1) EXPOSING Church Tithing! | Mid-Acts Dispensationalism | Rightly Dividing The Word of Truth

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This channel is one of the few that can teach you how to Rightly Divide the word of truth: (2 Timothy 2:15) Once you learn to rightly divide, the confusion will disappear and the scriptures will come alive like never before!

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Truth Time is a weekly program hosted by Trey Searcy. Trey has spent the last 25 years in radio broadcasting & brings thought provoking Bible commentary to the airways. If you enjoy hearing the Bible taught in a clear & decisive way for all to understand then you will enjoy listening to Truth Time. The program should encourage & challenge you to take a fresh look into Gods infallible word.

Listeners are surprised to learn that much of what they were taught as truth was actually passed down tradition. It is our hope that this program will equip you to better understand & better communicate your faith with others. Listen as Trey answers call in questions that will not only highlight the problems but also offer the how-to solutions.

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On this side of eternity I praise God. I may not ever see you face to face but keep preaching the word bro.


Thanks for posting periodically to YouTube, where many of us can listen outside your radio broadcast area.


Towards the end of a song service, I once heard a pastor say: _"the church is not a building, we are the temple of the Holy Spirit"_

Not even two minutes later when it was time to pass the collection tray he cited Malachi chapter 3 saying: _"the Bible says to bring the whole tithe to the storehouse and today, the church is the storehouse."_

So in one case, the church is not a building, but in another case the church is a building.


As always our brother and mentor, absolute TRUTH!


This video is awesome!! Thanks for posting.


yes! people argue that tithing was before the law, but as bertie brits says, so were circumcision and animal sacrifices; we don't practice those.


Great teachings on tithing. I was wondering about 1 Timothy 5:17-18, 1 Cor 9:17-18, where Paul said he has the right for financial support? I know people use those verses to justify paying a pastor. Thanks


Spot on brother... Made a video on this .


How about the tithing stories from the pulpit that are positive tithing stories, but they don't tell you about those negative tithing stories?
