Все публикации

DAX for Power BI Part 7.2 - Creating a Financial Year Calendar

Wise Owl Answers - How do I copy slides from multiple PowerPoint files into one presentation in VBA?

DAX for Power BI Part 7.1 - Creating Basic Calendar Tables in DAX

Wise Owl Answers How do I save a shape as a picture in Excel VBA

Power Automate Part 12 - Approvals

DAX for Power BI Part 6.3 - Calculating Running Total or To Date Values

DAX for Power BI Part 6.2 - Comparing Date Ranges

Power Automate Part 5 - Variables and Basic Arrays

Power Automate Part 4 - The Compose action and debugging

Wise Owl Answers - How do I compare specific columns in a matrix in SSRS?

Wise Owl Answers - How do I use Google Translate with Excel VBA?

Wise Owl Does Wordle

Python Part 16a - Linking to SQL Server

Python Part 14d - Working with strings

Python Part 14b - Working with Booleans

DAX for Power BI Part 3.2 - The LookupValue Function

Python Part 10 - Sets

Python Part 8 - List Comprehensions

Python Part 5 - Modules

Python Part 4 - Virtual Environments

Wise Owl Answers - How do I add a Select All option to a VBA list box?

Python Part 3 - Ranges, loops and formatting

Wise Owl Answers - How do I unzip files using VBA?

DAX for Power BI Part 2.1 - Basic Calculated Columns in DAX