Why Disney's Darth Vader Works | Obi-Wan Kenobi Breakdown

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Why Disney's Darth Vader Works | Obi-Wan Kenobi Breakdown. We break down why Disney's Darth Vader just works and how the balance is just right. From that scene in Rogue One to his final scene in Return Of The Jedi, we take a look at what happens in between including what we have seen so far in the Obi-Wan Kenobi series on Disney Plus.

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0:00 Why Disney's Darth Vader Works
1:47 Darth Vader in Rogue One, Jedi Fallen Order, Return of The Jedi and Obi-Wan Kenobi
10:43 Competition and Outro

Ok so Disney's Star Wars run has been somewhat of a mixed bag. Completely splitting the fandom, the franchise has basically developed into Marmite where you either love it or hate...or...you're just like this is fine. Though the Force Awakens got most people back onboard, The Last Jedi is still a buzzword used to describe subverting expectations that derails a franchise in a way that isn't exactly positive. Weirdly if we look at the sequel trilogy it's got this weird reactionary feeling to it where every movie seems like it's trying to almost fix the one that came before it. The Rise Of Skywalker was JJ Abrahams trying to steer the ship back to his original outline but if you ask me it's the worst of the three and just fails on almost every level.

Book Of Boba Fett split the Fandom, Obi-Wan Kenobis is too and outside of the Mandalorian it seems like everything gets backlash.

This is coming from a guy who actually enjoyed all that stuff too but I think I'd have to have my blast shield helmet on to not admit that there's a big part of the fanbase that hate everything out there these days.

No one hates star wars more than star wars fans, however, I thought I'd take a look at something positive. You know Heavy Spoilers is all about the love baby and I thought for once it would be nice to talk about something Disney did right.

Just...just back up the money truck guys, Heavy Shillers is back baby.

Now that is something we might all even agree on which is Disney's handling of Darth Vader. Search your feelings you know it to be true.

Though they've missed the mark on other things I think that they've really excelled at breathing new life into him and making him arguably even more intimidating than how he was in the original trilogy.

Now if you agree with us throughout the video then please hit the thumbs up button and make sure you subscribe for videos like this every day.

With that out the way, let's get into why Disney's Darth Vader Works.

► Artist Attribution

Music By KaizanBlu

Music - LAKEY INSPIRED - Arcade
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Let us know what you think Disney’s handling of Vader has been like.


The vader scene at the end of rogue one is, for me, up there with one of the best vader scenes in the entire Star Wars canon. I like how they haven’t softened him in kenobi, I wasn’t expecting him to be snapping peoples necks. On the whole I’d have the agree with you


It does further depict reach how terrifying and irredeemable he was which makes it hit more when Luke reaches out to him


There are two sayings that always stick with me… “it’s not the dark you’re afraid of, it’s what’s in the shadow that frightens you”, and “it’s not being alone in the dark that frightens most people. it’s when they realize that they’re not alone.”
Vader does this with masterful strokes. His line when confronted by a whole army of soldier, “All I am surrounded by is fear… and dead men”


"No one hates Star Wars like Star Wars fans." Hahahaha, so true


I think why Vader is so terrifying is because he has so little screen time, he always has a presence even when not in a scene creating constant tension and when finally he does reveal himself it’s usually an epic moment. To give him his own series is a mistake. The less we know about villains the better adds to the mystery.


I think so far they did a really good job. It was really intense having vader hunt obi wan down and then to just play with him for a bit. Like he could have easily gone after him or force pulled him back into the fire but he let him go. Also when Vader said “I am what you made me.” That line was so epic.


The reason the hallway scene is so impactful is because it shows the reaction of the rebels, the guys face shows utter fear. He knows he’s dead!


Man he was just phenomenal in episode 3 for real like it was the real "REVENGE OF THE SITH"


Anikan presence is felt. He lost his wife, his child(children) and his humanity. Darth Vader felt he had nothing left to live for. So the Sith lord we see now is savage and relentless. The Darth Vader we saw is definitely at the end of Rogue One gave me chills.


It really gives more depth to his portrayal in A New Hope. Everyone was REALLY scared of this dude and it was mostly implied why. Now we get to see first hand the terror he inflicted to get that type of reaction.


I’ve always loved Vader, but I truly love the scene in Rogue One. It’s just breathtakingly legendary 🖤 Lots of people search for things to complain about and seemingly enjoy doing it 🤷🏻‍♂️🤣


Spot on…I’m amazed out of all the things folks love to complain about since Disney took over, it’s Vader. They’ve totally nailed the character. It’s clear they’re handling Vader with care and respect he deserves


Man, I'm of the same mind. Vader under Disney is a BEAST! I was used to him being brutal on the Dark Horse comics, but on screen? Disney take the wheel!


You know it’s real refreshing to have someone like you who just chill and enjoy the show. It’s not perfect but I sense a lot of people jumping on the negatives right from the start.


man I really needed to see a video like this one, other content creators and comments online are getting so full of hate they are attacking anything that is disney star wars just because is disney star wars, to the point that some people are saying that Vader randomly killing civilians is "out of character" that he would never do that and that it was very stupid, I am dead serious.


I really like or love every Disney era SW effort. I’m just a simple guy who is grateful to be getting such high quality stuff.


Whats wrong with the puns? Has everyone forgotten, "Apology accepted....Captain Needa." from Empire Strikes Back? Vader is awesome at puns


I love every single film, evert TV show, they aren't perfect but I'm always having fun with every one.


Before Disney took over, Vader was the greatest cinematic villain ever.
They have done nothing to diminish that title and despite being “Disney” they’ve actually been able to expand upon it.

I have to wholeheartedly agree, Rise was easily the worst of the trilogy and imo, Rogue One and Solo are better as well.
