Winfield Scott Hancock's Wounding at Gettysburg.

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It was said of Winfield Scott Hancock that he could have arrived on a battlefield in civilian clothes and started giving orders and people would obey them.

Hancock was a born leader who was nicknamed "the superb," after a report on his actions at Gettysburg stated that his " performance was superb."

Hancocks wounding at Gettysburg would effect his ability to command for the rest of the war. He continued to be the pugnacious well thought out general he was, but, with a wound to the groin he was not able to spend the hours in the saddle that were needed for a man in his position. At the Wilderness Hancock needed to be driven around in a carriage which I'm sure wounded his pride.

Like many others after the war Hancock pursued political ambitions making it to the Democratic presidential ticket in 1880.
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