How child support works (UK)

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I believe both parents should be present physically and financially during a child's upbringing although this is not always achievable for whatever the reason.

This video was made in order to provide you with the information i feel is lacking when it comes to co-parenting.

Child maintenance can be either:

a private arrangement between you and the other parent

made through the Child Maintenance Service - a government scheme

You need to have child maintenance arrangements for children under 16 (or under 20 if they’re in approved education or training). If you make a private arrangement you can continue paying after then.

Learn more

Calculate what you may pay/receive

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#Childsupport #Coparenting #Childmaintenance
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Poorly treated men alone are weak but together you are much stronger. Someone should setup an organisation to fight the extremely corrupt cms


My ex spent thousands taking me to court. Not because he had no access to kids. But because he wanted to inconvenience me. Never stuck to the order..
Never payed maintenance, and child maintenance thinks it's acceptable for him to pay £3 per child per week. But he's secure enough to remarry and take on someone else's 3 kids. Going down the CMS route for 3 quid per child was not worth my time or energy. My kids give away more money to the homeless than their dad's contribution.
I know good women who have been so desperate to provide for their children they've considered prostitution for basic necessities. Wish I had never applied. It's an insult to the children.


From what im hearing, the CMS seems to ignore absent parents that don't pay a penny, but will work really hard to chase the good parents out there that do pay but don't quite follow the terms they set down. If an absent parent is paying at least 75% of the calculated amount already, they should refuse to take on the case, or charge the mother a substantial fee to do so. And paying household bills should come into this figure


Are you on the payroll of the CMS? 🤦🏽‍♂️ fathers have no issues paying child maintenance to their child it's the extortionate rate of maintenance the CMS is requesting against the non-resident parent. They calculate it based on the gross pay not net pay, that's ridiculous because it's based on taxable income. What about the resident parents who deny access to their child? CMS doesn't take that into account CMS has mainly been used as tool by resident parents to harn and cripple the non-resident parents who do contribute towards their child. This video is a joke and patronising.


Costs for Collect and Pay should be equal. Too many receiving parents demand it on opening a case, in order to penalise the other person.


yeah thats all good you saying contribute to their upbringing but many of the time when you have a bitter ex that has gone the CMS route, they just want the money not your fatherly involvement - especially if they have another man.


It's an unfair system where child maintenance encourages mothers to stop access to gain more money as the less the father sees them the more they get, and in my experience child maintenance are the worst crooks going they cause so much heartache and homelessness


Excellent, Aaron! I always recommend that separated parents settle finances outside of the courts. I mean, just the amount some spend on attorneys could've given the kids so much more security...


I was the sole provider for a year of maternity. She left with my children (twins) as soon as she was able to go back to work. One of the issues being I told her I had incurred a lot of debt over the last year (despite being on above average income) and could not afford to contribute to nursery fees. She recently applied for child maintenance. She has refused to allow my children to stay overnight in order to maximise payments and is trying to insist that CMS use the collect a pay service (meaning I get 20% charge on top of what I pay). I have been working two jobs to pay her prior to her CMS application. I’m not facing homelessness and will be applying for a child arrangement order so I can see my children more. There has to be something in place so that women don’t abuse CMS.


My partner of one year has two wonderful kids and he has them 10 nights a month (he has asked for more but she refuses) so is currently in court and a date should be coming soon! He currently pays £300 a month to end for them. He has been left in a position where he is too scared to mention that she is overclaiming from him and even his solicitor has said not to bring it up. How is this even legal? He has had them 13 nights the last two months aswell which is pretty much half the time. Yet she continues to receive the £300. It’s putting us into arrears because he is also paying off debts that she ran up on his credit card. There is no protection for dads. All we want is what is equal and what is best for the kids!


Most of the women are kids having kids, no sense of correct psychology yet, then take there bitterness and resentment out on the father who has to distance through natural survival instincts to stop from self destruction.


Lol give extra so she can get that bag/holiday


😂😂😂😂you're joking right? So if you have PR as a father, youre not next of kin, you're ex has blocked you, you're son doesn't talk to you, he's at college, the college don't let you know whether he's at college as you're not next of kin so due to data protection you don't know whether he's attending or not, you're saying you should contribute financially via the CMS potentially until he's 20? GTFOOH😂😂😂😂 I await your response.


Amen to this Aaron.
Women dont know... or understand and neither do men! I'm here for this 🙌


Yes CMS is payable up to the age of 20! If the child is still in full time education.


Men should be paying 80% of the wages because them choose to have kids 😅


You missed an opportunity to give advice to men who are suicidal from being harrassed by the CMS.


What you are saying is nonsense mate because you are not factoring in a crazy woman like my wife.
I am a responsible father - when my wife was living with me - I took full responsibility for everything in the home. My wife did not pay for a single thing not even petrol.
One night she got drunk and attacked me.
They next week she was gone with my children.
Now because she realises that she cannot raise them by herself she is asking me for money.
All she needs to do is bring the constant back to their home and stop acting like a mad person.


what if a man doesn’t wana be a father like a woman doesn’t in many cases and just pays the bare minimum and doesn’t emotionally wana be involved


Thanks for breaking it down this way. You're right, both parents need to get out of their ego and do what is best for their child/ren and their livelyhood. It would Ideal if the non residential parent understood what the main parent does in ways of having to fit their lifestyle around the children (as they should) and the daily/weekly ins and outs of parenting I.e school run, health, parents evening, food, birthdays, clothes, a roof over their head and little to no freedom to come and go as they please and having to cancel certain important appointments or events because their child is not well or had an accident and the main parent feeling unwell but still ha to look after the children and cook etc.... you get the gist 😂 this can be challenging if there isn't any or very little support. I'd happily pay that and more because my children's happiness and we'll being comes above my ego and the feelings I have towards the other parent.
