Why Do Humans Get So Many Sinus Infections?

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Sinus infections are incredibly common, and it could be linked to our evolution on this planet. In the season 2 premiere of Human, Patrick explains why humans are so prone to these painful infections.

While it's natural to worry if your symptoms of a sinus infection might mean you're positive for COVID-19, we're here to tell you not to panic. Having a sinus infection can be a sign of the evolutionary process in action.

Viruses cause the majority of sinus infections, but bacteria can trigger them as well. When you do get a sinus infection, that wet mucus gets thicker and more viscous, which causes the typical symptoms — congestion, headache, and difficulty breathing. And those symptoms might be made worse by the plumbing of our sinuses.

Each sinus has a mucous collection duct, or what are called ostia, to shuttle its discarded mucous to the nose and throat. It’s basically plumbing for snot.

#sinuses #sinusinfections #human #physiology #seeker #humanseries


This Seeker health series will dive deep into the cellular structures, human systems, and overall anatomy that work together to keep our bodies going. Using the visual structure and quick pacing of Seeker’s Sick series, these human bio-focused episodes will give a new audience an inside look on what’s happening inside all of us.

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I stopped getting sinus infections when I moved to a place where the air isn't brown.


He said most sinus infections are viral but I thought that they were generally secondary infections like when a viral infection like a cold doesn't go away. The secondary infection is usually bacterial taking advantage of the body's weakened immuned system. Thats why they give you antibiotics to treat these infections


My rhinitis is lasting all year at this point... Fml


Just don't wash you're nose with clorox


That "four-legged" argumentation is flawed. The orientation of the skull is not that different from walking on all fours. The face is still facing forward. (Though a grazer like a goat will more often look down.)
The bigger difference is reducing the length of the mandibles, losing our snout.


I used to get a lot of them as a kid. Eventually I had my deviated septum surgically corrected which completely solved the problem. It turned out that after breaking my nose while playing basketball, my septum became deviated blocking the drainage path which in turn caused chronic sinus infections


As someone frequently infected, i would definitely vote it as bad design


as a sinus infectionado, I appreciate this video.
However and also, next time maybe announce the sponsor because the Clorox logo was hella distracting and made this whole video feel weird.


My deviated septum approves this video


at least there are no cosinus and tangent infection.


Human is back! Great way to end and start the year!


watching this video with like a liter of mucus draining down my nose


Got a sinus infection over a month ago, and after A LOT of painkillers, and rest I am still suffering symptoms from it. I do classical singing in college, so sinuses are very important for me, because it gives the voice resonance. Anyway I tend to get these infections once/twice a year, and anytime I ask a doctor about it, they always say not to worry about it, that its a common thing everyone gets. But I have never met anyone who has had one, especially as commonly as I do!


Seeker: we're all secreting a little mucus all the time.

Children: hold my mucus.


Neti pot & saline solution work like a charm.


As someone with chronic sinusitis, sinuses are the worst thing to ever happen


That background 1980s music is out of the context of this topic.


Sinus infections on the scale that many suffer from are a late 20th century problem. Anthropogenic pollution and intentional chemical and metallic aerosol has created an "allergic" reaction for many. This problem was not so massive particularly before the 60's. Corrosive and reactive chemicals were not in the atmosphere before then. This is an anthropogenic condition that can be prevented. And it is not the global temperature change causing it. The global temperature change is also an effect of such.


For sinus issues, a product that has worked well for me is something called Sinus Plumber Headache Nasal Spray – Headache Formula. It is a natural nasal spray that can be purchased on Amazon.


It's also worth noting that jaw development (influenced by food choice and tongue posture, among other things) is key in creating adequate space for the sinus to develop properly! That's why sinus infections are getting more common as society develops. You can read more in Jaws! The Store Of A Hidden Epidemic. Also reducing inflammation, particularly by aerobic activity and fresh air, helps clear sinus pressure 🙂
