Dietitian Myrna Explains How Sugar is NOT the root cause of type 2 Diabetes! & what to do about it.

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Myrna Responds to comments from this video:
"Dietitian Myrna Responds to Comments & Questions from her Diabetes Stream"

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Who is Myrna Haag RD,LD/N?
Myrna Haag is a registered and licensed dietitian. Myrna has earned certifications from AFFA, the Kenneth Cooper Institute, and the Bale and Doneen method for the prevention of heart attacks and strokes. She has been a trainer and certified group fitness instructor for over 45 years. Myrna has a passion for finding the most evidence-based approach for nutrition and exercise, with an effective coaching style guiding patients through a healthy lifestyle strategy for proven long-term results.

Myrna Method™ is a groundbreaking scientific pathway to embrace eating as a lifelong sustainable practice for maintaining your optimum weight. By addressing the underlying dietary biochemical imbalances, we unveil the true source of weight fluctuations. The Myrna Method™ empowers you to master the art of eating, rebalancing your body, and guiding you toward a harmonious relationship with food.Unlike temporary solutions focusing solely on calorie restriction, our approach delves into the intricate science of balanced eating. We don’t just guide you in shedding pounds; we equip you with an understanding of how dietary imbalances impact your overall health. Instead of fixating on rapid weight loss, we prioritize sustainable, personalized strategies that restore harmony to your metabolism and appetite. The Myrna Method™ isn’t about quick fixes – it’s about empowering you with the knowledge and tools to transform your relationship with food and embrace lasting well-being.

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I removed sugar and carbohydrates and my HBA1C from 10.2 to 5.2. Don't mislead your viewers


Fat satiates & prevents excess hunger. Carbs make you hungry quicker. 1:00:30


According to doctors who talk about the Carnivore Diet, the body makes enough sugar (about a teaspoon) of its own. They don’t suffer with hunger like those on carbs. 10:51


I understand you don't speak ancient Greek but Google can translate to you... Diabetes mellitus means frequent sweet urination. Sugar to the throat -> sugar in the blood -> sugar in the urine. No need to be the dietition any kind, enough to have just the high school degree...


I am always intrigued to hear different points of view. Almost four years ago I went on a keto/low carb diet, lost almost half my body weight, and improved pretty much every marker, including reversing pre diabetes, I'm now 44, and in the best health I've ever been in, I now have the odd treat, albeit very sparingly, and that works, in the past I had no capacity to say enough, and I'd argue that is the problem with sugar and carbohydrates, they turn off the ability to say enough. For me, sugar is definitely the major culprit, you eat fat, and your body quickly tells you it's full. Fair to say every single person is different?


Why do people on the Carnivore Diet, lose weight & become healthy? They eat a lot of fat. 19:41


Give anyone a sugary drink, you are going to get a crazy reaction. Your test for Diabetes & pre is far too narrow 57:23


"Every complex problem has a simple solution" and it's usually the wrong solution. Am I to believe that the diabetic crisis is all due to not eating a balanced diet? There is a huge number of people in the US who are obese but only a small percentage of them will ever become diabetic, how does that fit in your theory? I do not have the answers but I do know that having a diabetic patient eat 150-250 carbohydrates per day will be detrimental to their health.


I think the issues are pretty simple.

1. We live in a generation that does not do much physical work, and we sit a lot more than our ancestors. Our bodies therefore do not consume as much energy, so the rest of what we eat is turned to fat, and typically carbs/sugars which are great for use as energy, get consumed more than what we need. So we have a net intake of calories - especially from carbs and sugars.

2. We also have a relative abundance of food, especially carbs and sugar. Due to science improvements such as fertilizers, carbs and sugar are now so inexpensive. Especially for the poorer segments of society, or those who are uninformed, their diet is predominantly carbs and sugars, with poor attention paid to proteins and high quality fats.

3. Seed Oils - cheap and readily available, and used in cooking and processed food.

4. Processed food which has been denatured, and has tons of preservatives, and far too many ingredients, and artificial "chemicals" added. These things become toxic in the body and overload our ability to clear them out.

5. Pollutants - in the air, plastics, etc., which have an impact on our hormones.

6. Poor Immunity. So many of us live in such sterile environments that we have lost the immune response. I have not seen an ant in my home for maybe 10 years. That's a really sterile kind of place. So I am not exposed as much to viruses and bacteria that would cause my immune system to be "active" and respond. We no longer mix with others as much, and can be physically isolated - working from home, which exposes us to less challenges to our immune system. Many of us do not get much outdoor time, which would also expose us to pathogens that challenge our immune system. A strong immune system helps to reduce inflammation.

7. Poor Quality of food. Our farming methods have depleted the level of minerals, cos the soil itself is depleted. So even when we eat real food, including organic grown food, it is NOT as nutritious as food grown 100 years ago, before the invention of fertilizer. We have a huge population, and feeding that population means that food is grown with only one focus, quantity, NOT quality and density of nutrients.

