AQUÍ, AHÍ, ALLÍ VS ACÁ & ALLÁ | Adverbs of place and time | Mextalki

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Have you heard about the adverbs of place? this is quite useful to speak about how far an object is. But, did you know that these same adverbs could be used to indicate not only the location but also the time?
In this video you will learn about: aquí, ahí, and alli but also about the Mexican versions: acá and allá.
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We're a growing Youtube Channel aimed to increase your vocabulary set as well as your listening skills by providing videos of authentic conversations with subtitles in both English and Spanish as well as including for each video "key-vocabulary" that will help you understand much better what we're saying.
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#learnspanish #mextalki #here #adverbs #vocabulary
In this video you will learn about: aquí, ahí, and alli but also about the Mexican versions: acá and allá.
So, what's Mextalki?
We're a growing Youtube Channel aimed to increase your vocabulary set as well as your listening skills by providing videos of authentic conversations with subtitles in both English and Spanish as well as including for each video "key-vocabulary" that will help you understand much better what we're saying.
We offer to your disposal 3 kind of videos:
If you have any suggestion or recommendation please let us know. We want you to have the best quality videos!
#learnspanish #mextalki #here #adverbs #vocabulary
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