Starting Antidepressants for the First Time - Sertraline Zoloft

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I started my medication again after a short break and know it would be useful for lots of people if they are starting antidepressants for the first time! I hope you find it useful to see how the Sertraline (Zoloft) starts to take effect. If this is your first week of sertraline, this might reassure you that you are part of a community of people sharing an experience. I have always shared my experiences of using Sertraline and particularly the side effects.
I'm currently prescribed 50mg sertraline daily and today is day zero. Let's go!

If you are taking an antidepressant for the first time and need support please follow along with my story and use the comments section to start a discussion or seek advice. Taking an SSRI can be a challenging experience in the first few weeks so the less alone you feel, the better! If you are interested in the side effects of Zoloft, this is a good place to start. Zoloft is a brand name for Sertraline so our experiences might be quite similar. The side effects of Sertraline can include sickness, fatigue, vivid dreams and some increased experience of emotional highs & lows. If you are scared to start taking Sertraline or worried about any of the side effects of antidepressants then seek help from your GP. Taking Sertraline for the first time shouldn't be an experience you do alone, so please join my Journey and share yours with me!

#sertraline #zoloft #mentalhealth

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Today is my day zero. The fear is real and this is my first time ever. Thank you for the videos


I'm on week 6. Started on 25mg and about 2 or 3 weeks ago I started on 50mg. I'm feeling so good now that I don't even think about my medication anymore. Like before I would think "oh I'm on anxiety/anti depressant meds and now I just take my daily pill and be happy. I feel like my emotions are a little dubbed down like I don't have as much emotion but I'm feeling good. Good luck on your journey, you can make it through the first few terrible weeks. Youre not alone :)


The first 2 weeks you're going to feel nothing but side effects, DO NOT GET DISCOURAGED! it's normal so you just have to tuff it up. It will be worth it at the end.


I am thinking about taking Antidepressants for the first time, so I am thankful that you filmed this. I will watch it now...


It was my first day yesterday and I was both sleepy and in a weird euphoric fog, it actully did bring a panic attack on cause I was a bit dizzy, maybe i should switch to night. But I'm happy to know I'm not the only one that is scared.


Day zero for me here. Praying for all of us. Thanks for initiating this channel. There is a lot of fear.


Hi there everyone!! ;) Today is day 0 for me, I've just taken my first pill (50mg) 30min ago and I am feeling really nervous about whats to come, but I know that this is a big step in the right direction of recovery. It's times like these with COVID-19 and isolation being a major issue with so many of us that finding a ''balance'' between taking a covid risk to see friends and family OR isolating yourself from everyone and suffering mentally can be a hard decision to make. My partner suffers from Asthma so we have been extremely careful since March this year and this has hit me in a way I never expected. Thank you Alex for putting these videos up as it's so good to know that I'm not alone in this. Make sure you are around people who love you and know that you're in a place where you are safe. Be strong everyone and stay positive :) BTB


Thank you so much for this video. I'm happy to know that I'm not the only one feeling "the fear" on day 0. My partner just left me and I'm doing this for the first time all alone. I've been putting off taking my first dose for a week after dealing with depression for a lifetime...


I know this is an old video, but I took my first pill last night. This series makes me hopeful.


I’m grateful I found this video. I picked up my prescription today but think I will wait to start until after final exams.


These videos are not new anymore, but this is day 0 for me, I just took my first (ever) 25mg of sertraline and I'm super nervous about what's to come, I even got my prescription a month ago but only started today. I'm so grateful for these videos bc it makes me feel less alone


Just finished my 4th day on Zoloft. I have definitely felt the side effects but they seem to be getting better already. I am still very anxious and depressed but realize the medication takes at least a month before most of the benefits come through so I will continue the journey! I started of on 25mg for 2 weeks and then I go up to 50mg. Have a follow up with my doctor in 4 weeks and will go from there! Thanks for the videos! Peace and Love!


I’m so happy I found your channel. I needed to see these videos. I’ve been struggling. I’m on day 7.


Today is my day zero. Im so anxious. 'm taking my first pill as I watch this, my name is Daniela, and when you said Daniela I was so shocked! but it helped me feel double supported. Thank you for making these videos.


Day 1 for me - i am on 50mg. Took my first one yesterday afternoon & I felt exhausted an hour after i took it and had to have a nap. Then when i went to be i couldn't sleep until 4am. But woke up really well rested. Today i have had headaches/feeling bit jittery, not much appetite at all and felt a little bit nauseous earlier.


My Day 0 right now! about to take my first 50 MG dose ever. thanks for this video.


I took it for the first time this morning and went to take the dog for a walk, and felt this insane fear come over me out of nowhere for an hour. Going to talk to my doctor tomorrow


I just discovered your channel! Today is my day 1 and I am feeling okay mentally but I am experiencing nausea, headache, and fatigue. The doctor said it should go away in a few days so I am hoping for the best!


Thank you so much for this channel, it's literally the most supportive and welcoming thing I've found so far online around sertraline! I must admit I have also been anti SSRI's my whole life. Started experiencing anxiety at 13 (now 31) but found it to become a lot more debilitating with age despite experimenting with every natural anti-anxiety approach under the sun. Anyway finally decided to take the plunge and hopefully say goodbye to the little sh*t for good with sertraline. Been massively worried about the side effects and spent the past couple of days reading pretty terrible reviews online and chatting to mates to get their opinions, but your channel was an absolute god send of a find :-) I took my first 25mg this morning and will watch your daily diary over the coming month, sort of makes it feel like I'm not doing it alone, so thank you! Side effects for me so far are fast heart and quite shaky / tremor, nauseous and a bit dizzy. Found exercising this morning to help though! Got all my fingers crossed that insomnia won't be a side effect for me, as I've read it can be for some :-/ Thanks again!


i’m taking my first pill tomorrow, i’m super nervous, thank you for easing that a little :)
