What's The Best Size Rear Wheel For A Recumbent Trike?

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We explore the positives and negatives of the different size rear wheels on recumbent tadpole trikes.

Music: MydNyte by Noir Et Blanc Vie
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For me the rear wheel size is the most important factor in how good a trike looks. The larger the rear wheel, the less it looks like a grannymobile and the more it looks like a badass race car.


I watched this when you first posted and then today. It's the best YouTube introduction ever! Love your videos, and always makes me want a trike!


Finally someone covers trikes, not just scenery. Love your videos on trike equipment. Please do a comparison on direct or indirect steering.


Thank You! I am studying recumbents to purchase— this is a big help, 😊


I hadn't thought about the change in turning radius before. Interesting!


Haha. Great video. Guys like you and me have solved the problem. One of each! My first trike was a Catrike Trail( 20” on all three). Smaller, nimble, compact, easy to turn and transport.stepped up to the Catrike 559 with faster in high gears, more comfortable for longer rides, super neat looking. Just spoke with my dealer and ordering a new Catrike 700 to round out the inventory ....super lightweight buildout, best gearing available and going to run it fast. The 559 and 700 won’t turn as nimbly as the Trail, but put the 700 in high gear and I will be ripping throughout New Catrike can even build one with the parts shortage. Speaking of tires and ordered three new Schwalbe Marathon plus last November before driving from Cape Cod to Palm Beach/Boca Raton....wanted to have spares as I was approaching 5000 miles on the originals. The tires just arrived at my shop on the Cape..4 1/2 months later. I am driving back this weekend and have my service visit scheduled for Tuesday. Thanks for, your great videos. My next purchase when I get home is a great new GoPro latest model so I can ditch the iPhone camera. Then a drone ...then whatever comes next. We love our toys!


I like your attitude. Lots of folks with different strokes. They all get where they're goin'.


If I had the money and the storage, I’d have multiple trikes with a variety of tire sizes including a few with fat tires. Thanks for another great video!


I have a Catrike 559 and a Catrike Pocket. Love them both but for me the Pocket is my favorite. We live in a hilly region and it climbs much better for me than the 559. I am also 5’4 and the fit is perfect. I have no problem keeping up with the 559 either. Thank you for the video!


Great video. I have had 3 trikes with a 26” rear. Your video made me reconsider my most recent Azub Ti-FLY purchase and changed it from a 26” rear to the 20”. I ride in the city of Portland and gravel. Can’t wait to try it out when it arrives. I will report back.


Campag Record Mk1.
Another plus of 20" wheels is the lower gearing for hilly terrain, it's also a minus as you tend to spinout at lower speeds.


"Ginger or Mary Ann?" OK, I know we are about the same age.


For touring it's better to have the same tire size all around so you can carry only one spare. But let's be honest, a bigger rear tire simply looks awesome!


Great topic as usual, really enjoy your content . I have two trikes one with 20 inch wheels and another with 700c and both have radical differences in turning radius and general handling . I enjoy the 20 inch wheel for threading bike trails and city street riding, the 700 though has higher speeds but pedaling my 700 through busy city traffic is like driving a rail dragster through a parking lot and just as low ...


Man, your roads are like glass down there. No argument about wheel size here; mostly trails, so fat 26 is the way to go. Your style of cruising and high-speed stuff looks like fun!


Oh yeah 😎. So? What happened to 24 inch? Most of the delta trikes come with 24 inch on all 3 wheels. Front wheel and the 2 hollowhub rear wheels. Bought red, Kent Monterey aluminum folding delta trike with 26 inch wheels. Replaced Front Steel fork with bright 🌞 yellow 💛 Carbon fiber fork and 700c wheel with dual Sturmey-Archer hub with a internal drum brake. Nice. Looks good. 👍
Bought an older "Organic Engine" steel framed, SWB (short wheel base ), OSS (over seat steering) recumbent from Tallahassee, Florida. Came with 24 inch drive wheel and 9 speed. Converted using a $25 used Chinese 7spd trike rear-end with SunTrike 24 inch Hollowhub wheels. Used one of the 2 Bolts 🔩 (total of 4, 2x Bolts left side and 2x Bolts right side) on each side of trike-frame the axle drop outs. Re-enforced with 2x hose clamps on both sides infront of the rear axle to firmly hold the trike setup to the recumbent frame. 👌 😀 The Organic Engine came with a "60" Tooth large chain ⛓ ring triple. Was wondering 🤔 where the young lads 👦 were getting these huge 60 Tooth chain ⛓ rings they're putting on their single speed/fixey 🤔 bikes. Well they're young and dumb. Bought aluminum frame for a LWB (long wheel base) with USS (under seat steering) Recumbent (Atlanta frame builder) for Trike conversion. FYI: the Sun 🌞 Trike 14.8mm (5/8"?) Axle will fit into the Chinese trikes rear trike bearings. All the SunTrike wheels have 3x pin holes on both sides of their hollowhubs which match up with the 3x drive pins on the right, driveside of the SunTrike axle.


Thanks a very informative and practical comparison


It’s Maryann and 24” wheels. And all burgers are taboo! 😉


Now I want a burger with mustard and ketchup.

I still love my Challenge Trike. It has a 26" rear wheel. Most of the time, though, I use it with a training stand. My current car is too small to carry it. I use my Bacchetta Bella recumbent bike outdoors.


I get to answer this question definitively for myself. I'm modifying a Trident Titan to fit a 26 rear just for kicks, to see what changes. I'll be dropping the smallest chainring to a smaller size to keep my lowest gearing though. And it's a bolt on process, reversible.