8. Poor Sleep - Late nights, cos we now have electricity and the internet and television, to keep us awake in the late evenings. Centuries ago, most people would be in bed by 8 pm or 9 pm latest. Now it's normal to get into bed at midnight which is bad.

9. Lack of adequate exercise, cos we do not have to go anywhere. Things can be delivered to us. So the level of compulsory physical exercise is low.

10. Alcohol and drug use has become normal. In Europe and America, far too much use of alcohol and drugs. Far too much, and that includes smoking.

11. Antibiotics which damage the microbiome.

12. NSAIDS, which damage the kidneys - too much dependence on pain killers.

13. Confusion about what to eat, not helped by the confusion on Youtube - Vegan, Vegetarian, Carnivore, Paleo, Ketogenic, This war about diet has become religious, with everyone pitching their options as the ideal. There is consensus about a few things, no matter what you believe.

13.1 Sugar and excessive consumption of carbs is bad
13.2 A decent portion or portions of vegetable and a conservative portion of fruits, is good for us.
13.3 We should drink enough water.
13.4 Extreme diets that completely exclude or minimise certain food groups should only be used short term, as in intervention. OK to use this for dealing with specific issues, but for most people this should be a short term fix.
13.5 Eating too frequently is not the best for us.
13.6. Eating too much is not good for us.
13.7 Eating too late near to bed time, is NOT good for us.

14. Being obese or overweight is NOT good

15. Being sedentary is detrimental. We need regular movement daily and if possible several times a day.

16. Being socially disconnected is not good.

17. Regular health checks, can help detect early warning signs, so we can take corrective action.

18. Metabolically induced health outcomes, can always be improved, by taking evasive action.

19. Fasting of one form or another on a regular basis, is a great hack, to reset any excesses and maintain good health.

20. Get some sunlight and wind in your hair.

21. Live and stop devoting too much time to Social Media.


at 2 minutes, you say that the insulin receptor is broken- not true- the receptor and the insulin are both normal-


While the brain, blood and kidneys require glucose to live they are not the primary consumers of glucose. The muscles and liver are the primary consumers and storage of glucose in the form of glycogen. It is the liver that regulates basal glucose levels.
Insulin resistance is a poor definition considering the problem is a finite level of glucose storage in our bodies in the liver and muscles and our diet is high glycemic pure starch/sugar and oil habitually overwhelming the liver and mitochondria.

Habitually high levels of pure fuel sugar, starch in a system made with finite glucose storage and seed oils damage the liver and mitichondria leading to metabolic dysfunction which diabetes is just one of a number of conditions metabolic dysfunction causes. Including cancers, gum disease and tooth decay, allergies, gout, arthritis, obesity, high blood pressure.
You think its any conicidence our pets fed commercial highly refined grain foundation commercial pet food diets contend with much of these same diseases. Why do we have to brush our teeth and our pets teeth because we are the only animals on the planet eating a diet foundation of grain and seed.


There is a contradiction at 1.03.31 where the highlighted text states that beta cell are damaged in T2 which implies not producing enough insulin? Yet T2 is defined as insulin reduced sensitivity (ie excess insulin in circulation).
I am T2 (supposedly) but I am slim - no excess fat, low carb diet, walk 4 miles per day and yet I struggle at times with blood-glucose!
Your model doesn't fit my profile yet I have tested negative for LADA?


Great discussion about topics relevant for many who are often uniformed regarding pathophysiology and explain it so well...You're the best!


Thank you, Myrna! You summed this topic up well.


I believe if she stopped the excess coffee regime she seems to be on for about a month her opinions would be a lot less confusing. What about diabetes Type 1.5?


As skinny as I am, I wish excess fatty acids accumulated in my muscle cells. I just expel them through my colon if you know what I mean. I'm carnivore. Excess fats just get excreted.


27:13 again madam nutritionists. Where is this far coming from? You mentioned diet. Isn't it diet high in sugar and fructose?


Abundant FFAs in blood are consequence of fat cells being insulin resistant. In normal person, insulin blocks the release of FFAs in the blood stream. Fat cells are the first cells in the body which become insulin resistant.

Ceramides also build up as a consequence of insulin resistance and then accelerate insulin resistance (positive feedback).

Everything about this video is missleading, and potentialy harmfull for "ordenary person". If you really want to learn about it, try Ben Bikman.

Btw, I could tolerate only first 30 minutes of this nonsense, so I don't know if she mentiones Randle cycle :)


27:13 yes too much fat. But you still have not mentioned that this fat is converted from the too much sugar


I am familiar with the fat clogged cells being the cause of high glucose in the blood. But your presentation was so well done & understandable. Subscribed,
