo about aiming and sensitivity in overwatch


I'd also suggest knowing your weapon's optimal range. If you're firing too early, all you're going to do is alert the enemy. This isn't as much of a problem on PC as it is on consoles (where it's hard to aim at a distance and close up aim assist usually rears its ugly head), but I've noticed that a lot of Overwatch takes place in CQB. Whether you're a flanker or a tank, it's usually a good idea to save your bullets for when they'll matter most; you can be perfectly accurate and still lose to someone who's chest-shotting you from where they're supposed to be.


As a long time MOBA gamer, i have indeed lowered my sensitivity but i don't pivot from my elbow only, wrists have faster reflexes, . I'm using a hybrid method where i can do precise aiming with my wrist and when i need to turn over 90 degrees, I pivot from my elbow.

For those interested : 1200 DPI, 5 sens (that differs from person to person, but left to right with wrists should cover 180 degrees in total)


Low sensitivity isnt for everyone, some pros use high sensitivity because they can track perfectly with small movements its all about your hands dexterity. Also, you can use math to get the perfect sensitivity, theres a video about it on youtube.


The Headshot - Bot thingy is really useful. I spend about an hour in there with Mcree, maybe I can finally hit something other than walls and the ground with either firing mode.


the widow flick training is the best i've encountered so far


Brilliant, just what I've been looking for.


Thanks for the great video! I always look forward to your uploads, and can tell you put time and effort into them.


Actually these tips are really good. The crosshair position is also one of the first things cs pros recommend to learn.
I can actually see that your crosshair is too low aswell. You aim at the ground infront of you when you dont see an enemy sometimes. Its bad to do but only natural since the human head is tilted down by 15 degrees naturally, so by aiming at the ground players subconsciously adjust their view in-game to their vision in real life


Oh, for Havens sake, thank you, thank you greatly! I needed this sooo much! I sometimes can't even hit my target with the D.Va! Thank you so much!
