How To Select a Strain Gage – The Matrix Backing.
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In this iLearn video, Darryl explains about strain gage matrix backings.
The principal component which determines the operating characteristics of a strain gage is the strain-sensitive alloy used in the foil grid. However, the alloy is not in every case an independently selectable parameter. This is because each Micro-Measurements strain gage series (identified by the first two, or three, letters in the alphanumeric gage designation) is designed as a complete system. That system is comprised of a particular foil and backing combination, and usually incorporates additional gage construction features (such as encapsulation, integral leadwires, or solder dots) specific to the series in question.
The principal component which determines the operating characteristics of a strain gage is the strain-sensitive alloy used in the foil grid. However, the alloy is not in every case an independently selectable parameter. This is because each Micro-Measurements strain gage series (identified by the first two, or three, letters in the alphanumeric gage designation) is designed as a complete system. That system is comprised of a particular foil and backing combination, and usually incorporates additional gage construction features (such as encapsulation, integral leadwires, or solder dots) specific to the series in question.