How to Come Up with Unique GAME IDEAS (Game Dev)

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Game Ideas are one of the most important parts of a game developer's journey. The base idea is what you take to build off of as you go through that game's development. Whether you use Godot or another game engine, coming up with a game idea takes a lot of time and mental energy so I thought I could maybe help you out with that process. Maybe you need to come up with an idea quickly for a game jam or maybe you are ready to build a massive project but just don't know where to start. I really do hope this video helps! Thank you!

0:00 Intro
0:20 Game Ideas - Step 1
1:01 Game Ideas - Step 2
1:45 Game Ideas - Step 3

Thank you so much for watching, I really hope this video helped.

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These Tutorials take a lot of time to create and I’m working on becoming a better Teacher and learning how to explain Godot things in a better way, if you’d like to support this journey to expand knowledge and help other game dev’s learn to create their own games then please.. Become a Member! It would mean the world and you’ll help me out so much! Thank you!

have a great rest of your day and of course be safe :)

- thanks DevWorm
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These days we actually forget to sit by ourselves and think.
It sounds dumb but I get my best ideas in the shower


Especially for game jams the thing for me is, I always get ideas that in my opinion will make very fun and interesting games, and I always feel conflicted by the idea of using those game idea for making a jam game that will probably remain a game jam, and I start thinking "what if" that is actually a killer idea that would've been a great commercial game. Before I started making games I was always afraid I won't have a creative mind and great ideas, now I have like 5 game ideas of commercial games that I want to see finished and released one day. And I end up going with a 2nd or 3rd idea for a game jam. It's a little bit annoying and frustrating.


Thank you for explaining this process!


Great ideas!! I especially like the idea of sitting in the dark with no electronics. Electronics can be a huge distraction. Another idea I have is go outside and go walking in nature without electronics. I get all kinds of ideas this way!


That's literally what I was looking for atm!


come up with game ideas easy, but how to come up with new mechanics, this is very challenging


This video is literally the one I need because I'm a beginner and I'm not creating games I'm still learning things in godot like playermovement, finite state machines, but this tips I think will also help me in brainstorming an idea or mechanics for my game . Once again nice video ^^


Most of my ideas come up while I'm taking a poo


I absolutly agree, funny enough, i wanted to create a game like mad stupid simple but than i ended up making a team with like 8 people and you're truly helpful to helping pe make it thanks to the tutorials, keep up the work!


how bold of you to assume i have mental visualization skills :P


Not a Godot dev, but this is quality content!


Well ideas aren't a problem for me.... Good video btw


Hey man, I recently got into game developing and you've been so helpful with learning godot. Do you think you'd ever get around to a turn based fighting style godot game? It's something I'd love to implement but have no idea where to start. Great content :)


You need to narrow your scope of ideas to things you could actually pull off as well. If your core idea is really good you can expand on it later but if your idea is too complex right away you probably cannot pull it off.


i have idea will be great if succeed : i was watching Narcos and then playing Rainbow six sege and some time get angry from the game so why there is no company make similar but DEA fighting Narcos , Law enforcement Attacker and Narcos Defender , Example
charcater in Narcos : Paplo escopar, El chapo, Gang member with tattoo you can change the skin
5 Players vs 5 Players
The goal as Attacker to seize the Drug from Cartel building or Destroy there organization Death match
The goal of Defender to safe the product until it leave the storage area
we can also add Gang vs Gang
The same style of R6
for Law enforcement we can add FBI, DEA and other agency from the other country


Can you make a video on how to make an boss enemy ai with multiple attacks? There seem to be a lack of comprehensive tutorials for beginners on youtube on how to do that with godot 4


Just in time. I was procrastinating for 2 days straight.


bro the moment i saw this i thought of worm college from adventure time😭


I have plenty of ideas I just cant implement any of them haha


And here I am, struggling to choose a game engine with my Monkey Mind.

Love 2d, Godot, Defold, Phaser, Gdevelop 😅😅😅😅😅😅😅
