Mistakes I Keep Making | BRUTAL HONESTY (minimalism, life, habits...)

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Today I'm sharing some of the mistakes I'm fully aware that I make that I keep making. :)


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I used to feel bad about the bed thing but Dawn from the minimal was actually recently saying that there’s a recommendation that you should “air your bed out” when you get up to prevent the accumulation of mites and whatever else! So that’s my policy now - air out the beds, and if they get made later, great! If not, I frankly don’t care too much 😂


Our beds need to breathe. Don’t make the bed, open the window, let it air out. Make your bed at lunch time once the sheets and mattress have had a chance to breathe.


I just make my bed when I feel like it. Never changes my day in anyway. 🙂


The CDC needs to be corrected on many things. The American standard diet is the problem. Eating processed food and too much sugar is our problem. Go for a walk, stop eating junk food and sugar; eating real food is the easiest way to stay fit and healthy.


I keep a lonely short sock in my bag to keep my glasses in. So easy and doesn't take up much space.


About the bed. I lived long enough to say making the bed never had any influence over my day.
But, I do fold the top layer in half in the morning allowing the bed to breathe and it looks kinda ok.


I love your videos, but this one is my favorite! Thank you for your honesty and humility, and dispelling the shame around not constantly being in self-improvement mode. Sometimes we just need to be okay with who we are right now. Whether you make your bed every morning or not does not define your character! For so long I have been trying to get into consistent routines, but I have decided that it is better for my mental health to not be so rigid about routines. Some habits stick, and some don't. There are some things I do daily without fail, like cleaning my kitchen because it truly makes my life better. I used to hate doing it but now I love it because it gives me an instant mood boost. But there are other places in my home that have been neglected and need some serious decluttering and cleaning. I used to be so consumed by shame over this. Most of the clutter is the result of many years of extremely difficult family challenges that resulted in depression. I used to look at the clutter and feel like such a failure. Now I know that I will get to it eventually, and I am not ashamed about it anymore. Letting go of the shame allows grace to enter my life, and grace helps me to change.


As I watch this it makes me think that since I struggle to get any beds made in our house lol maybe the better solution (for me) is to, intentionally, have bedding that doesn't look "messy" when it is unmade. ❤


the morning bed making 3:55 thing is very american!!!

i make my bed in the evening before i hop into the shower. it's part of my winding down routine


"Not Looking my best today" ... girl, you look gorgeous!!! ❤


Definaltly resonates. We need to have grace with ourselves and let self be human. You’re right… one doesn’t always need to be bettering themselves or doing more. Learning to be in the moment can be challenging because we are thinking about the next thing and what needs to be next and next, next, next 😮 It’s ok for certain (certain) things to be accepts and not always challenged and/or changed. And sometimes in the accepting is the “fix”.


GREAT topic, insightfully done! 😀👏👏👏It's a myth commonly perpetuated in our self-improvement obsessed culture that if we can just perfect our habits then happiness and success will surely follow. But in reality, radical self-acceptance that I'll probably never change certain things has added more joy and (ironically) productivity to my life than self-flagellation ever did! ❤😃❤

I'm a hot mess most days in *many* ways (lack of exercise and my unmade bed included ; - ), but somewhere along the way I realized that a lot of happy people I admire are NOT fitspirational overachievers with Pinterest-style homes. And I've even been one of those imperfect happy people myself! 

I've *experienced* being respected at work despite ADHD, time blindness, and piles of unfiled papers on my desk. I've had a loving longterm relationship and great sex as a fat person with body image issues 😍❤‍🔥🤩, and I've sustained decades-long friendships despite my genuine inability to tell a story without rambling (luckily, I'm also a good listener! : - ).

The myths about who I supposedly have to be to be "acceptable" still enter my mind constantly, but one habit I know is worth my time is weeding my mental garden!
That and exercise. I really want to get consistent with exercise again... ; - D



Hi Elin, I'm with ya on the sunglasses thing! I have resorted to cheap-o and even dollar store sunglasses and that's fine with me. : )


I have that Madewell purse with the big pocket on the front. I can slip my glasses in and out and if those are the only thing I keep in there, then they don’t get scratched. Loved this video!


Making my bed is definitely ‘mood related’. There’s enough we have to worry about…….don’t stress about it!
Besides……I may want a nap later. 😉


I am with you on the exercise routine regimen. I am definitely not consistent but I always try to be mindful of what my body is telling me too. If I need sleep more then I should prioritize that instead of my workout that day (just as an example)! And sometimes life just gets busy. Nothing wrong with that and not even a mistake! Giving ourselves self compassion here is great. Side note: I do like to talk to one of my coworkers about our exercises. It helps motivate us both to keep it up at times 😊


I knew it! I knew that I saw you on a former channel - named slice of light - right!? ❤ Loved it then and love your channel now! ❤ My twin sister went into full blown, debilitating fibromyalgia following Covid. It breaks my heart.
Thank you for sharing your MS story. I actually grieved for you too because I was so sure you were the girl from the channel I used to watch. Thoughts and prayers for navigating this, and God bless you. Again, thank you ❤! I love your views on life 😊.


When I subscribe to a free trial for a channel or Audible or something like that, I put a reminder in my phone calendar a few days before the subscription ends, so I'll remember to cancel it (or decide if I want to keep it). This has saved me a lot of money.


i loved your old channel name, AND i'm so happy you claimed your youtube identity! you are an excellent educator and provide top/notch content

i keep thinking of pins with your name:
erring lesser & lesser

as in we are making fewer misteps


Elin your hair is totally OK ! Love that natural look!
