The Retevis RA89 Radio Is The Best Thing Since The Baofeng

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★The new Retevis RA89 is a High Power 10 Watt Ham & GMRS Capable Radio that features IP68 Rating, USB-C charging, Noise Reduction, Chirp Programming, and so much more!

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Settings are now available on Chirp. 4 menus- Basic, Advanced, Work Mode and FM Radio.


Check out menu option 38 - RX ENC when you get a chance. It's a filter! If you have a weak station that you're trying to hear, you can flip that on, and it filters out the noise, helping you hear the weak station better. I think it's pretty cool.


I almost spit my coffee out my nose when I saw you on Windows, LOL. That looks like a solid radio. Just wish they showed the nub some love and made it so it was attached. Thanks for the review.


on Mac, simply load driver for usb2serial: brew install --cask prolific-pl2303 and there you go... took me quite a while to figure out


With Retevis there's ALWAYS something that needs to be activated/adjusted/programmed with a computer. And they don't let you know prior to purchase. I won't have anymore Retevis. I purchased the HA1G, and as it comes from the factory there are some random channels set to scan... BUT you can't add or delete scan channels without the d*mn computer. You can't add or modify Zones without the computer etc etc...


I have several Retevis HT radios. all are great and check clean on harmonics .all have USB C or micro USB . even the FRS one that takes AA/AAA battery's can charge with NiCad threw micro USB . has bult in antenna but takes K1 speaker mic. and PC program . That RA89 has SMA female on radio. like my Baofeng UV-5G . all ways check before buying antenna or BNC adapter. some of them program cables need a driver to work. I like the talk pod program cable the best. works on most K1 ports and easy plug in. 73's


Picked one of these up but a few things that are annoying is that the charging nub, the mic cover, and the screw for the mic cover are going to get lost. Wish the belt clip also stuck out a little bit more, it’s basically unusable.


Another excellent video, thank you. Does this radio have Fast copy frequency button like Baofengs, Quashengs, Radioddity and all other radios? Thanks you


Good review. I am surprised as you on the power.


Retevis is working on a new 10w DMR ht called the P1 it is a superhetrodyne receiver. Is that something your channel would review? Looking at it for a new work radio.


Das Retevis RA89 ist super . Ich habe das und habe es mit Chirp ohne Probleme programmiert. Für das kleine Geld super Gerät. Wer da mault ist sicher kein Amateur. Das Gerät muss selber programmiert werden.


I got one of these a couple months ago through Amazon Vine and absolutelyove it!

It, and my Heathkit HW-24HT are my two favorite handhelds that I own.


interesting the screw under the mic port is the identical to the one on the H8 tidradio


I am just getting into this radio stuff for overloading. But I am guessing that if you used this radio for the GMRS channels you would only have the GMRS main channels not the privacy channels unless you also programmed them in also. Is that true or false


Hi Mike, I wanted too know I have a Retevis 76P and don't have a programing cable for it, can I use just any two pin cable or what part # is the Retevis one you got? Love your show keep up the good work brother ? An Aspiring Ham


It's basically the exact same radio as the TYT TH-UV98 Plus. The TYT software leaves something to be desired. By any chance, will the Retevis programming software would not work with the TYT if not using CHIRP?


Other than the waterproofing, how does it stack up against the new Baofang 5RM’s? 5RM is a little over 1/2 the price of this Retevis offering. Bang for the buck/software/quality that’s is.

So far, the 5RM seems to make the UV5R look and feel like a toy. It’s that’s good (short of any sporadic emissions testing).


Your menu goes to 39?

"This one goes to eleven."


That USB cover is for “water seal” I sincerely doubt that’s going to be adequate.


What are the frequency ranges when unlocked? 136 to 174/400 to 520?
