Excel VBA Forms Part 7 - ListBox Controls

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By Andrew Gould

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Rolls Royce vba education I recommend your channel to colleagues and clients all the time thank you.


I finally understand how the Listbox works after all these years. Thanks


Hi Andrew! I just wanted to say that even 4 years after you uploaded this, I have found immense use out of this video and the previous ones. I wish I had found this series a month ago to be honest with you.

Thank you for such a clear, concise, and descriptive video!


my final way of concatenating items from an array when using vba was:
SelectedGenres = SelectedGenres & iif(SelectedGenres ="", "", ", ") & FilmGenres.List(i)

this will prevent managing the trailing comma at the price of an extra comparison in when ok.


My knowledge of lists boxes, especially multi-select list boxes was lacking.
I have a much better grasp on them now.
I'm familiar with current region, however I didn't know that you could click on a cell and use control + A to select the current region.
What a great tip for showing someone how a blank row or column can change the current region in a worksheet.
Thanks Andrew, you are an excellent teacher.


Thanks for your video tutorials on VBA, very informative and helpful


Nice tutorial, plz make video show data from MS access, more than 10 column with headers


Hi Andrew - fantastic video as always. Appreciate it much. Could you kindly tell me if you have done any video on the list view control? I searched but couldn’t find. Many thanks in advance.


The application I am building will allow the User to set up new lists that are not yet populated. For Example, I will create a Table for a Named List called 'Cost Codes'.

Initially the Cost Codes List will be unpopulated (will have one blank row); waiting for the User to start inputting their own Cost Codes with Descriptions.

With the .End(xlDown) method, I find that the Code fails, however; if I have the one Row with data in it, then the Sub runs fine.

I am a very rank amateur to Excel VBA, hence why I am very appreciative of your Website & YouTube content! Thank you!

Will it be necessary to write a Sub that will have the end User initiate the Table, Name the Range, and then enter their Cost Codes...

I hope I have explained this well enough to be useful for you.

You input is greatly appreciated!


Hi Andrew, hi all,

Your videos are great as always, thank you Andrew!
When watching at this video, in the "if" you write at min 12:30, I was wondering how to avoid the empty case. So I thought by writing the following code in the "if", it might be another way to make it :

If SelectedGenres = "" Then
SelectedGenres = FilmGenres.List(i)
SelectedGenres = SelectedGenres & ", " & FilmGenres.List(i)
End If

... or would this be longer ?

In any case, thank you very much for your clear explanations, examples, and vast knowledge you give in the videos.


Hello Andrew, it's been great watching your videos, so much good insight to my vba journey.

I have a question I hope you can answer. I've added items into my listbox using the rowsource from my worksheet. It works perfectly fine and I'm happy with it but I want to be able to sort the list box (alphabetically or by date in a certain column) without sorting the the worksheet. I hope you can help help me out as I've tried many things but can't seem to get it right.


Hello Andrew, thanks a lot for your priceless videos, I am having difficulty with finding something useful about listview control, any suggestions?


Very nice tutorial..
Lot loves from India.
I learnt many tricks and tips from your channel...❤❤

I have one doubt
In the vba list box I have few items in that I want to highlight one particular item with red or some other colour.
Could please help me out in this


Hey, I really appreciate your service. I need your assistance on listbox columns. I want to format a specific column.: font...alignmnet, color, size


Hi - I really like the way you explain things. I wonder if you have any ideas about a problem I am trying to solve.
Its about being able to manipulate background color of list row using vba.
Is it possible to program several background color per line in listboxes? In my userforms I have listboxes and I get their input from named ranges - which I populate via queries. so each row of a list box contain multiple cells from that named range. Is there a way to program the background coloring of cells so that the listbox would show them? currently I paint the background of cells in named range with vba and when I navigate to it or when I export that named range to a different workbook - I can see that color background worked fine,
But when I look at same named range thru the listbox - the background colors do not show. Any ideas on how to overcome this problem?


Hi Andrew, is there a way to insert into a listbox a select all item tickbox which would work in a way like e.g. as it works in Excel filters? I tried to make one utilizing the change event of the listbox but my code got complicated and ended in an infinite loop.


Andrew was wondering if this could be used - add a textbox which captures the genres selected by the user and write a validation code for that?


Hi Andrew! The functions part of VBA is a bit confusing;
I have gone through the introduction part in one of your videos on function. Need your suggestion on how to go about..thank you in advance!!!


Anytime I use the scroll bar to scroll down my ListBox, and then try to select an item, it automatically scrolls back to the top and does not select the item. I have created a ListBox where I have over 350 items, so I also added a search function, and when you select an item, you have to click a command button which moves it to a TextBox, creating my end-result list. I think this is similar issue as is with the scroll bar function in other videos, but I cant seem to find any information to verify this. Also is there a way where I can say “If ‘in listbox’ “XYZ” is selected and added to textbox..” no other values can be added? Maybe disabling the Add Selected Item button through an if statement. Any help would be greatly appreciated, and as this is a work related project, the speedier the better.



I inserted an List box (ActiveX control) but it always resizes when I am closing and opening the file. How can I prevent that?
