3 Body Problem is INSANE | Netflix Series Review

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This is my 3 Body Problem Netflix Series Review, as today we talk about this insane (in a good way) new Sci-Fi series from Netflix. Set against the backdrop of China's Cultural Revolution, a secret military project sends signals into space to establish contact with aliens. An alien civilization on the brink of destruction captures the signal and plans to invade Earth. Meanwhile, on Earth, different camps start forming, planning to either welcome the superior beings and help them take over a world seen as corrupt, or to fight against the invasion. The result is a science fiction masterpiece of enormous scope and vision.

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From someone who read the original trilogy ya’ll ain’t seen nothing yet


3 Body Problem is a true science fiction novel, not a work cloaked in a science fiction veneer while actually telling a tale of swords and sorcery.


Would be a waste if there was no season 2. Book 2 blew my mind and is a roller coaster.


The only mystery is how did that Auggie scientist chick get so damn hot


Episode 5 is easily one of the most insane things I have ever seen on TV. The word ‘terror’ just doesn’t seem to be sufficient.


For those who don't know the series:
Read the original book!
Read the original book!
Read the original book!

This is a sci-fi like no other, you have absolutely no idea what is going to unfold next! But I guarantee you, it will be a phenomenal experience—without exaggeration, a life-changing one!


I haven't watched anything so bizarre and original since Dark - Netflix is really cooking!


These books are simply incredible. The ideas and concepts made me question everything and who i was and what our time on this planet should be spent on. Ive only seen the first episode, im saving it for the weekend, but that last scene in the first episode gave me so much hope for this. So happy i get to see the universe flicker.

Earth belongs to Trisolaris!!


I hope the show gets finished fully and the rating it needs it gets better and better. For anyone who saw episode 5, you know how crazy it was


So I've read the books and they've made some changes especially around characters but it is for the most part, pretty faithful to the overall story and concepts. I quite enjoyed it. I hope it gets a second season.


I for one think they did a really excellent job adapting the trilogy into a more up to date TV show, so far. The key is they aren't adapting a book as much as the complete trilogy as a whole, so events from all books are being weaved together. It makes for a really good dynamic IMO. Book purists probably will be frustrated that a few key scenes have been omitted and in part to have character drama that is absent from the written form but all of it felt good to me.

I'm impressed by the budget they were able to put into realizing all of the different locations, scenes, and didn't skimp. Also the sharpness of how they were able to distill down to the essentials on some plots that really drag on in the books. We've already got Staircase and Wallfacers and Stars our Destination and that's stuff I was concerned we'd be waiting years to see. I like that in this case as well, our Wallfacer isn't literally some random person who happened to work in science, but someone who had a direct connection to Ye Winjie. I can see people buying off on that far more readily.

There are people who haven't read the books who are like "not sure why these parts are relevant" or think that some sections drag. But having read the series, I felt about every moment was awesome and knowing where it's going I was invested the whole time. So I trust.


They didn’t really explain how the sophons opened / unfolded in our atmosphere. That was such an important part to know.


As a sci-fi lover I’d sell a kidney for season 2


This is based on book 1 and a bit of book 2 in the mix. If they get green light for multiple seasons, I can promise you as someone who read the books, it's going to be wild and beyond epic proportions. It's going to require a big budget for sure.


As someone who read the books I loved a lot of what they did with the show. I do think they tried too hard to make it mainstream. They didn’t explain the science in as much detail as they should have. I think they thought audiences wouldn’t be able to follow it so they over corrected. I also think that they should have given a lot more runtime to a few of the story beats. There should have been a lot more time dedicated to dealing with the judgment day. Lastly the eye in the sky looked ridiculous.


folks, this is year 1 of an 18million year saga, I hope Netflix's got the $$$ for all 3 books


I've read the Three-Body Problem and I'm nearly done with the Dark Forest, loving the books so far. I think I'm on episode 20 of the Chinese version, I like how they go into the theories and add more detail to what took place in the book. Right now I recently finished episode 5 of the Netflix version, and HOLY CRAP is it good. Despite the changes that were made in the show, they haven't affected the story in a negative way, and if anything there were improvements in aspects like the characters. While yeah, I was apprehensive at first, I watched a review done by Quinn's Ideas (the channel that introduced me to the Remembrance of Earth's Past trilogy). The review has solidified my faith in the series, and I can't wait for the next season.


This show during season two and season three, could have potentially some the of the greatest space scenes in the history of film.
As in, they should be. The source material is epic. It should make Star Wars look tame

If you love the book, you will be intelligent enough to know that there is no way they can fit it all into a Netflix series. It would be ten seasons long.
As a love of the book, I'm enjoying this series and what they have done to make it appealing to all audiences, not just hard sci fi readers


The answer for why Saul is so important rely in the joke that Vera’s mom told him at the graveyard. He said “we wouldn’t survived without them” “Jokes are very personal only two people understand” and lastly “ I hope my joke don’t cause you any trouble” after that Saul was almost killed twice and was recruited cause the agency understood that he must be valuable. Is kind of disappointed that Saul being “the smartest one” can’t figure out at least that the Dr. was trying to tell him something. Also before that scene she took two books, Game Theory and Fermi Paradox, the fist one is about “Game theory studies interactive decision-making, where the outcome for each participant or "player" depends on the actions of all” the second one. Fermi paradox “Contradiction between the seemingly high likelihood for the emergence of extraterrestrial intelligence and the lack of evidence for its existence. The paradox has two broad forms: (1) Why has Earth not already been visited? and (2) Why is there no evidence for extraterrestrial intelligence at all?” So obviously the Dr. was keeping secrets, the Game theory I believe is related to the games scientist were playing with the golden helmet, even when Tatiana got one the note said “if one of us survived, we all survive” so the decisions taken into the helmet game obviously matter and how the aliens will proceed when it comes to decide the faith of the human race. Or at least that’s what I can make of it. I haven’t read the books and my conclusions are solemnly based on the Netflix series obviously. Also I notice that apparently the Santi valued humans right until Evans read Little Red Riding Hood to “Lord” realizing that humans can lie and deceive, something inconceivable for them. That’s when “Lord” came to the realization that humans are nothing but bugs, in Evans own words “Annoying, inconsequential, easy to eliminate”. But is contradictory since from the beginning they were trying to eliminate all scientists in an attempt to stop humans from developing at the same level as them.


You mentioned how it reminded you of Westworld in a way. One definite way, other than the way you had, is Ramin Djawadi. He did the music for the show. When I heard that piano play and during the opening credit scene, I immediately knew it was him. I was so stoked to know he was going to be behind the music for the show. He has the greatest music.
Unfortunately, I was let down a bit. There really wasn't much of his epic composing. The main piece that went through the show was very similar to other pieces he's done. I feel his talent was wasted.
