【Jenny】» Battle Against A True Hero • Orchestra ver. w/ FanLyrics «

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Heyho! ┌( ಠ_ಠ)┘
ahh you guys wanted this so so badly - and I honestly had so many
difficulties with coming up with a fitting lyrics/melody. So I decided
to use Radix's lyrics, with this lovely orchestra arrangement!
I had to mix Cami-Cat's vocals in SOMEWHERE CUS I LOVE HER
VERSION ALOT OK? PLEASE. Anyways, the bridge? part turned
out hella lovely with her harmonies and vocals mixed imo!
Hope you like this cover!

Also; Thank you so so so so much for 10k! You guys are CRAZY!
Thank you for supporting me in something that I love to do and
hope to keep on doing in the future - with you guys! ♥

• ================ •

• Lyrics by Radix

• Cami-Cat's Version:

• Orchestra by:

A huge THANK YOU to my Patrons! I love you guys!
Sully Iqbal, Rachiet17SV, FlyAids, DulcetRefrain, Xelpher & Davide ♥

• ================ •

Cheers, Jenny ♥
Рекомендации по теме

When you find the great parts of the Undertale fan base like this, You wonder why people can't just ignore the cringe and focus on the good parts. That's what I do.


The voice is so accurate it scares me.


in the Earth: You Catch Fish
in the Undertale: The Fish Catch You


I still love that last line "real heroes don't have to fight" it summarizes the game so well.
Not only does it shows that Frisk attains the best ending, not by fighting, and coiming out as a true hero but it also shows that the real goal of a true hero is to reach an ending where no fight is ever needed again!
It's definitely the most fitting line for this theme


Hero's get remembered, but legends never die.


In the Neutral and Pacifist Runs, Undyne isn't comfortable with slaughtering a harmless child. She doesn't feel like the hero she wants to be doing that, even if it saves everyone in the Underground if she does. She is better than that at her very core. So she holds herself back, either on purpose or unknowingly, giving you more of a chance.

In a Genocide run, she doesn't even recognize you as HUMAN, let alone a child. You're just a threat to every living thing, and if she has ANYTHING to say about it, even if it costs her her existance, you will not be taking another goddamn step. Not while she stands. Not while she can still hold a spear. And she is gonna give it all she's got.

A true hero indeed. This isn't YOUR boss fight against HER, it's HER boss fight against YOU. And if you pay attention, you find Hotland an awful lot emptier passing through after, implying that her sacrifice accomplished something: It gave Alphys plenty of time to evacuate as many monsters as she could from your path.


The same woman.

Who burns her own house down


I feel like Undyne is the deadstraight definition of “Badass”.


She protac
She attac
But most inportently

She will always be bac


"Real heroes don't have to fight" fucking broke my soul, good job.


*Undertale players:* Sans' fight is so annoying! He never dies!
*Undyne:* Hold my beer


Frisks impressions
Scared: 😑
Sad: 😑
Excited: 😑
Bored: 😑
When Undyne comes back: 😧


Why life is amazing
1. This video has a replay option
2. This music is good
3. Its good need I say more


When Undyne turned into the Undying. Chills went down my spine, I knew this was gonna be just as hard, if not harder than Sans (as I was already aware of the Sans Fight). She's *this* difficult. Sans had to break rules of the game to be super difficult,
Undyne doesn't need to do that, she's an honorable warrior who fights fair, I can only imagine what would happen if she did the same thing as sans and started attacking you when it wasn't her turn, and then activating KR on top of it. That'd be impossible for me. I only barely got past Undyne the Undying. and when I won, I took a moment to sit there and just admire their bravery, and naturally amazing Determination.
Toby Fox did a really good job at making these characters, Undyne's probably my Favorite Character next to Papyrus just because of this, Undyne is definitely a warrior one could count on.


I remember I a d o r e d this song during my Undertale craze
Still a favorite for me in 2019 :)

Edit: Still a favorite in 2021!! thank you to all who asked if it was still a favorite now, it made me happy lol

Edit 2: Ok 2022!!! I wouldn't say it's an absolute favorite, but I like it and it holds a very special place in my heart ♡

Edit 3: 2023! My feelings of it are the same as 2022s :)


Undyne is one of my favorite characters.
When you fight her, all she thinks about are her friends and protecting everyone.
She doesn’t even think of herself. Honestly, she deserves more than she gets from the fandom.
She has to deal with so many mental loads;
Protecting the entire monster kind while keeping good relationships and facing serious threats all at the same time.
*But where is her nose?*


You know for a fish... Undyne has some pretty epic cat eyes going on there


*The beauty of this song fills you with DETERMINATION* HP Restored


Sees title
Oh god how do they expect to sing a wordless song
5mins later

Oh that’s how, nice


you know this would actually be a good song to honor army men
