5 Idealisms & their Refutations - Kant's Critique of Pure Reason (Dan Robinson)

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Dan Robinson gives the 5th lecture in a series of 8 on Immanuel Kant's Critique of Pure Reason.

The very possibility of self-awareness (an "inner sense" with content) requires an awareness of an external world by way of "outer sense". Only through awareness of stable elements in the external world is self-consciousness possible.

This series looks at German Philosopher Immanuel Kant's seminal philosophical work 'The Critique of Pure Reason'. The lectures aim to outline and discuss some of the key philosophical issues raised in the book and to offer students and individuals thought provoking Kantian ideas surrounding metaphysics. Each lecture looks at particular questions raised in the work such as how do we know what we know and how do we find out about the world, dissects these questions with reference to Kant's work and discusses the broader philosophical implications. Anyone with an interest in Kant and philosophy will find these lectures thought provoking but accessible.

This is series of lectures was given in 2011 at Oxford. Note, the audio has been improved.

#Philosophy #Kant #Epistemology

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These lectures have saved my grades… my professor is great but he’s seems too unsure about what he teaches so I can’t help but take what he says with a grain a salt… and when I take things with a grain of salt… my brain is far less likely to grasp it. I guess it becomes overwhelmed or paralyzed with cogitating the various possibilities. Idk but I hate it because I need to have solid ideas that I can compare and contrast. I can’t be given a wishy-washy, lecture. I need to be told first what to think, and how to think about some particular subject… THEN, after I have a solid idea, step outside of that and critique the shit outta it, asking questions and pinpointing points is interest.

Dr. Robinson speaks like this. He tells you what to think and how to think of it. Then, ONLY AFTER HES DONE THIS, does he explain what parts of the lecture are debated. He starts by teaching ONE particular view, then goes on to tell you of others. It allows my brain to listen fully and take what he says as truth… as something solid… AT FIRST! Then, once I have confidence in his ability and knowledge, I can feel confident about myself and my newfound knowledge. My confidence - as a working grad student - often depends IN PART on the confidence of my professor. If my professor is unsure and second guessing himself, then I’m likely to do the same only to a much larger degree since I’m the student. Then I’m left confused, annoyed, and bereft.


I love this Prof . He is lucid and presents Kant appropriately, although slightly biased as you could see in is criticism of. Berkeley


I don't understand the argument for the existence of the external world. The external world and objects are supposed to be a necessary condition for the possibility of self-consciousness? But wouldn't the permanence of space as a form of intuition be enough to get the sense of self as sth permanent wrt variation in time, without actually requiring an external world to ground this spatial form of intuition? Would be really glad if someone could help me out here


Sorry for a missed word
I meant to say, how could you make space and time as A-priori but not matter .


31:43 You find a like-minded argument in the outer world.


6:23 Consider a glass bottle and a glass window. And then a copper wall.


12:15 A geonetric shape such as square is a bad example of an material object if you look close enough.


9:50 When you bang your head against a sign there is no sense data concerning the sign's color.


You know a priori processes and you shouldn't have to because your too slow?
