Reunification Camps: Exposing the Alienation Industry

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In the Family Court System, reunification camps are very much the "troubled child or troubled teen industry" however, these are not troubled children or troubled teens. These are children who want to be heard, who deserve to be heard and who become a threat when they try to use their voice to advocate for themselves.

We need to stop infantilizing children and teenagers -- and we need to place their safety at the forefront of family court decision making. We need to place children's rights above parental rights. Children's rights are human rights.


#breakingcodesilence #WildernessCamps #ReunificationCamps #Alienation #troubledteenindustry #JusticeForMayaAndSebastian #endreunificationcamps #ParentalAlienation #ParentalAlienationSyndrome
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I’m a woman and have an abuser narcissist who HAS alienated my 12 yr old son for his running buddy with women. It has been heart wrenching, not every alienated is the offender. It’s a pawn, it’s been him controlling me since the day I have been married to him. My child had a massive bond until I had a massive brain injury and right side partially paralyzed I recovered from, and his Dad kidnapped him from me while I was recovering. I should have never trusted it. I had sole custody, he never paid child support, bought clothing, needs ect, gambling and women is what he did with his money. The fact I have court dates put back for 7 months now without a hearing is insanity. My voice is not heard, as my calls are blocked ect. Mothers worst nightmare. The court system is disgusting to even allow this as he has the attorney who is best buds with the judge, sickens me the system is rigged.


So what do you call it Tina when the preferred parent actually IS coaching and IS alienating from the other parent In conjunction with the most important fact that the other parent was not and is not abusive?


From what I have read of these reunification camps I believe they are traumatising for the children. When I was a child my parents separated for a short while and then got together again. The reason for the separation was my father discovered infidelity.
They kept the marriage alive for a few more years, however my father was very stressed and started drinking more.
When he discovered that there was further infidelity he ended the relationship and asked my mother to leave the family home.
Myself and two siblings did not have very much contact with our mother after she left the family home. I myself did not rebuild that relationship until years later.
All three children stayed in the family home with our father. He did not cope very well with the emotional trauma and became alcohol dependant.
There was no parental alienation, just a case in which the children as teenagers had decided not to keep in touch with our mother.


I firmly believe that all courts should enforce a law that if a child refuses contact with its non-custodial parent, the court should immediately change custody. In a marriage, we don't ask children if they want to live with their dad or mom, that rule should apply after the divorce unless you can prove to the court that the relationship is harmful to the children.


This is horrific. I’m physiologically sick


I'm a kid in this system. They're forcing me into a plethora of traumatic meetings and events, they have called me to my face, a brat, a liar, and even told me what I have to say doesn't matter. And come hell or high water when I'm an adult I will do everything in my power to rid these monsters of their authority in this system.


It is rarely in the best interest of the child, to completely sever ties with a parent.

If the other parent was domestically abused, and the child is a witness, then you are correct that the child is thereby also a victim of abuse.

Where there is/was abuse, children should have a right to continue a supervised relationship with the parent, as long as the benefits of doing so, outway concerns for the child's mental welbeing.


my uncle, who i lived with for a while as an adult, beat his wife terribly and wasn't great to his kids. he was an abuser, loved to hurt anything weaker than he was, never became decent, ever in his life... couple years before he died i caught him looking for CSAM the one time he ever used the internet. but the "alienation" thing as a natural extension of DARVO and just what abusive parents say, like you're saying here, makes it make a lot of sense. when he'd get drunk and rant about my cousins, he'd say their mom poisoned them against him, etc. and, maybe she did? i mean, i cant imagine she had anything good to say about him, he was terrible, he abused and humiliated her for amusement and god knows what else. but i do remember my cousin once telling me when we were still kids, that he witnessed him abusing her, i know that THAT made a deep impact on him, and i think that witnessing that abuse was what made them have extreme feelings about their abusive father... not anything they heard their mother say. these would be memories from when he was very little, formative stuff. and i know seeing any kind of violence as a kid makes a deep impression.

well wasnt expecting to learn something new today but, i guess this is a subject worth knowing just this something about.


That’s super interesting and I’m definitely interested in learning more. I am the age now that my mother was when she separated and divorced my drug addict father. My brother was 10, I was 8 and my sister was 5. We were tied up in the family court system with mandated counseling and had to tell the court our preferred parent. The visitation schedule was exhausting and I eventually stopped visiting all together after a traumatic holiday visit. My decision to avoid serious romantic relationships or even the thought of having kids has a lot to do with those experiences. I can’t imagine if my siblings and I were ever abducted, gaslit and forced away from our mother. That would have been insane as my dad’s drug abuse really only worsened over the years. So having gone through the family court system with a better understanding as an adult, I’m definitely interested in this issue and how it affects children of abusive narcissistic parents.


This goes against everything we know in terms of attachment needs and how important it is for the children to have a main attachment figure / caregiver. This kind of approach is coercive in and of itself and reminds of the residential schools where native were sent after being plucked away from their families. Any professional with proper knowledge of attachment needs and abuse pattern would see through this. There is a critical needs for educating the system about abuse, its mechanisms and how trauma manifests, especially in children. Also, as yoou mention, abusers operate in a very systematic way. How similar the attack patterns are should alone help courts and professionals to see the abuser from the victim.


Mine did this immediately when being confronted whats so ever you could tell itbwas so thought out. Like he knew he was abusive enjoyed it and knew he needed an alibi from the start type of processing. It's so gross. I'm so glad this is coming to light bc it is so scary as some one who has endured abuse and children's safty. It's not easy to ask for help.


Richard Gardner was ill. Stop this ill abuse please. The court said is a good group. We got the theory prohibited here now in Germany Italy and GB. Please work on this as well.


I’m a 23 year old but was 8 when I told my mom I was tired of my bio dad’s drinking and him ignoring me every visitation and to think if he didn’t stop seeing me himself and wanted to use my mom and adopted dad as a pawn he could have easily ordered me to this reunification therapy. Its sick!!


And to see that the children are being punished for the actions and relations of the parents is also absolutely outrageous😮


I’m a man who has 3 daughters and their mother has narcissistic personality and sociopath behaviours. Its sad to see all this work done without sex discrimination. The empowerment and low self esteem can also be bad for a mother’s behaviour to her children. No comments on equality, justice, respect and professionalism from me here 😅


My abusive mother, abusive enough that my Dad got full custody of my sister and I, abusive enough that she would be in jail for over a decade if she were a man, got into this parental alienation crap. While she abused me I had that all too common Stockholm syndrome of fear combined with a twisted kind of love. After she threatened to kill my Dad with a knife, only a culminating incident that was one of many my Dad secretly had to film to get evidence, and she was arrested, the love finally died. They made us go to reunification therapy. It was there that fear turned to hate.


I agree. This process seems harsh and unproductive. I will bet that there are some success stories, which are omitted from these videos. I know first hand that parental alienation is real and does need to be addressed.


It truly is completely complex on all levels 😢💜🙏💜


:( I was labeled as “ negative gatekeeper “


If i was a child who didnt want to live with. lets say, mom. What would happen if i said "I will kill her if i live with her" and your adamant of killing them. Would they still make you live with mom?
