Dawkins And Krauss On Mormonism - Richard Dawkins And Lawrence Krauss On The Stupidity Of Mormonism

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Richard Dawkins and Laurence M. Krauss discuss the particular strain of stupidity that is Mormonism in this hilarious bit.

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Dawkins And Krauss On Mormonism - Richard Dawkins And Lawrence Krauss On The Stupidity Of Mormonism

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Clinton Richard Dawkins is an English ethologist, evolutionary biologist, and writer. He is a prominent atheist and has written several books on the subject, including "The Selfish Gene", "The Blind Watchmaker" and his most famous and successful book to date: "The God Delusion".

Lawrence Maxwell Krauss is an American theoretical physicist and cosmologist who is Foundation Professor of the School of Earth and Space Exploration at Arizona State University and director of its Origins Project. He is known as an advocate of the public understanding of science, of public policy based on sound empirical data, of scientific skepticism and of science education and works to reduce the impact of superstition and religious dogma in pop culture. He is also the author of several bestselling books, including The Physics of Star Trek and A Universe from Nothing.
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Dawkins' comedic timing is that of a stand up comedian. 


Richard Dawkins and Laurence M. Krauss discuss the particular strain of stupidity that is Mormonism.

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Dawkins And Krauss On Mormonism - Richard Dawkins And Lawrence Krauss On The Stupidity Of Mormonism


As a former Mormon, I must say that I do think intelligent, well educated people can hold otherwise totally crazy ideas in their head. Mormons, as a group, are fairly well educated. I work closely with many of them every day in an analytical and engaging industry. They are bright, aware, innovative, and thought-provoking. When I was a Mormon, belief worked for me by simply coming up with a complex web of rationalizations and reasons why things were the way they are in relation to Mormon doctrine. Of course, at the time I felt those rationalizations were a kind of proof that things were "too coincidental to be a coincidence." God was real. In reality the reason why it seemed this way is because I created the coincidences in my mind in order to contain these beliefs. I literally made them real for me. And not just myself was affected by this behavior. Thousands of people around me shared in this communal rationalization. We called it Sunday School. It has to be done continually, daily even, in order to be maintained. I do not disagree with the Mormons in this respect at all: It takes a great deal of work to keep your faith!

If there did happen to be a political candidate I felt represented my feelings perfectly in every area, but also happened to be a Mormon, I would vote for that individual. The belief that candidate would have in Mormonism is self-contained in his or her mind. In fact, it necessarily must be self-contained for faith to be maintained. Of course the ideas of Mormonism are silly and obviously easy to demonstrate as false to an outsider. But that doesn't mean that someone can't make well reasoned arguments in other areas of their lives. Mormonism isn't some kind of brain leech. It fits perfectly well inside a normally functioning person. Think of this... If religion were so debilitating, how did our species survive at all?

Dawkins, of all people, should understand that his brain (along with all of ours) has evolved to believe. I'm surprised he hasn't explored this idea more fully. The parts of our brain we could call religious aren't just ancient, they have kept up with modern times. This is true for all religious people, not just Mormons. What I strongly advocate for is that we simply allow Mormons to be Mormon. It is a culture that has some rather big (dare I say evil) downsides, but it also has some wonderful and meaningful redeeming qualities. This is because it is only a reflection of human beings being themselves. Why is that bad? Why try to stop it? I am proof that anyone can walk away from their culture. Does it hurt? It can, walking away from the culture you know can be difficult. But it is possible. The Mormon church processed my letter of resignation with just a tiny smidgen of harassment. Yet, in the end, I walked away with no real barrier slowing me down.


it's almost like a standup gig
love it


This is one area I completely agree with Dr Dawkins, and Dr Kraus


… ah, yes.
What a difference time makes. Compared to Trump, Romney comes out looking like a national treasure, master of moral philosophy, and intellectual giant.


"Fools mock, but they shall mourn."


Great videos! Keep 'em comin'!


Jesus's enemy's also said that Christ was a felon.


Dawkins is not a professor, he is a showman. These two are not real informed nor balanced on the subject.


Classic -- 2 atheists discussing a religion. I guess it is okay. No further comentarios.


Does the British Monarchy believe in God? Dawkins must hate that.


One of the few times I agree with these haters.


What gives you the right to be rude? you don't know what people know, you won't open your mind to it


Nelson quoted “Book of Mormon is not a true picture of historical event. Really ? Without history it work of fiction. Oaks quoted.” It is wrong to criticize leaders of the church even if the criticism is true. Really? The church has done all the thinking for you, and you have no right to think for yourself? The bible says to trust G-d twelve times in the bible, and not to trust man.
Mormonism is cults of pseudo-reformed Egyptians with the doctrines of Egyptians that Joesph Smith restored. You are the same re-form Egyptians. Egyptians failed after Moses drew the jews out of Egyptian. Egyptian hah-ka-kau beam is the same kolob. Baptism for the dead corpse better salting for mummification. The mormonism did an “spiritual baptism” to familiar spirits, the demons. Becoming god in their own world was the devil second lie, and you will be god of thgis world with others gods, the synagogues of the devils. The basis of mormonism does attack the Holy Bible that makes the prophets in the bible an liar. There is no such a thing as magic stones to be used as form as communication with G-d ever mentioned in the bible. Learn Hebrew language. Hebrew is an visual language in shapes from constellation within constellation. The bigger picture the constellation are in few parts are in align in the bible telling the things in heaven as it is done on earth. Heaven testify of Jesus Christ, and constellations is the key to revelation and many books in the Holy Bible.

Nelson citó "el libro de Mormón no es una verdadera imagen del acontecimiento histórico. Realmente? Sin historia es obra de ficción. Robles citado. Es incorrecto criticar a los líderes de la Iglesia incluso si la crítica es verdadera. Realmente? La iglesia ha hecho todo el pensamiento por ti, y no tienes derecho a pensar por ti mismo? La Biblia dice que confíen en Dios doce veces en la Biblia, y que no confíen en el hombre.
El mormonismo es culto de egipcios pseudo-reformados con las doctrinas de egipcios que Joesph Smith restauró. Sois los mismos egipcios de la nueva forma. Los egipcios fallaron después de que Moisés sacó a los judíos del egipcio. El haz egipcio de ja-Ka-Kau es el mismo Kólob. Bautismo para el cadáver muerto mejor salada para momificación, y el mormonismo hizo un "bautismo espiritual" a espíritus familiares, demonios. Convertirse en Dios en su propio mundo fue la segunda mentira del diablo, y tú serás Dios de este mundo con otros dioses, las sinagogas de los demonios. La base del mormonismo es atacar la Santa Biblia que hace a los profetas en la Biblia un mentiroso, y no hay tal cosa como las piedras mágicas que se usarán como forma de comunicación con el dio jamás mencionada en la Biblia. Aprender el idioma hebreo. El hebreo es un lenguaje visual en formas de constelación dentro de constelación. El cuadro más grande de la constelación están en pocas partes están alineados en la Biblia diciendo las cosas en el cielo como se hace en la tierra. El cielo testifica de Jesucristo.


yeah strange. dawning seems to talk against and call The Book of Mormon and beliefs nonsense. but that's all he says. he doesn't know how to back the words up. all he does is just talk. he doesn't mention research or anything. he just blabber on and on and on, and yes just like a foolish comedian. anyone can say what he has said but that's not enough.


I'm not Mormon but might I add that the Book of Mormon has been convincingly proven by archeological and genetic discoveries. The whole point of God is a different matter, but the BOM is just as credible as the Bible.
