Random Circles with No Overlap Translated into Processing

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While translating Simon usually doesn't look at the original code - "I memorised the code!" he screams. "If I make 1000 circles I get nothing because I'm stuck inside an infinite loop. I'm going to use the variable called Protection! A quick and dirty solution to this!"
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Amazing. You have the coding skills of someone who has taken at least 2 years of Computer Science courses at university, and at such a young age! Very impressive
I didn't become interested in programming until high school(back in 2014). That is when I began teaching myself from tutorials and lots of trial and error, and it took me 5 years before I was any level of competent at coding.
I chose Computer Science as my major when I transferred to university because I enjoyed learning it so much.

It was an absolute delight to see this video.


Wow! Ms Sophia such a smart kid you have there! here I am getting my mind explode with processing and there he is figuring out a code like that in less than 30 minutes! do you happen to have a copy of this code posted somewhere? because it would greatly help me!


Hey, this is great! Could you help me removing the circles which are not fully visible on the canvas? Meaning that, can you get rid of those circles which are intersecting the canvas boundary, yet you get the same number of circles there! ?
