Minecraft Java/Bedrock CrossPlay - It's NOT Looking Good...

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With GeyserMC, minecraft cross platform play between bedrock and java became a reality. But, almost 2 years later, and most servers still don't support bedrock players, with many banning you for joining on bedrock...

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0:00 – Intro
0:40 – What is Geyser MC?
1:28 – Major Differences Between Bedrock and Java
2:21 – The Issues
5:04 – More Annoying Issues
7:13 – Major Issues
9:12 – Lag/Performance

Music Used:
1. Scott Buckley - Race the Sun
3. C418 - Stal
4. C418 - Strad
5. Youtube Audio Library - Eyes of Glory

If there is any content in this video which you own and would like removed, than please contact me and I will be happy to oblige.

#minecraft #bedrock #crossplatform
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I want to reiterate that many of the issues aren't really geysers fault, and what they have managed to do is truly amazing.

Join my server, the SMP is bedrock compatible!
IP: og-network.net (1.8-1.18)


Bugs and glitches aside, the fact that geysermc has managed to link 2 completely separate platforms is momumental


One of the Geyser developers here. A couple of things I would like to mention:

- Spectator mode is implemented with Geyser, and there is native Bedrock support for it coming in the future.
- We do have a workaround for offhand - either the /geyser offhand command or enabling the setting where you can emote to swap the items in your hands.
- Chat clicking is currently a Bedrock limitation.
- Hypixel (being the biggest Minecraft server in the world) has the most strict anticheat in general; it's not specific to Geyser players and I've seen it affect other protocol projects in the community (some block Hypixel's IP outright; we just have a warning in the console for players to proceed at their own risk).
- Specifically, the RAM issue is likely attributed to us needing to cache chunk data on any Geyser platform that doesn't use the Spigot plugin. Setting up a server on Spigot with the Geyser plugin and while there will be some overhead it shouldn't be as bad and we're always looking to improve.
- There is a config option within Geyser that (attempts to) block the Bedrock bridging mentioned in this video. It's... definitely not perfect, though, from what I know. We have a few issues up on our issue tracker claiming issues still persist. If anyone is able to improve it further from our end (without modifying server behavior), contributions are always welcome. And if a solution does modify server behavior, then we can stick it on our community projects page.

I'm really proud of how far Geyser has been able to come. You're absolutely right that the plugin is in an amazing spot for people who just want to play on an SMP with their friends. 1.8 is tougher in the end just because the way Geyser works, it emulates a 1.18 Java player, so combine that with years of updates and 1.8 brings an extra set of issues. Pull requests are always welcome on our end to fix known bugs and issues - I'm especially curious to know the cause of that packet spoof issue.
I'm always looking to try to get Geyser improved and make it the best it can be. Any help with that is greatly appreciated! Thanks for the ultimately positive conclusion.


I really hope that one day there can be a time where Mojang finds a way to have complete parity between both versions and being able to merge them together. Obviously there's no way that's happening in the near future, but hey, it's a fun thought.


There are options provided by Geyser. For examples, Disable Bedrock Bridging and Ability to put any item in offhand.
Yes the lag and performance is a really issue but for people like us we have no other option.


By the way, you don’t need to click much to bridge fast. There are multiple ways to HOLD your mouse button and JUMP SPRINT while bridging with EASE.


Hopefully at least most of the differences in the vanilla game are fixed (I believe they at least are changing the damage and armor calculation on bedrock in 1.19 though there's no attack cooldown yet)


I think the biggest problem, although its been stated many times, is that despite both games being named similarly, these are two completely different games. The GeyserMC documentation says it best:

"With Geyser being a protocol translator between two different games with two different codebases, there are a handful of limitations that Geyser is unfortunately unable to handle. Despite Minecraft Bedrock and Java being quite close in comparison, there are some vast differences in many areas."

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't believe the premise of GeyserMC is to allow parity between non-vanilla servers. Bugs and/or issues in this plugin only occur in abundance in servers with plugins, but those plugins were not designed with the intent of using Geyser. Because of this, the Geyser plugin would most likely conflict with that plugin, similarly to if you use 2 conflicting mods in singleplayer for example.

I agree with the points you make in your video, but your overall conclusion doesn't sit right with me. You make out the problem to be with Geyser rather than the compatibility of the plugins with Geyser. If plugin developers wanted to make their plugins compatible with Geyser, I find it likely that they could do so.

They GeyserMC project is open source which allows it to be both forked by anybody and inspected by developers. Along with its "documentation", developers could possibly use these resources to code separate Java and Bedrock editions of a plugin to handle requests depending on what client the player connects with, although this is just pure speculation.


Never knew about that exploit with the duping on the server, dang. The only thing that I have noticed with bedrock players on the server is the reduced rates from farms on the server, >:( This video does give me insight to the issues with the bedrock compatibility and I will have much more grace and understanding to the wonderful mods, great vid as always!


I'm also kinda waiting for Java to get some of Bedrock's better multiplayer features -- saving friends, inviting friends to your own worlds with a click, and Bedrock-level optimisation!


Having run a small server of a mix of 30 Java and Bedrock players, it's definitely a challenge. I think a fair amount of my issues were resolved by swapping the prefix for bedrock players. "*" Just isn't comprehendible to some plugins.


As a bedrock player who literally just doesn’t own a computer so I CANT play on Java, I just wanted to say thanks for making this video. It was very frustrating when I wanted to play on servers with my friends but couldn’t because they played on Java edition. Then finally it was possible to do cross play and I got very exited, but not many servers even added it, and I didn’t understand why, until now. I understand the issues with bedrock compatibility and I thank you for bringing them up and explaining them. Hope you get to 400k soon man!


I played on a server with Geyser a few months back. I'm normally a Java player, but I booted up Win 10 edition to try it out. There was a bug where I was completely invisible to Java players but could still interact with the world and mess with them. It was pretty hillarious and I trolled my friends for a few hours as a "ghost". They didn't suspect me at all since I wasn't an admin, and they thought it was an admin abusing /vanish. The gig was up when they killed me (they could hit me without seeing me) and the name of my alt account was revealed in chat.


While I love bedrock compatibility, it is an absolute PAIN to play with on OG sometimes


I am so happy about this development, I have so many friends that use bedrock only and that use Java only, I love the fact that me and my entire friend group can play together now ❤


For SOME reason, I imagine "Java version" and "Bedrock version" as if they were two different versions of Pokémon games (say, Red and Blue for instance)... I imagine "You can get the Nether reactor core only in Bedrock version" as if... But they are not Pokémon games, they are just different programming languages (Java is Java and Bedrock is C++)


I was wonderning how the combat works and the bridgeing nice video


One thing that we have found can help compatibility with voting sites and older plugins, is setting the bedrock prefix to a period `.` as appose to an asterisk. It's still an "illegal" character that Java players cannot use in their username, but plugins and sites seem to like it more. It can be changed in the floodgate config, and you may need to delete `usercache.json` if you do change it.

Good job on the video!


mister epic, i have nostalgia from your videos just because you use the old textures which makes me wanna cry :D

(thanks for the good content bro)


You can do more than speed bridge one bedrock

There is an easy glitch which allows players to built 10 block up while standing at the bottom of the tower (like stacking scaffolding) with this large walls can be built without risking exposure to bows
