How to Plan Your Animated Series |#2|

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#animatedseries #howto

Making your own animated series can be a real struggle without a consistent schedule. In this video, I share my experience developing my animation schedule and how you can do the same!

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I created an animated series called My Girlfriend Wants To Kill Me. It's a Psychological thriller. The first two seasons are on my YouTube channel. I've also created another animated series called Her Blood On My Hands. It's a ton of creative work and so many don't understand the time that's put into them. I've learned that when I release one episode a month it allows me no burnouts.


I'm so glad I found this channel, I've been hoping to make an animated series called "Elemental". Unfortunately I'm only 14 and I've only just begun learning to use a drawing tablet. These vides however are really helping me out.


How2 Plan Your Animated Series:
1) Experiment: Develop a workflow that works for your current situation.
2) Be Realistic: Don't overwork yourself and make sure to implement breaks in your schedule.
3) Overcome Obstacles: Work through your troublesome artist moments to meet your schedule requirements and boost your confidence in your abilities.
I got it at the end.


I feel like I needed to watch this. I am the worst when it comes to planning😞🙄


I love the whole concept of animation but I never felt like I was creative enough to do so🙁I’m currently an animation major but I doubt myself sometime. I love your content though. I wish I found you sooner


I’ve been practicing animation for 2 years (it took that long because I’m self taught)
And now I’m starting to plan out what I want, after planning I’m gonna sketch out what I want in my notebook.
This may take months, or even a whole year, so patience is key.

Break up your animation schedule, if you’re tired, take a break. Because if you’re tired it’s not gonna look good.
Story board is especially important. Make sure you know what you want and how you want it.


I might have a little ‘odd’ schedule for my animated serie. It’s my big passion project and I decided to start with writing the entire script. I’m not joking, 50 pages for each episode completely written out and it took me approximately 17 months (I’m almost done). I varied my work by making some character sheets here and there and that schedule really worked for me. So excited to finally writing the end!

Also it was really cool to see my comment on part 1 in this video. Keep up the good work👍


Great vid as always
Its really Nice to see someone talk about the struggles, rather than Just when things Go right.


Subscribed. I've been trying to convince myself to start this animated series idea I had but had no idea how. I came across one of your videos a week ago. It lit my ambition to go for it by learning the art. Came across this video today ( watched 4 after ), decided to learn from your beginning and I cant wait to see how you finish this series to the end. Thanks bud.🤙


I'm working on an animated series, and so far, i thought i was good. I thought i was a genius.
But after watching your videos, i realize i've did everything wrong !
I've never really planned anything ! Not even animatics or even storyboards. I've did 3 episodes of my show in 2 months, i was fustrated and rushed most of it. Looking back at it and i've just realised made a not really good series, it was full of errors, it didn't look good, it wasn't how i meant it to be, it wasn't even close to the actual "script". It was just a mess...
And now, watching your videos explaining me how to plan it and how to do it, i feel like i need to improve alot.
I got to thank you so much or else my stuff would keep being garbage.
Oh btw i love your series, it's cool :3


Castle dark seems interesting. I will watch episode 1 the day it comes out


This channel is helping me out a lot! Thanks for the great content!


i am a kid i am 8 and my dream is too become a animator with 2d stick figures but i have only done 1% of my dream :( and you inspired me ❤️ so thank you


I am making a Animated series It's called Mystery journal


Thank you for this tutorial. I think it helped me get motivated to plan my series.


i just got done planning my animated series. its gonna be about three teens who have powers, one has ice powers, one can control rocks, and one can make anything that comes to his mind as long as its nonliving. anyways, this guy named Sinthos is their enemy, because Sinthos wants to take their powers away with his dark magic. I still haven't thought of a name for the series yet. the script for the first episode is in progress :)


I’m actually working on a show with a team of about ten. We really want this show to do well.


One day (about three now almost four years ago ) i just got random insperation for a story only being like 10-11 i used gacha club to make my character designs (some of the fandom may be trash but not all of it dont be afraid to use the app) and i guess i just never stopped working on it i have a lot of the plot figured out in my head but i have yet to right most of it down ive been watching these kinds of videos to help me get started. So thank you!


I'm making an animated series, it's called, The Breadcrumb Diaries. I'm developing the early stages of the rough designs for my show. I've been working on it for months and I still have a long way to go. I'll admit I'm the first person to be hyper critical of my own work, especially when it comes to the art. I just tell myself that perfectionism is the killer of progress. I have to keep going. Thanks for posting another awesome and insightful video. I'm really taking everything that I've learned to heart. Now back to work, lol.


Im at the young age of 11 years old, i have been thinking of creating an animation named "My 7 Qualities Of Life" its kinda similar to the Inside Out movie though most of the characters are more of the main characters personality and not the emotions. Its based on my personality and everyday experiences. I just wanted to know if any problems were in the way before i had tried to create it. Though i am ambitious and will try to push myself to complete this goal, i will try my best to succeed my wanting. Thanks for advice! 🙂
