B12 Deficiency (7 Signs Doctors Miss) 2024

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B12 Deficiency can be very hard to diagnose, and these 7 signs of Vitamin B12 deficiency can help. Many doctors don't think of B12 deficiency as the cause of these 7 symptoms, but these symptoms can be the canary in the coalmine.

If you have any of these 7 symptoms you should go see your doctor for a full panel of relevant labs, but you might remind your doctor not to forget to check for Vitamin B12.

Check your own labs if you have to:

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Ken D Berry, MD, is a Family Physician and has been practicing Family Medicine in rural Tennessee for 20 years, having seen over 25,000 patients in his career so far.
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1. Burning numbness tingling in your feet/hands
2. Smooth and slightly swollen tongue
3. Fatigue
4. Slow thinking/memory isn’t great
5. Problems with gait/balance
6. Irritability
7. Tinnitus
8. Depression
You’re welcome 😉


"Tell your doctor about it" lol and that's when the doctor gets annoyed and says it's nothing just all in your head and send you home.. Doctors don't care most times. 😌


I'm so glad this is being discussed. I lost my 20's to a B12 deficiency that turned out to be genetic. My original doctors said there was no way it could be a B12 deficiency, because I would have lost weight. Ugh. That was the only missing symptom. I finally collapsed and was taken to the ER. I got under the care of an excellent doctor from Nigeria, she was amazing and tested me for nutritional deficiencies. She was the one who discovered I was near death I was so low, despite all the other doctors saying they couldn't find anything wrong, it was all in my head, etc. Now I take the methylated forms of B12 and folate, plus the P-5-P version of B6. It changed my entire life, and guess what? I lost weight after getting treated, because I could move my body again. Don't let anyone say that being on the heavier side means you can't be deficient, it's not true. I hope everyone in these comments gets relief from what ails you, and I'm so glad more people are talking about this insidious and life destroying deficiency!


I am a physician who stumbled upon this video AND have Vit B12 def. This is incredibly accurate and hopefully a help to others


I wish the medical system paid more attention to nutrition and vitamin deficiency in diagnosing illness. Basics. Root causes. Simple.


Thanks for this. I went and had my B12 checked and it came back 95, which is severely deficient, and I'm eating a lot of meat! I'm on B12 injections now. OMG what a Heart palpitations...GONE. Fatigue....GONE. Dropping things....STOPPED. Memory problems....GONE. I can't thank you enough. No one thought to check for it.


I am from the UK where we have the National Health, the word health in this instance should be sickness. I asked my doctor if he would test me for B12 and he refused and told me I was wrong even to consider it. I can't go to another doctor, we are stuck with whatever doctor we get, unless we pay for private treatment which very few can afford. If it wasn't for you Dr Ken I would be walking around feeling like I was dying. Changing to a Keto diet and boosting my B12 with a high dose supplement has really improved matters. Being 75, every time I saw a doctor they would tell me that it was my age and these things happen as you grow older. I decided to sod the lot of them and do my own research. Thank you for all your help.


I'm 72yr. old and was feeling really tired all the time and sleeping 12 hr. whereas normally 6-7 hr. sleep was enough. A friend mentioned that she had the same thing and her doctor recommended she take B Vitamins which solved the problem so I started taking B6+B12 with Folic Acid and within 24hr. noticed a great improvement. Now I'm waking up feeling refreshed after 7 hr. sleep. Hope this helps someone.


When a woman complains of low energy they say it’s normal because your a mom. All moms are tired. We need more drs like this one.


I had horrible depression for years which got worse after having my daughters. I also suspected back then basing on my symptoms that I had underactive thyroid and I've read that I am more likely to be B12 and D3 deficient because of that so I started to supplement both of them in high doses (1000-2000 mcg methylcobolamine and 10.000 IU D3) and after 18 months I realised I am not depressed anymore.


#1 neuropathy ... I had this. It started just once in a while and progressed to all the time every day over the course of a couple of years. All my doctor said was, "You must be diabetic, " despite my 5.0 Hgb A1c. I finally found a way to get my B12 checked without that doctor's "permission" and found out just how deficient I was ... due to gluten! After going gluten-free (and supplementing with vitamin B12), I have been neuropathy-free for almost 5 years!


