The US-China trade war and how it impacts consumers - and the rest of the world | FAQ

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What's at stake in the US-China trade war? What has it cost ordinary people in America and China? And what impact could it have on other economies in Asia and ASEAN, like Singapore, Malaysia, South Korea and Taiwan? Which regions potentially stand to benefit from the trade war? CNA's Tang See Kit answers some key questions about the trade war after the latest round of tariffs in May 2019.

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Remember Iraq had "weapons of mass destruction" thing, which they
couldn't find any evidence to support, they are doing the same here.


lol apple is already so expensive and they blame the tradewar for lower profits? Im not gona spend 1k on a phone so does many even if they give me 10000ads on yt. I rather buy a huawei/xiaomi which is of same/higher quality and functions for half the price


Kitchen cabinets have risen 10% from may 13, I came to Home Depot bought two sets. This happened at san jose Bay Area


I'm using a Huawei phone watching this.


A point forgotten before the 2nd main meeting with the US, China had reneged on its agreements during the first meeting.


In the final analysis, if any country that "needs" the U.S. dollar to facilitate international trade, that country had better adhere to America's diktats.


China nation modren is not depend on others nation, all suplay for China local using is not enough for 1, 5 milllion peoples .


Singaporean friends stay with us. It's time for us Asians rise.


countries must put sanction on amrika trade


Somebody sent this to me.
Can a compromise be reached in the US-China Trade War, and what would this entail?
Frans Vandenbosch, lives in China (2002-present). Answered
We finally know what the US negotiation team is asking for:

China should buy more American products in order to resolve the American trade imbalance. (What products ? There ain’t no US products that China really needs)
China should renounce to initiate legal proceedings at the WTO against the US. Whatever protectionist measure the US takes (tariffs, embargo, quota, subsidies to farmers, …) China should not complain.
China should not “harass” American MNC’s in China. (Actually it are the Chinese consumers, not the Chinese government, who’re boycotting GM, Ford, Apple, … in China)
China should stop complaining about the US government boycott of Huawei.
That is obviously not a “balanced agreement”. There’s no way China can accept such an “unequal treaty”.
It is not just un-diplomatic, but straightforward rude to go to China with such demands.

But, after all the bickering, the mid-term-elections are coming near. Trump urgently needs a trophy to show his followers.
But he doesn’t want to pay for it. China, obviously is well aware of Trump’s need.

China has seen this coming, many years ago. They have put more than 3000 specialists on the trade “war” negotiations with the US. Many years ago, long before Trump was elected. Today, China is so well prepared for every single meeting, for every single move by the US that they have sound and solid solutions ready. As someone at the Chinese Ministry of Commerce (the Ministry of Trade is one of the Departments at the Ministry of commerce) expressed it: “No worries. We’re going to each meeting in a seat”
China is triumphant, and they have good reasons for it.

I don’t get it why the US is not sending much more intelligent and experienced people to the negotiation table. Don’t they realise that with China, they’re facing extremely intelligent, strategic, long term thinking negotiators ?
All the Chinese negotiators can speak both Chinese and English. From the American negotiators, there’s not one single who can speak Chinese. (Also Peter Navarro can’t speak Chinese)
The US negotiation team handed over their list of requirements (see the 3 items here above) to the Chinese negotiators in English only. They didn’t take the effort to translate it in Chinese.
That’s not the proper way to get what you want. (If you really want it )
I hesitate to write it, but they’re either plain stupid, arrogant or they simply don’t want an agreement.

China is so confident, so sure they will be the long term vanquisher, that they’re giving away (a part of) their strategy. Chinese Vice-Premier Liu He has provided the list with Chinese tariff retaliation products to Robert Lighthizer, weeks before Trump announced the second round of US tariffs on Chinese imports on 10.05.2019.

China’s message to the US is: “Stop hurting your own economy, we’re willing to help you”
China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi recently called U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to bring that message once again.

If the US negotiation team doesn’t change its attitude, this will end up with a grandiose victory for China.

By the way:
The US already has played out all its “trump cards” (maybe except for a plain military war with China)
Then, have a look at China: as far as I know, they have at least 8 more “weapons” in their cabinet, tools they can use when the trade war gets really nasty. And as any awake observer has noticed: in the past months, China has made small scale tests with these “weapons”.


Are most Singaporean Chinese offspring Cantonese?


What about the tariffs that China puts on our US products? Do they cost the Chinese consumer more money? No, because the tariffs make US products too expensive and the Chinese people instead buy Chinese made products.


I was planing to buy an imported American Cadillac, now I changed it to Audi. And there are also friends around me in China who were thinking about buying Lincoln, but they finally bought European High-end cars. This situation also occurs in female friends...the girls already abandoned Estee Lauder, Tiffany&Co,  Coach,  Michael Kors,  Tory Burch... Yeah,  Cartier,   Bvlgari,   Lancôme, SK-II and many more are better choices😂😂😂😂


Trade war will never have a winning party but the party initiating and refusing to blend in to real situation will be the bigger looser. He needs to find like minded people to try to force the force of nature. Time will tell, so no need to be so upset.


More money paid back to the American community and not to china.
Socks cost more; but the money goes back into the U.S. and not to a Chinese company or China itself.


July 2021. Trade war has disappeared. No reporting whatsoever. Nice !!!


China Rose, she's related to Tokyo Rose from back in the day.


I will be buying the iPhone and support the US goods.


Some common sense to observe:

1. Control is necessary and nothing to do with human rights. Looking at the vastly indiscipline netties, individual country has good reasons to intervene, before things turn bad. Negative and much exaggerated reports always have vicious motives, especially in incidences that are under controlled. Watch for yourself the few video clips of disturbances in Venezuala, Ukraine, Indonesia, etc., it is the few daredevils that caused the eruption. If they are innocent folks, much regrets. But more often then not, they aren't.
2. The 100% capitalist system is not as efficient as expected, some form of government regulatory actions is required. Good example is China, where it is incorporating much of the capitalist system, they hold back on the role of government, and they succeeded in achieving better performance. The west always pick on this to discredit is obviously sour grapes, because they could not do it due to their political?? system.
3. The world is a village and every nation are neighbors. This is something put forward by the Chinese. The west could not believe it, because it contradicts with their demarcation of the human kinds, the white supremacy. Frankly, no body can ascertain how far is true of the Chinese preposition. If we are generous enough, let's assume the Chinese have notice the impossible and impractical global dominion of the west, they realise it would be futile to repeat the dead road, they are trying an alternative?


I would prefer those jobs given to other asian countries other than china. Go to vietnam, cambodia, singapore philapines, mexico, thailand, and they will not steal from china.
