'Auschwitz of Africa' The Insane Dictator Of Equatorial Guinea

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When Equatorial Guinea achieved independence in 1968, its new beginning turned out to be the start of a nightmare that continues to this day. Hundreds of thousands of people would be driven into prisons, into exile, or into their graves, at the behest of one insane man: Francisco Macias Nguema. In this video, we’ll show you how this deranged man turned his country into the ‘Auschwitz of Africa.’ So stick around to learn about the mad dictator who dined with the dead and turned Santa Claus into an accomplice in his unspeakable crimes, and don’t forget to like this video to show your support for our content.

Like so many dictators before him, the first thing Macias did was eliminate threats to his power. His rival in the election, a man named Bonifacio Ondo Edu, was accused of coup-plotting and arrested, along with a number of other officials and ministers. They were all executed or left to die in prison. They were the first to be accused of plotting against Macias but far from the last.

In February 1969, Foreign Minister Atanasio Ndongo was accused of a different coup attempt. Macias’ guards cornered him in the cabinet room where the official story claims he leapt from a window to his death. Other witnesses insisted that Macias’ guards killed him, or that Macias himself threw the man from the window. Numerous others were implicated in this supposed conspiracy, including Saturnino Ibongo, the country’s UN ambassador, who was recalled to the country and executed minutes after getting off the plane. Of the 12 men who made up Macias’ first cabinet, only 2 would live to see his fall and by 1971 over 2/3rds of the original 1968 National Assembly had disappeared, never to be heard from again.

#history #FranciscoMaciasNguema #dictator #documentary

Music: Epidemic music

Paul Kenyon, Dictatorland: The Men Who Stole Africa, (2018)

Suzanne Cronje, Equatorial Guinea - The Forgotten Dictatorship: Forced Labour and Political Murder in Central Africa, Research Report for the Anti-Slavery Society, (1976)

Copyright © 2023 A Day In History. All rights reserved.

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"Western clothes were banned for being unafrican"
Yet he wears a European suit in every picture you see of him.


U know ur education system is bad when the leader of the country sends his kids to North Korea for a better education.


Francisco Macías Nguema hated glasses and doctors? Reminds me of a certain Cambodian


It is deeply surprising to me that the military never turned on this guy even when things got exceptionally bad.


I love a quote from an African diplomat who witnessed a speech Macias made at the OAU. "I have no idea what he was talking about but he clearly felt quite strongly about it."


- wears a suit
- has his guys dress up like santa
- blasts english music

hates western civilization


Equatorial Guinea is now one of if not the richest country in Africa. Or to be more specific, a couple hundred people in Equatorial Guinea make it the richest nation in Africa. The bulk of the population are subsistence farmers, or live in squalid homes with no sanitation. Unlike other dictatorial regimes in the continent, there’s almost no cracks or dissent. The citizenry is too beaten down and trying to feed themselves to care about politics, and the military top brass is extremely wealthy. The only real threat is EG’s entire economy being petroleum based, and and its small area of offshore drilling rights can’t sustain them forever. Time will tell, but it’s likely for at least the next several decades, nothing will change.


"Hates western culture"
Wears a suit 💀


Funnily, Nguema's family still leads. His nephew Obiang Nguema is president since 1979 and his son Teodorino should take over soon.


Poor little girl. Even the rulers of north korea dont have their kids go to school in north korea.


"hitlerian-marxist" is something i'd expect some modern shitposter to come up with


love the video you should make a video someday about john bedel bokassa as he was just as mad as Macías in many ways they even met once.


just imagin being one of those who thought the day of indipendence was the happiest day for your country.. and then find yourself in a torture room


Everytime I think ive heard it all, another deranged individual pops up. People never cease to be cruel to others


His nephew is president now, the plight continues


I like how you said, "And don't forget to like this video to show your support for this content."
That's a good way to say it. It's a great channel. I've been subbed for a while now and appreciate your topics and research. Thanks.


How do 100s of thousands people sit around and let ONE man do all these horrible things to them??


Set limits on what fishing boats operated, so people couldn't escape. Geez, he thought of everything.


Hearing all of this has gotten me thinking.

Is it possible for a monster to recognize their lack of humanity?

Mostly because I suspect that if any dictator was forced to rationalize their actions.

It would be just raw nonsense.


As a Nigerian I can attest to this 😢😢😢😢
