Pay Attention to the SIGNS of the UNIVERSE!

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In today's quick video we'll talk about why it's just so important that you pay attention to the signs of the universe. Enjoy!

My name is Andrea Schulman and I am a LOA coach and educator from Raise Your Vibration Today. I work with people to help them use the Law of Attraction with success.

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XO, Andrea
Law of Attraction Education

pay attention to the signs of the universe | signs of the universe | law of attraction signs | signs from the universe
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XO, Andrea


Trust the universe. Use intuition and go with the flow


“If you feel call to do something then do it, if you don’t feel call to do something then don’t do it” thank you 🙏 namaste 🙏


The universe is ALWAYS communicating with us, we are constantly receiving signs, we just need to be AWARE and see them, acknowledge them 💕 listen to your INTUITION always.


This is so true. I receive messages all the time from the universe. Especially the repeating numbers. I also follow my intuition as well. The universe is always speaking to us. We are never alone.  After my husband and I was homeless since 2016.  We were already awaken.  I started seeing repeating numbers, feathers, half of a rainbow, flickering of lights, and animals. I also was meditating, praying, manifesting, listening to videos, reading spiritual books, writing down and saying affirmations. And we changed our reality. I manifested our apartment. I realize now that we lost our apartment for a reason. Nothing happens by accident. Also started writing 10 things that I was grateful for despite our circumstance.  On Friday December 21st, 2018 we moved into our apartment. I was called by God/universe to write this book about our journey. Writing is my passion. So many people was telling me to write our story. And it was a sign from the universe.  At first I wrecking my brain for a title.  Then one day in the shower the universe gave me the title.  God has placed so many people in our path to help. And we are just blessed, humble and grateful for all the help from God/universe and from the people we have met.  Thank you for this video. I am highly intuitive and I pick up on other people's energy.  I am also an empath. I can tell when something is wrong with people when I am around them without them even saying anything.


My morning was completely derailed nothing went as planned. Ended up running an errand early and ran into a friend I hadn’t seen in 10 years🙂


This video in itself is a sign from the universe. Wow! 😂


I read about this topic of the universe nudging you as a sign of intiuition years ago. The story I will never forget is a woman about to go on a long drive suddenly felt compelled to buy a Donut. She thought It was ridiculous but gave into the urge by stopping at a gas station. Because she stopped at the gas station it was only then she realized she didn't have enough gas in her tank and filled up. Had she not stopped she wouldn't have run out of gas and been stuck on the side of the road. That story not only reminds me to listen to that nudge from the universe but it also reminds me to eat more donuts! Ha.


I have been experiencing this lately with my last few coversongs. The songs were ones I had no intentions on covering but got inspired to do them out of the blue. Next thing you know the mainstream artists themselves noticed and liked them. My inner talk also has become amazing, and I always affirm that I’m always noticed by the most famous singers. It’s amazing being consciously aware enough to put all the pieces together before things unfold.


"Finding this channel is one of the signs of the universe that, I decided to pay attention to." Excellent video!


I agree with you. I wanted to reach out to someone and clearly heard a small voice say, no let them show their still. Patience will work if you work it. Thank you


I see multiple synchronous numbers everyday for months and it’s overwhelming


Been into the law of attraction since a real bad year last year. Things are finally lifting and i feel like I’ve been guided to your channel ! Love your video’s so much x


Thank you so much. I consider myself a very sensitive person, yet I always overthink things instead of listening to my heart, I think that's why I've been dealing with anxiety and a lot of "bad" stuff. I don't know why I tend to do that. But I'm very tired now, and I'm willing to listen to the universe and my heart once for all, even if sometimes doesn't make sense to me. 💜💜💜💜


Three months ago, signs were pointing to a new home. I grabbed the opportunity and here I sit watching you on my new patio. First time homebuyer at 53!


I ignored every sign when it came to buying a certain home. I even got a rare cancer because of the stress of the house. I begged and begged the universe for a sign and to help us out of our horrible situation. My in-laws asked if we wanted the home that we were inheriting. It was a HUGE SIGN! We sold our home and took the home we were inheriting.


Everything is energy!!! This video came after a conversation I had about something that's been calling me and you are just confirming everything now. 🙆‍♀️🙆‍♀️ I legit attracted this video into my life. The signs are too loud now. I have heard.


The universe is what I follow in my life. It will take or lead you on your way! It’s the only way! Blessings to you


I passed the test; I also sometimes pick up on law of attraction for those close to me. My friend was gifted a wonderful car unexpectedly by an estranged dying relative at a time when she had no working vehicle (amazing).


Absolutely correct! I had to come full circle with myself and pick up on the signs that I had to learn a certain prospect in my path of mortal existence
