How many citizenships can one person have?

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Nomad Capitalist helps successful entrepreneurs and investors legally reduce their taxes, immigrate to other countries, obtain second citizenships, protect their assets, and grow their wealth overseas. The average person we work with will see millions of dollars in tax savings and income from re-investing that money in their lifetime.
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Theoretically, both parents could have 8+ passports, you could be born with 16+, and then obtain many more in your lifetime.


My friend was born in the USA to parents of 2 different countries. She married a guy from yet another country and they moved to yet another country and became citizens there. That means she has 4 passports, he has 2, and their kids have 5!


What about people with no passports? What are the alternatives to travelling with a passport and what countries allow entry without a passport?


What happens when 2 of your citizenships are at war? Would you be considered a traitor?


You are awesome but the fact is if you're a dual citizenship holder then ur liable too pay taxes in both countries


Personally I own 4 (Polish, German, Croatian, And Spanish). I moved to America at age 10 because my father played football but I’m originally from Poland and grew up in Germany and Spain and Croatia. Kids in my school back in the day were so mystified because I was so different to everyone because I spoke multiple languages, I am a quintuplet, I am left handed and from a different country. So kids in my grade would always ask me endless questions about this stuff. But people in America usually only have 1 which is just sad in my opinion.


My country, India doesn't allow dual citizenship. If you acquire citizenship of another nation, then you'll have to give up your Indian passport. You are now an OCI(Overseas citizen of India). You are eligible to get an OCI card. The card states that you have a special relationship with India where you can enter and leave the country whenever you want for your entire life without applying for a visa, you can purchase property in India(except land), your family can acquire an OCI card as well.


"Most people grow up thinking it's not possible (to have two passports/dual nationality"

Really?? Do you mean most Americans? That wouldn't be surprising, since only 36% of them have ONE passport!
In Europe it's pretty common to have dual nationality.


Some people in Transnistria have 5 passports - the one of the unrecognised Transnistria, Moldova by birth, Romania because of grandparents born there before Moldova was proclaimed, Ukraine because Transnistria was once Ukraine, and Russia because there are some provisions for Transnistrians


I know someone who is Australian, Italian and Hungerian citizens all at once. I will be likely to have 3 within 3 years or so!


Theoretically it is number of countries (195) minus countries that do not allow dual citizenship (40) which equals 155.


I Iive outside the USA and used to have 3 citizenships and passports including the US, but renounced the US citizenship in order to:
- avoid the difficulty and expense of reporting and filing with the US every year

- avoid the risk of huge penalties for failing to submit the correct form to the IRS
- avoid bringing my non-US family under the control of the US authorities
- allow me to participate in retirement plans, investments, a small business, and having signing authority in a company, under the rules of my country of residence without the constraints of US extraterritorial rules
- give me the freedom to open local bank accounts
I was fully compliant with US rules i.e. no tax evasion, but if you are never going to live or work in the US again, it's just not worth the aggravation and cost of keeping a US passport. If you are not going back, then think about biting the bullet and paying the extortionate US$2350 fee to exit.


My citizenships are UK, FR, ALG and YEM


What is the fastest way for US citizen to get 2nd passport for Chile?


It would save us so much time and money if it was just Earth without these artificial borders.


I am citizen of two countries and working on my third, theoretically I can get a fourth one but I think I'll stop at 3., if may get too confusing.


I love this information that you share...having 8 or more citizenship. this is part of my plan having multiple citizenship hahaha. here in our country philippines having multiple citizenship is allowed.


At 2:08 you say "There are some countries [...] that say 3 [citizenships] is the max.".
Which countries limit the number of citizenships their citizens may have to 3?


The only way a country will know how many passports/ citizenships one has is if you tell them.


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