I have been misdiagnosed for years, which has caused muscles tightness and atropy, hyper-mobility and all over pain. They finally tested everything and then did the test to see I has pernicious anemia. I am slow recovering and rebuilding my life, but slowly depleting B12 over a life was making me disable. Hopefully this video will also help others advocate for their health. I know B12 can be low for many reason, my situation was not detected for over 20 years, only impacting every system in my body. Thank you for your video and trying to help others.


Thank you. I have burning in my feet, low energy, depression, loss of balance, Tinitus, and Irritability.


I have all these 7 symptoms! Thank you so much Dr. Berry. I just now started taking B-12. I had that burning numbness in both bottom of my feet and I immediately felt a relief. Wow! this is Godsend info. Praying for Dr. Berry. You are a gift to many, like me.


i told my doctor about it, and i got nowhere. took supplement, and problem solved.


I went to my Doc 10 years ago and told her my fatigue might be B-12 deficiency. She was a new Doc, just finished her residency. So she sent me to a Endocrinologist, who basically refused to do any tests and said I LOOKED fine. So I went back to my Doc and she said she would research the test that my mother had taken to find her B-12 deficiency. It’s called a Methymalonic acid test. My score was 885. When I went in for the results, she said she was surprised that I had the energy to come in. She put me on B-12 injections, and after about 6 weeks, I felt infinitely better. That was 12 years ago, and I still take my B-12. Combined with my hypothyroidism, which my mom also has, and we are both meat eaters, we both feel so much better. My pharmacist said B-12 and hypothyroidism are very common together. Check it out.


Numbness in my hands and feet brought me here. Thank you!


I got my first vitamin B12 injection yesterday. I already have so much more energy and clearer vision


Members of my female family via our maternal lineage suffer from autoimmune Pernicious Anaemia. My mother's GP refused to treat her routinely, kept taking blood samples following her B12 shots and stopping treatment claiming her blood was 'normal'. My mother went without B12 sometimes for a seven months to a year between. She ended up losing so much weight that she had to be placed onto a drip in hospital (she was basically a skeleton, just around four stone in weight). Her body deteriorated and she was diagnosed with several other conditions. Her GP still kept playing around with her regular shots, despite a hospital consultant (in the U.K.) stating that they were to be followed. Her GP insisted on prescribing antidepressants even though depression was a symptom of her irregularly treated condition.

Nine years later she was diagnosed with vascular dementia because my repeated requests to take her declining mental health seriously were ignored. I even printed out medical information regarding B12 and mental health decline with recommendations on how to reverse those for the GP, but she was 'too afraid' to overdose my mother with the vitamin and refused to see the link between dementia and it; even when the Head of Haematology at King's College in London (prestigious) had advised me that high and regular doses could be administered regularly to see if the early onset dementia could be reversed (there is a small window of opportunity), that many GPs treated it wrongly and that any GP who told me there was no link between dementia and B12 deficiency was wrong (that it was well documented).

Nothing I begged for was permitted.

My mother eventually declined to the point that I could no longer care for her (violent outbursts also being a major issue; I had young children). Two years later, after a suspected stroke, she passed from a pulmonary embolism.

The only book which helped to inform me at the time was Sally Pacholock's Could It Be B12.

There are so many different deficiencies, particularly today with modern living and diets (many people socially drink a lot, take prescription drugs and eat a substandard diet), which are often the root cause of symptoms diagnosed as something else or which contribute to that. I have known so many people who go to visit their doctor and are not thoroughly investigated and diagnosed with a condition which meds are thrown at. They then deteriorate and require further prescriptions.
The entire situation has given me zero faith in most doctors and medicine.

It is great to see doctors like this one but we need far, far more. There simply are not enough and the ones most of us encounter are arrogant and apathetic, often refusing to listen and patronise you when you attempt to raise these issues. As a result, the last time I saw a doctor for myself was over thirteen years ago.
